
Narrative for the Language Strand:

As they move through formal schooling, students must gain control over the many conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics. They must also learn various ways to convey meaning effectively. Language standards include the rules of standard written and spoken English as well as the use of language as craft and informed choice among alternatives.  Fourth grade students gain control over proper use of pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and other parts of speech, produce simple, compound, and complex sentences, and demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

English grammar conventions, knowledge of language, and vocabulary extend across reading, writing, speaking, and listening and, in fact, are inseparable from these contexts. As students grow in their understanding of patterns of English grammar, they can use this knowledge to make more purposeful and effective choices in their writing and speaking and more accurate and rich interpretations in their speaking and listening.

Continued work on reading comprehension standards will heighten student abilities to read more complex literature (fiction) text.  Teachers use assessment and observation to determine if students are ready to progress to more challenging reading selections.  Each child is unique, so be flexible, and trust your judgment as you assist your child.  Together teachers and parents can help students make better choices when selecting books to read.  Not all selections children read must be in the level suggested by assessment, these levels serve as a guideline.  Sometimes high interest in a topic allows success in a more difficult text, and sometimes simple text is more inviting to our children, balance is important.  Developing successful, life-long readers is our ultimate goal.


How to help your child with the standards in the Language Strand:

  • Engage your child in conversations every day. If possible, include new and interesting words in your conversation.
  • When coming across unknown words, encourage your child to use diagramslabels or reference materials (glossaries, dictionaries....) to find out what the definition is
  • Encourage your child to read on his own. The more children read, the more words they encounter and learn.
  • Encourage your child to "bump up" the vocabulary words they use in their writing.  Help them by finding synonyms for simple words (using enormous instead of the word big)


Calculation Method for Strands

Strands are larger groups of related standards. The Strand Grade is a calculation of all the related standards. Click on the standard name below each strand to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each strand's related standards.

» 4th Grade English