
BPSS-ELA-C logo 9th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (C) Communications 
(C) Collaboration
Learners will engage in a range of discussions with various partners on relevant topics, texts, and issues.
ELA-09.C.06 Engage in respectful discussions or debates.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale


  • (a.) Listen to acknowledge varying perspectives and evaluate the speaker’s logic or argument.
  • (b.) Present or share synthesized research and information.
  • (c.) Ask and respond to questions to propel discussion.


Standard C.06: Group Discussion and Debate 
  • ELA-00.C.06   Participate in conversations by listening to others and taking turns speaking. 
  • ELA-01.C.06   Participate in conversations by listening to others and taking turns speaking about topics, continuing through multiple exchanges. 
  • ELA-02.C.06   Participate in conversations by linking comments to the remarks of others and asking questions. 
  • ELA-03.C.06   Engage in conversations by asking and answering questions using active listening skills. 
  • ELA-04.C.06   Engage in a range of discussions by using active listening skills, posing, and responding to specific questions. 
  • ELA-05.C.06   Engage in a range of discussions using active listening skills, posing and responding to specific questions to clarify information. 
  • ELA-06.C.06   Engage in a range of discussions and/or debates using active listening skills to be focused and present. 
  • ELA-07.C.06   Engage in a range of discussions and/or debates. 
  • ELA-08.C.06   Engage in a range of discussions and/or debates. 
  • ELA-09.C.06   Engage in respectful discussions or debates. 
  • ELA-10.C.06   Engage in respectful discussions or debates. 
  • ELA-11.C.06   Engage in respectful discussions or debates. 
  • ELA-12.C.06   Engage in respectful discussions or debates. 

» ELA-09 Standards