
BPS CTE-CRP logo Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: Teamwork
Work Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence.

Open to compromise
CRP-MS.12.05 Exercise flexibility and willingness to be helpful in making necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal.

North Dakota CRP Rubrics

The Student ...

(1) Not Yet Reached Competency

... typically does not compromise with group to accomplish a common goal, and often interferes with group from meeting its full potential.

(2) Approaching Competency

... attempts to compromise with group to accomplish a common goal, but sometimes interferes group from meeting its full potential.

(3) Meets Competency

... is willing to compromise with group to accomplish a common goal.

(4) Exceeds Competency

... always demonstrates compromise, allowing the group to meet its full potential.

» CRP-MS Proficiency Scales WorkSpace