Prioritized Standards


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
  (AR) Algebraic Reasoning 
(OA) Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Learners will analyze patterns and relationships to generate and interpret numerical expressions.
MAT-01.AR.OA.01 Automatically add and subtract within 10.*

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Operations – Basic Facts

  • MAT-00.AR.OA.01 Automatically add and subtract within 5. 
  • MAT-01.AR.OA.01 Automatically add and subtract within 10. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.01 Automatically add and subtract within 20. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.01 Using mental strategies, multiply and divide basic facts within 100. Automatically multiply and divide up to 5 x 5 and 10s facts. 
  • MAT-04.AR.OA.01 Automatically multiply and divide through 10 x 10. 
  • MAT-05.AR.OA.01 Automatically multiply and divide through 12 x 12.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
  (AR) Algebraic Reasoning 
(OA) Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Learners will analyze patterns and relationships to generate and interpret numerical expressions.
MAT-01.AR.OA.04 Solve authentic word problems with addition, including three numbers and unknowns, within 20.*

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Solve Problems Using Operations

  • MAT-00.AR.OA.04 Solve authentic word problems with addition by putting together or adding to within 10. 
  • MAT-01.AR.OA.06 Use the +, -, and = symbols accurately in an equation. 
  • MAT-01.AR.OA.04 Solve authentic word problems with addition, including three numbers and unknowns, within 20. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.03 Solve one- and two-step authentic word problems with addition within 100, including the use of unknowns. 
  • MAT-00.AR.OA.05 Solve authentic word problems with subtraction by taking apart or taking from within 10. 
  • MAT-01.AR.OA.05 Solve authentic word problems with subtraction, including unknowns, within 20. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.04 Solve one- and two-step authentic word problems with subtraction within 100, including the use of unknowns. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.05 Use repeated addition to find the total number of objects arranged in a rectangular array. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.03 Solve two-step authentic word problems using addition and subtraction within 1000, including equations with a letter as an unknown. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.04 Use strategies and visual models to solve authentic word problems with multiplication within 100, including unknowns, using grouping models and equations. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.05 Use strategies and visual models to solve authentic word problems with division within 100, including unknowns, using grouping models and equations. 
  • MAT-04.AR.OA.03 Solve multi-step authentic word problems using the four operations, including problems with interpreted remainders. Represent problems using equations, including a symbol as an unknown.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
  (AR) Algebraic Reasoning 
(OA) Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Learners will analyze patterns and relationships to generate and interpret numerical expressions.
MAT-01.AR.OA.05 Solve authentic word problems with subtraction, including unknowns, within 20.*

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Solve Problems Using Operations

  • MAT-00.AR.OA.04 Solve authentic word problems with addition by putting together or adding to within 10. 
  • MAT-01.AR.OA.06 Use the +, -, and = symbols accurately in an equation. 
  • MAT-01.AR.OA.04 Solve authentic word problems with addition, including three numbers and unknowns, within 20. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.03 Solve one- and two-step authentic word problems with addition within 100, including the use of unknowns. 
  • MAT-00.AR.OA.05 Solve authentic word problems with subtraction by taking apart or taking from within 10. 
  • MAT-01.AR.OA.05 Solve authentic word problems with subtraction, including unknowns, within 20. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.04 Solve one- and two-step authentic word problems with subtraction within 100, including the use of unknowns. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.05 Use repeated addition to find the total number of objects arranged in a rectangular array. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.03 Solve two-step authentic word problems using addition and subtraction within 1000, including equations with a letter as an unknown. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.04 Use strategies and visual models to solve authentic word problems with multiplication within 100, including unknowns, using grouping models and equations. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.05 Use strategies and visual models to solve authentic word problems with division within 100, including unknowns, using grouping models and equations. 
  • MAT-04.AR.OA.03 Solve multi-step authentic word problems using the four operations, including problems with interpreted remainders. Represent problems using equations, including a symbol as an unknown.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
  (AR) Algebraic Reasoning 
(OA) Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Learners will analyze patterns and relationships to generate and interpret numerical expressions.
MAT-01.AR.OA.06 Distinguish and use the +, -, and = symbols accurately in an equation.*

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Solve Problems Using Operations

