
BPSS-MAT-NO logo 4th Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
  (AR) Algebraic Reasoning 
(OA) Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Learners will analyze patterns and relationships to generate and interpret numerical expressions.
MAT-04.AR.OA.02 Identify and apply the properties of operations for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and justify thinking.

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Properties of Operations

  • MAT-02.AR.OA.02 Apply the properties of operations to solve addition and subtraction equations and justify thinking.
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.02 Apply the properties of operations to solve multiplication and division equations and justify thinking.
  • MAT-04.AR.OA.02 Identify and apply the properties of operations for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and justify thinking.
  • MAT-05.AR.OA.02 Analyze problems using the order of operations to solve and evaluate expressions while justifying thinking.
  • MAT-06.AR.EE.03 Identify when two expressions are equivalent. Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
  • MAT-07.AR.EE.01 Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions involving variables, integers, and/or non-negative fractions and decimals with an emphasis on writing equivalent expressions.
  • MAT-08.AR.EE.05 Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients and variables on both sides, including equations that require using the distributive property and/or combining and collecting like terms. Interpret the number of solutions. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely showing solutions or no solutions.
  • MAT-09.AR.05 Justify each step in solving a linear equation that may or may not have a solution.

» MAT-04 Standards