BPSS-MUSc3 logoChamberth Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c3) Category 3: Artistic Skills and Knowledge
(B) Historical and Cultural Elements
Students listen to, respond to, and perform music from a wide range of genres in a culturally authentic manner, reflecting the diverse nature of people groups and cultures across the world and in the United States, and performances demonstrate an understanding of historical and cultural contexts and reflect stylistic traditions and practice

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 4.1  Students listen to selected music from diverse cultures and musical eras.
  • 4.2  Students analyze and classify music according to style, composer, and genre. 
  • 4.3  Students perform a comprehensive repertoire of eclectic styles in a manner that reflects understanding of cultural and stylistic traditions.

» MUS-HS.c String Standards