
BPSS-SST logoStandard 1:

Skills and Resources

Students apply Social Studies skills and resources.

 Narrative for the Skills and Resources

Through active learning experiences, third grade students gain knowledge and process information about their local community from a variety of resources. They identify important historical events, places, and persons from the past and make connections with their present community. Third grade students explore their own community, including its: (1) geographic location, (2) human and material resources, (3) major work and services, and (4) basic beliefs and values. Students begin to understand other communities in the state and the world through simple comparative studies. For third graders, the study of history emphasizes continuity and change. Concepts of time and space should unfold through such direct experiences as historic role playing, interviews, and the construction of simple maps and charts. Through group work and projects, students should increase communications and decision-making skills and build civic values relating to responsible community citizenship. Skills to receive special emphasis include: (1) using cardinal and intermediate directions and common map symbols; (2) locating their community, major land and water forms, and reference points on maps and globes; (3) making simple generalizations about change, both past and future, and the influence of geographic relationships; (4) giving examples of the diversity of goods and services; (5) exploring the heritage of their own and selected communities; and (6) demonstrating responsible decision-making and citizenship skills.

Calculation Method for Standards

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. The Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related benchmarks. Click on the benchmark name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency rubrics for each standard's related benchmarks.

» 3rd Grade Social Studies (Archived)