
BPSS-ELA-AI logo11th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (IR) Inquiry and Research 
(S4) Determining Credibility and Evaluating Sources
Learner determines credibility and evaluates sources for research.
ELA-11.IR.04 Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, argumentative reasoning, perspective, and purpose.

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Standard IR.04: (begins in third grade)
  • ELA-03.IR.04    Identify a fact or an opinion based on information provided by the author.
  • ELA-04.IR.04    Determine a fact or opinion based on information provided by the author.
  • ELA-05.IR.04    Identify facts and multiple perspectives from credible sources.
  • ELA-06.IR.04    Analyze information from credible sources considering multiple perspectives.
  • ELA-07.IR.04    Analyze information from credible sources considering multiple perspectives and identifying biases.
  • ELA-08.IR.04    Analyze the credibility of a source based on bias, perspective, and purpose.
  • ELA-09.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, perspective, and purpose.
  • ELA-10.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, perspective, and purpose.
  • ELA-11.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, argumentative reasoning, perspective, and purpose.
  • ELA-12.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, argumentative reasoning, perspective, and purpose.

» ELA-11 Standards