
BPS CTE-CRP logo Career Ready Practices
CRP-03: Health / Support
Attend to Personal Health and Financial Well-Being.

Knowing safety
CRP-MS.03.02 Demonstrate safety skills by following safety guidelines.

North Dakota CRP Rubrics

The Student ...

(1) Not Yet Reached Competency

... often disregards safety guidelines (e.g., adhering to Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] standards and instructor and manufacturer guidelines).

(2) Approaching Competency

... often follows safety guidelines (e.g., adhering to Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] standards and instructor and manufacturer guidelines).

(3) Meets Competency

... follows safety guidelines (e.g., adhering to Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] standards and instructor and manufacturer guidelines).

(4) Exceeds Competency

... follows and models safety guidelines (e.g., adhering to Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] standards and instructor and manufacturer guidelines).

» CRP-MS Proficiency Scales WorkSpace