
BPS%28CRP%29wideLOGO450x450.png Career Ready Practices
BPS_CRP-04: Communication
Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason

Timely listening/speaking
BPS_CRP-HS.04.04 Know when it is appropriate to listen and when to speak.

North Dakota CRP Rubrics

The Student ...

(1) Not Yet Reached Competency

... often needs to be reminded of appropriate times to speak and appropriate times to listen.

(2) Approaching Competency

... at times, speaks when it is not appropriate and does not listen when it is appropriate.

(3) Meets Competency

... while engaged in conversations/discussions, understands when it is appropriate to speak and when it is appropriate to listen.

(4) Exceeds Competency

... while engaged in conversations/discussions, consistently understands when it is appropriate to effectively speak and when it is appropriate to listen.

» CRP-HS Competencies