MAT-04 Targeted Standards (MD) Domain: Measurement and Data Cluster: Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit.
MAT-04.MD.01 Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a two-column table. For example, know that 1 ft is 12 times as long as 1 in. Express the length of a 4 ft snake as 48 in. Generate a conversion table for feet and inches listing the number pairs (1, 12), (2, 24), (3, 36), ...
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
I can
Reasoning Targets
I can
Skills (Performance) Targets
I can
Product Targets
I can
Proficiency (Rubric) Scale
Sample Activity
Student is able to
In addition to Score 3.0 performance, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding the more complex content with partial success.
“The Standard.” Student is able to
No major errors or emissions regarding 2.0 content and partial knowledge of the 3.0 content.
Student is able to
In addition to 1.0 content, student has partial knowledge of the 2.0 and/or 3.0 content.
Student is able to
Limited or no understanding of the skill id demonstrated.