
BPSS-ELA-R logo 11th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (R) Reading 
(TA) Text Analysis
Learners will analyze, interpret, and evaluate complex literary and informational texts that include a wide variety of genres and formats.
ELA-11.R.09 Analyze the development and interaction of informational and argumentative elements over the course of a nonfiction text and how they impact purpose using strong and thorough textual evidence to support the analysis.

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  • (a.) Analyze an author's point of view or purpose and possible biases in a text; compare texts from differing perspectives; and analyze how the author's style, content, characterization, and presentation support the author's purposes.
  • (b.) Analyze and evaluate various accounts of a subject in different media, including determining which details are emphasized or omitted in each account.
  • (c.) Delineate and evaluate how a text's argumentative reasoning, rhetorical techniques, and/or logical fallacies support or undermine the author's purpose and affect the audience.


Standard R.09: Synthesis and Analysis of Informational Text 
  • ELA-03.R.09 Determine the most important points and key details presented in two nonfiction texts on the same topic. 
  • ELA-04.R.09 Integrate information from two texts on the same topic.* 
  • ELA-05.R.09 Integrate information from several texts or media on the same informational topics. 
  • ELA-06.R.09 Analyze a variety of nonfiction texts using textual evidence for support. 
  • ELA-07.R.09 Analyze a variety of nonfiction texts using textual evidence for support. 
  • ELA-08.R.09 Analyze a variety of nonfiction texts using textual evidence for support. 
  • ELA-09.R.09 Analyze the development and interaction of informational and argumentative elements over the course of a nonfiction text and how they impact purpose using textual evidence to support the analysis. 
  • ELA-10.R.09 Analyze the development and interaction of informational and argumentative elements over the course of a nonfiction text and how they impact purpose using textual evidence to support the analysis. 
  • ELA-11.R.09 Analyze the development and interaction of informational and argumentative elements over the course of a nonfiction text and how they impact purpose using strong and thorough textual evidence to support the analysis. 
  • ELA-12.R.09 Analyze the development and interaction of informational and argumentative elements over the course of a nonfiction text and how they impact purpose using strong and thorough textual evidence to support the analysis.

» ELA-11 Standards