  • MAT-00.AR.OA.04 Solve authentic word problems with addition by putting together or adding to within 10. 
  • MAT-01.AR.OA.06 Use the +, -, and = symbols accurately in an equation. 
  • MAT-01.AR.OA.04 Solve authentic word problems with addition, including three numbers and unknowns, within 20. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.03 Solve one- and two-step authentic word problems with addition within 100, including the use of unknowns. 
  • MAT-00.AR.OA.05 Solve authentic word problems with subtraction by taking apart or taking from within 10. 
  • MAT-01.AR.OA.05 Solve authentic word problems with subtraction, including unknowns, within 20. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.04 Solve one- and two-step authentic word problems with subtraction within 100, including the use of unknowns. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.05 Use repeated addition to find the total number of objects arranged in a rectangular array. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.03 Solve two-step authentic word problems using addition and subtraction within 1000, including equations with a letter as an unknown. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.04 Use strategies and visual models to solve authentic word problems with multiplication within 100, including unknowns, using grouping models and equations. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.05 Use strategies and visual models to solve authentic word problems with division within 100, including unknowns, using grouping models and equations. 
  • MAT-04.AR.OA.03 Solve multi-step authentic word problems using the four operations, including problems with interpreted remainders. Represent problems using equations, including a symbol as an unknown.


  • MAT-01.AR.OA.06 Use the +, -, and = symbols accurately in an equation. 
  • MAT-02.AR.OA.02 Apply the properties of operations to solve addition and subtraction equations and justify thinking. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.02 Apply the properties of operations to solve multiplication and division equations and justify thinking. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.03 Solve word two-step authentic word problems using addition and subtraction within 1000, including equations with a letter as an unknown. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.04 Use strategies and visual models to solve authentic word problems with multiplication within 100, including unknowns, using grouping models and equations. 
  • MAT-03.AR.OA.05 Use strategies and visual models to solve authentic word problems with division within 100, including unknowns, using grouping models and equations. 
  • MAT-04.AR.OA.03 Solve multi-step authentic word problems using the four operations, including problems with interpreted remainders. 
  • MAT-04.AR.OA.05 Interpret multiplication equations as a comparison. Represent multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations. 
  • MAT-05.AR.OA.02 Analyze problems using the order of operations to solve and evaluate expressions while justifying thinking. 
  • MAT-05.AR.OA.03 Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers. Interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them. 
  • MAT-06.AR.EE.01 Write, read, and evaluate numerical expressions, including expressions with whole number exponents and grouping symbols. 
  • MAT-06.AR.EE.02 Read and evaluate algebraic expressions, including expressions with whole number exponents and grouping symbols. Write algebraic expressions to represent simple and authentic situations. 
  • MAT-06.AR.EE.04 Describe the concept of a solution of an equation or an inequality. Determine whether a given number is a solution to an equation or an inequality. 
  • MAT-06.AR.EE.05 Write and solve equations of the form of x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p and q are non-negative whole numbers or decimals, including authentic problems. 
  • MAT-07.AR.EE.02 Write and solve equations of the form px + q = r and p(x + q) = r , including in authentic problems. 
  • MAT-08.AR.EE.01 Explain the relationship between repeated multiplication and the properties of integer exponents. Apply a single exponent property to generate equivalent numeric and algebraic expressions that include numerical coefficients. 
  • MAT-08.AR.EE.02 Use square root and cube root symbols to represent solutions to equations of the form x² = p and x³ = p, where p is a non-negative rational number. 
  • MAT-08.AR.EE.06 Read, write, and evaluate numerical and algebraic expressions, including expressions involving absolute value. Solve and graph equations of the form |x| = r where r is a nonnegative rational number. 
  • MAT-09.AR.01 Use the structure of an expression (i.e., quadratic and exponential) to identify ways to rewrite it. 
  • MAT-09.AR.04 Create linear and exponential equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities. Graph equations on coordinate axes with appropriate labels and scales. 
  • MAT-12.AR.03 Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in context. 
  • MAT-12.AR.02 Use the structure of an expression (to extend to polynomial and rational expressions) to identify ways to rewrite it.


