
BPSS-MAT-NO logo9th Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c1) Category 1: Executive Skills and Knowledge
(C) Right Hand Skills and Knowledge
Students perform with fluent bowing motion, control of variables (weight, angle, speed, and placement), in a variety of bowing techniques and articulations, with characteristic tone.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 3.1  More advanced détaché bowings 
    • a.  Louré 
    • b.  Détaché Lancé
    • c.  Portato 
    • d.  Rapid Détaché
    • e.  Tremolo
  • 3.2  Off-string strokes 
    • a.  Spiccato 
  • 3.3  Special effect bowings 
    • a.  Flautando 
    • b.  Sul ponticello
    • c.  Sul tasto
    • d.  Col legno
  • 3.4  Chords 
  • 3.5  Extension of techniques related to control of bowing variables (weight, angle, speed, and placement).

» MUS-09.c String Standards