4th Grade SST Targeted Benchmarks Standard 2: History
SST-04.2.07 Explain the significance of fur trading in North Dakota (e.g., Hudson Bay, Charbonneau, American Fur Company, LaVerendry).
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
I can explain how bartering occured during the fur trade.
Reasoning Targets
I can classify furs according to their value.
Proficiency Rubric
Sample Activity
In addition to Score 3.0, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations.
In addition to Score 3.0 performance, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding the more complex content with partial success.
“The Standard.” The student is able to explain the purpose of bartering and why it was important in fur trading.
The student demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and partial knowledge of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
The student can explain what bartering is and which furs would have more value in fur trading.
The student demonstrates partial knowledge of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and procedures (Score 3.0 content).
With help, the student can explain what bartering is.
With help, the student demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) but not the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).