BPSS-MAT-GM logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
  (DPS) Data Probability and Statistics
(D) Data
Learners will represent and interpret data.
MAT-01.DPS.D.02 Analyze data by answering descriptive questions.*

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Data Analysis

  • MAT-01.DPS.D.02 Analyze data by answering descriptive questions. 
  • MAT-02.DPS.D.03 Analyze data and interpret the results to solve one-step comparison problems using information from the graphs. 
  • MAT-03.DPS.D.03 Analyze data and make simple statements to solve one- and two-step problems using information from the graphs. 
  • MAT-04.DPS.D.02 Generate data and create line plots to display a data set of fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8). Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions by using information presented in line plots. 
  • MAT-04.DPS.D.03 Utilize graphs and diagrams to represent and solve word problems using the four operations involving whole numbers, benchmark fractions, and decimals. 
  • MAT-05.DPS.D.01 Generate data and create line plots to display a data set of fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8). Use grade-level operations for fractions to solve problems involving information presented in line plots. 
  • MAT-05.DPS.D.02 Utilize graphs and diagrams to represent, analyze, and solve authentic problems using information presented in one or more tables or line plots, including whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. 
  • MAT-06.DPS.DA.02 Calculate measures of center (median and mean) and variability (range and mean absolute deviation) to answer a statistical question. Identify mode(s) if they exist. 
  • MAT-06.DPS.DA.03 Identify outliers by observation and describe their effect on measures of center and variability. Justify which measures would be appropriate to answer a statistical question. 
  • MAT-06.DPS.DA.04 Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots and histograms. Describe any overall patterns in data, such as gaps, clusters, and skews. 
  • MAT-07.DPS.DA.02 Analyze and draw inferences about a population using single and multiple random samples by using given measures of center and variability for the numerical data set. 
  • MAT-08.DPS.DA.01 Interpret scatter plots for bivariate measurement data to investigate patterns such as clustering, outliers, positive or negative association, linear association, and nonlinear association. 
  • MAT-08.DPS.DA.02 Draw a trend line on a given scatter plot with a linear association and justify its fit by describing the closeness of the data points to the line. 
  • MAT-08.DPS.DA.03 Solve authentic problems in the context of bivariate measurement data by interpreting the slope and intercept(s) and making predictions using a linear model. 
  • MAT-08.DPS.DA.04 Construct and interpret a two-way table summarizing bivariate categorical data collected from the same subjects. 
  • MAT-10.DPS.02 Compare the center (median, mean) and spread (interquartile range, standard deviation) of two or more different data sets using statistics appropriate to the shape of the data distribution. 
  • MAT-10.DPS.03 Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot and describe how the variables are related. 
  • MAT-10.DPS.04 Distinguish between correlation and causation. 
  • MAT-10.DPS.10 Construct and interpret two-way frequency tables of data for two categorical variables. Use the two-way table as a sample space to decide if events are independent and approximate conditional probabilities. 
  • MAT-12.DPS.01 Interpret differences in shape, center, and spread in the context of the data sets, accounting for possible effects of extreme data points (outliers). 
  • MAT-12.DPS.02 Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. 
  • MAT-12.DPS.03 Evaluate reports based on data. 
  • MAT-12.DPS.04 Represent data on a scatter plot for two quantitative variables and describe how the variables are related. 
  • MAT-12.DPS.05 Informally assess the fit of a function by plotting and analyzing residuals. 
  • MAT-12.DPS.06 Use data from a sample survey to estimate a population means or proportion; develop a margin of error through the use of simulation models for random sampling. 
  • MAT-12.DPS.07 Understand the process of making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. 
  • MAT-12.DPS.08 Decide if a specified model is consistent with results from a given data-generating process (e.g., using simulation).


BPSS-MAT-GM logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
  (GM) Geometry and Measurement
(G) Geometry
Learners will compose and classify figures and shapes based on attributes and properties; represent and solve problems using a coordinate plane.
MAT-01.GM.G.03 Determine geometric attributes of two- dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.*

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Two-Dimensional Shapes

  • MAT-00.GM.G.01 Name shapes and identify them as two-dimensional (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles)regardless of their orientations or overall size. 
  • MAT-00.GM.G.03 Compare and classify two-dimensional shapes to describe their similarities, differences, and attributes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles). 
  • MAT-01.GM.G.01 Name shapes and identify them as two-dimensional (trapezoids, rhombuses, pentagons, hexagons, octagons). 
  • MAT-01.GM.G.03 Determine geometric attributes of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. 
  • MAT-02.GM.G.01 Identify two-dimensional shapes (parallelograms and quadrilaterals). 
  • MAT-02.GM.G.03 Compose geometric shapes having specified geometric attributes, such as a given number of edges, angles, faces, vertices, and/or sides. 
  • MAT-03.GM.G.01 In two-dimensional shapes, identify lines, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. 
  • MAT-03.GM.G.02 Sort quadrilaterals into categories based on attributes. 
  • MAT-04.GM.G.01 Identify, label, and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles (right, acute, obtuse). 
  • MAT-04.GM.G.02 Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines or the presence or absence of angles of specified size. 
  • MAT-05.GM.G.01 Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties. 
  • MAT-10.GM.01 Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment based on the undefined notions of point, line, and plane. 
  • MAT-10.GM.09 Prove and apply theorems about lines and angles. 
  • MAT-10.GM.10 Prove and apply theorems about triangles. 
  • MAT-10.GM.11 Prove and apply theorems about parallelograms. 
  • MAT-10.GM.34 Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three-dimensional objects and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of two-dimensional objects.

