
BPS%28CRP%29wideLOGO450x450.png Career Ready Practices
BPS_CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee

Appropriate appearance and behavior
BPS_CRP-HS.01.01 Conduct self in a respectable, appropriate manner and with proper appearance.

North Dakota CRP Rubrics

The Student ...

(1) Not Yet Reached Competency

... does not demonstrate appropriate appearance or behavior. Often does not act respectfully towards others.

(2) Approaching Competency

... attempts to demonstrate appropriate appearance and behavior. Occasionally acts respectfully towards others.

(3) Meets Competency

... demonstrates appropriate appearance and behavior. Acts respectfully towards others.

(4) Exceeds Competency

... demonstrates appropriate appearance and behavior in various settings. Always acts respectfully towards others.

» CRP-HS Competencies