Career Ready Practices
BPS_CRP-11: Technology Use Technology to Enhance Productivity.
Technology as connection BPS_CRP-HS.11.08 Use digital technologies, communication/networking tools, and social networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information to successfully function in a knowledge economy.
North Dakota CRP Rubrics
The Student ...
(1) Not Yet Reached Competency
... does not utilize technology to communicate and connect with others effectively.
(2) Approaching Competency
... uses technology to communicate and connect with others but does not utilize it as a tool to operate in a knowledge economy (creating, evaluating, and trading knowledge).
(3) Meets Competency
... uses technology as a tool to communicate and connect with others to access and successfully utilize information to operate in a knowledge economy (creating, evaluating, and trading knowledge).
(4) Exceeds Competency
... effectively and consistently uses technology, communication, and relationships to successfully operate in a knowledge economy (creating, evaluating, and trading knowledge).