Three-Dimensional Shapes

  • MAT-00.GM.G.02 Name shapes and identify them as three-dimensional (cubes and spheres) regardless of their orientations or overall size. 
  • MAT-01.GM.G.02 Name and identify solids as three-dimensional (cylinders, cones, triangular prisms, and rectangular prisms). 
  • MAT-01.GM.G.03 Determine geometric attributes of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. 
  • MAT-02.GM.G.02 Identify two-dimensional shapes found within three-dimensional shapes. 
  • MAT-02.GM.G.03 Compose geometric shapes having specified geometric attributes, such as a given number of edges, angles, faces, vertices, and/or sides. 
  • MAT-06.GM.GF.03 Represent three-dimensional figures using nets made up of rectangles and triangles (right prisms and pyramids whose bases are triangles and rectangles). Calculate the surface area of prisms with rectangular and triangular bases using nets, including authentic problems.


BPSS-MAT-GM logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
  (GM) Geometry and Measurement
(M) Measurement
Learners will represent and calculate measurement data, including time, money, and geometric measurement, and convert like measurement units within a given system.
MAT-01.GM.M.03 Tell and write time to the hour and half-hour (including o'clock and half past) using analog and digital clocks.*

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  • MAT-00.GM.M.02 Tell time as it relates to daily life (today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, night). 
  • MAT-01.GM.M.03 Tell and write time to the hour and half-hour (including o'clock and half past) using analog and digital clocks. 
  • MAT-02.GM.M.03 Tell and write time to the nearest five minutes (including quarter after and quarter to) with a.m. and p.m. using analog and digital clocks. 
  • MAT-03.GM.M.03 Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. 
  • MAT-03.GM.M.04 Solve elapsed time authentic word problems on the hour and the half-hour, using a variety of strategies.


BPSS-MAT-GM logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
  (GM) Geometry and Measurement
(M) Measurement
Learners will represent and calculate measurement data, including time, money, and geometric measurement, and convert like measurement units within a given system.
MAT-01.GM.M.04 Identify and tell the value of a dollar bill, quarter, dime, nickel, and penny.*

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  • MAT-01.GM.M.04 Identify and tell the value of a dollar bill, quarter, dime, nickel, and penny. 
  • MAT-01.GM.M.05 Count collections of coins (pennies, nickels, and dimes) relating to patterns of counting by 1s, 5s, and 10s up to one dollar. 
  • MAT-02.GM.M.04 Count collections of money (quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies) relating to patterns of counting by 1s, 5s, and 10s up to one dollar. 
  • MAT-03.GM.M.05 Solve authentic word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using the $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. 
  • MAT-04.GM.M.04 Solve word authentic problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using the $ and ¢ symbols and decimal notation appropriately.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
 (NO) Number and Operations 
(CC) Counting and Cardinality
Learners will understand the relationship between numerical symbols, names, quantities, and counting sequences.
MAT-01.NO.CC.01 Count forward by ones and tens from any given point within 120.*

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Counting Forward

  • MAT-00.NO.CC.01 Count verbally in sequential order by ones and tens to 100, making accurate decuple transitions (ex.89 to 90). Count verbally forward from any given number within 100. 
  • MAT-01.NO.CC.01 Count forward by ones and tens from any given point within 120. 
  • MAT-02.NO.CC.01 Count forward from any given number within 1000.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
 (NO) Number and Operations 
(CC) Counting and Cardinality
Learners will understand the relationship between numerical symbols, names, quantities, and counting sequences.
MAT-01.NO.CC.02 Count backward by ones and tens from a given number within 120.*

