MAT-04 Targeted Standards (MD) Domain: Measurement and Data Cluster: Geometric measurement: understand concepts of angle and measure angles.
MAT-04.MD.05.a Recognize angles as geometric shapes that are formed wherever two rays share a common endpoint, and understand concepts of angle measurement: An angle is measured with reference to a circle with its center at the common endpoint of the rays, by considering the fraction of the circular arc between the points where the two rays intersect the circle. An angle that turns through 1/360 of a circle is called a one-degree angle, and can be used to measure angles.
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
I can
Reasoning Targets
I can
Skills (Performance) Targets
I can
Product Targets
I can
Proficiency (Rubric) Scale
Sample Activity
Student is able to
In addition to Score 3.0 performance, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding the more complex content with partial success.
“The Standard.” Student is able to
No major errors or emissions regarding 2.0 content and partial knowledge of the 3.0 content.
Student is able to
In addition to 1.0 content, student has partial knowledge of the 2.0 and/or 3.0 content.
Student is able to
Limited or no understanding of the skill id demonstrated.