
BPSS-ELA-f logo 1st Grade (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (F) Foundations of Literacy 
(PPA) Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
Learners will accurately manipulate phonemes (sounds) in the spoken language.
ELA-01.F.07 Manipulate parts of spoken words.*

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale


  • (a.) Delete initial and final phonemes or word parts.
  • (b.) Substitute initial, medial vowel, final phonemes, or word parts.


Standard F.07: Isolating and Manipulating Phonemes (is mastered in first grade)
  • ELA-00.F.07   Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final phonemes in three-phoneme words.* 
  • ELA-01.F.07   Manipulate parts of spoken words.*

» ELA-01 Standards