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Counting Backward

  • MAT-00.NO.CC.02 Count backward from 20 by ones and from a given number within 10. 
  • MAT-01.NO.CC.02 Count backward by ones and tens from any given number within 120. 
  • MAT-02.NO.CC.02 Count backward from any given number within 1000.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
 (NO) Number and Operations 
(CC) Counting and Cardinality
Learners will understand the relationship between numerical symbols, names, quantities, and counting sequences.
MAT-01.NO.CC.03 Represent several objects with a written numeral up to 120.*

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Number Identification and Writing

  • MAT-00.NO.CC.03 Identify and write any given numeral within 20. 
  • MAT-01.NO.CC.03 Represent several objects with a written numeral up to 120. 
  • MAT-02.NO.CC.03 Read and write numbers up to 1,000 using standard, word, and expanded forms. 
  • MAT-03.NO.CC.01 Read and write numbers up to 10,000 using objects or visual representations including standard and expanded forms. 
  • MAT-04.NO.CC.01 Read numbers to the millions place including word, standard and expanded form. Write numbers to the millions place including standard and expanded form. 
  • MAT-05.NO.CC.01 Read, write, and compare decimals to the thousandths including standard and expanded forms.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
 (NO) Number and Operations 
(CC) Counting and Cardinality
Learners will understand the relationship between numerical symbols, names, quantities, and counting sequences.
MAT-01.NO.CC.05 Skip count forward and backward by 5sand 10s from multiples and recognize the patterns of up to 10 skip counts.*

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Counting Patterns

  • MAT-00.NO.CC.05 Count and tell how many objects up to 20 are in an arranged pattern or up to 10 objects in a scattered configuration. Represent a quantity of up to 20 with a numeral. 
  • MAT-01.NO.CC.05 Skip count forward and backward by 5s and 10s from multiples and recognize the patterns of up to 10 skip counts. 
  • MAT-02.NO.CC.04 Skip count forward and backward by 2s and 100s and recognize the patterns of skip counts. 
  • MAT-10.DPS.09 Determine the number of outcomes using permutations and combinations in context. 
  • MAT-12.DPS.11 Use permutations and combinations to compute probabilities of compound events and solve problems.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
 (NO) Number and Operations 
(NBT) Number Based Ten
Learners will understand the place value structure of the base-ten number system and represent, compare, and perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals.
MAT-01.NO.NBT.01 Demonstrate that the two digits of a two-digit number represent a composition of some tens and some ones.*

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Place Value

  • MAT-00.NO.NBT.01 Compose and decompose numbers from 11 to 19 using a group of ten ones and some more ones using a model, drawing, or equation. 
  • MAT-01.NO.NBT.01 Demonstrate that the two digits of a two-digit number represent a composition of some tens and some ones. 
  • MAT-02.NO.NBT.01 Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent a composition of some hundreds, some tens, and some ones. 
  • MAT-04.NO.NBT.01 Understand that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. 
  • MAT-05.NO.NBT.01 Understand that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left. 
  • MAT-08.NO.NS.03 Use scientific notation to represent very large or very small quantities. Interpret scientific notation generated by technology. Compare and order numbers in scientific and standard notation.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
 (NO) Number and Operations 
(NBT) Number Based Ten
Learners will understand the place value structure of the base-ten number system and represent, compare, and perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals.
MAT-01.NO.NBT.02 Compare two two-digit numbers using symbols >, <, and =. Justify comparisons based on the value of tens and ones.*

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Compare Numbers and/or Expressions

