
BPS%28CRP%29wideLOGO450x450.png Career Ready Practices
BPS_CRP-04: Communication
Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason

Communicating new ideas
BPS_CRP-HS.04.03 Develop, implement, and communicate new ideas to others effectively.

North Dakota CRP Rubrics

The Student ...

(1) Not Yet Reached Competency

... develops new ideas, but does not effectively implement or communicate ideas with others.

(2) Approaching Competency

... develops, implements, and attempts to communicate new ideas to others.

(3) Meets Competency

... develops, implements, and communicates new ideas to others effectively.

(4) Exceeds Competency

... develops, implements, and communicates new ideas to others effectively in a variety of conditions.

» CRP-HS Competencies