  • MAT-00.NO.NBT.02 Compare two numbers between 1 and 20 using words greater than, less than, or equal to. 
  • MAT-01.NO.NBT.02 Compare two two-digit numbers using symbols >, <, and =. Justify comparisons based on the number of tens and ones. 
  • MAT-02.NO.NBT.02 Compare two three-digit numbers using symbols >, <, and =. Justify comparisons based on the value of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. 
  • MAT-03.NO.NBT.01 Compare two four-digit numbers using symbols, >, <, and =. Justify comparisons based on the value of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. 
  • MAT-04.NO.NBT.02 Compare two numbers to the millions place and decimals to the hundredths place, using symbols >, <, and =. Justify comparisons based on the value of the digits. 
  • MAT-05.NO.NBT.02 Compare two decimals to thousandths using symbols >, <, and =. Justify comparisons based on the value of the digits. 
  • MAT-06.NO.NS.01 Explain and show the relationship between non-zero rational numbers and their opposites using horizontal and vertical number lines in authentic problems. Use rational numbers to represent quantities in authentic contexts and explain the meaning of 0 in certain situations. 
  • MAT-06.NO.NS.02 Write, interpret, and explain statements of order for rational numbers on a number line and in authentic contexts. 
  • MAT-07.NO.NS.01 Describe the absolute value of a number as its distance from zero on a number line. 
  • MAT-08.NO.NS.01 Compare and classify real numbers within the real number system. 
  • MAT-08.NO.NS.02 Use rational approximations of irrational numbers to compare the size of irrational numbers, locate them on a number line diagram, and estimate the value of irrational expressions involving one operation. 
  • MAT-08.NO.NS.03 Use scientific notation to represent very large or very small quantities. Interpret scientific notation generated by technology. Compare and order numbers in scientific and standard notation. 
  • MAT-09.AR.06 Solve linear equations and inequalities (to include compound inequalities) in one variable. 
  • MAT-09.AR.08 Graph the solution set to a two-variable system of linear equations. Create and graph the solution set to a two-variable system of linear inequalities in context. 
  • MAT-09.AR.09 Solve absolute value equations and inequalities in one or two variables. 
  • MAT-12.AR.09 Represent constraints by equations or inequalities and by systems of equations and/or inequalities and interpret solutions as viable or non-viable options in a modeling context.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 1st Grade (MAT) Targeted Standard  
 (NO) Number and Operations 
(NBT) Number Based Ten
Learners will understand the place value structure of the base-ten number system and represent, compare, and perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals.
MAT-01.NO.NBT.05 Mentally add or subtract 10 to or from a given two-digit number and explain the reasoning used.*

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Addition and Subtraction

  • MAT-01.NO.NBT.03 Add within 100 using a two-digit number and a one-digit number. Use concrete models, drawings, and strategies that reflect an understanding of place value. 
  • MAT-02.NO.NBT.03 Add within 100 using place value strategies and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. 
  • MAT-01.NO.NBT.04 Subtract multiples of 10 within 100 using concrete models, drawings, and strategies that reflect an understanding of place value. 
  • MAT-01.NO.NBT.05 Mentally add or subtract 10 to or from a given two-digit number and explain the reasoning used. 
  • MAT-02.NO.NBT.04 Subtract within 100 using place value strategies and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. 
  • MAT-02.NO.NBT.05 Mentally add or subtract 10 or 100 to or from a given number between 100 and 900. 
  • MAT-03.NO.NBT.03 Add and subtract within 1000 using place value strategies, algorithms, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. 
  • MAT-04.NO.NBT.04 Add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers to the one million place using strategies flexibly, including the algorithm. 
  • MAT-05.NO.NBT.05 Use concrete models, drawings, place value strategies, properties of operations, and/or relationships to add, subtract, and multiply decimals to hundredths. 
  • MAT-07.NO.O.01 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers using visual models and properties of operations in multi-step authentic and mathematical problems, including authentic problems. 
  • MAT-07.NO.O.02 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide non-negative fractions in multi-step problems, including authentic problems. 
  • MAT-07.NO.O.03 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide non-negative decimals to the hundredth place in multi-step problems using strategies or procedures, including authentic problems. 
  • MAT-08.NO.O.02 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers using strategies or procedures. 
  • MAT-09.NO.02 Perform basic operations on simple radical expressions to write a simplified equivalent expression. 
  • MAT-09.AR.11 Add, subtract, and multiply polynomials. 
  • MAT-12.NO.03 Demonstrate that the sum or product of two rational numbers is rational; that the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational, and that the product of a nonzero rational number and an irrational number is irrational. 
  • MAT-12.AR.13 Add, subtract, and multiply polynomials beyond quadratics. Understand that polynomials form a system comparable to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication. 
  • MAT-12.NO.11 Represent addition, subtraction, multiplication, conjugation, powers, and roots of complex numbers geometrically on the complex and/or polar plane; use properties of this representation for computation. 
  • MAT-12.NO.17 Add and subtract vectors. Represent vector subtraction graphically by connecting the tips of the appropriate order and using the components to perform vector subtraction. 
  • MAT-12.NO.19 Represent data in a matrix. Perform operations (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication) on matrices of appropriate dimensions to solve problems and in context. Know that matrix multiplication is not commutative.