Prioritized Standards


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 4th Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c1) Category 1: Executive Skills and Knowledge
(A) Body Format
Students perform with a lengthened and balanced posture; supports instrument without tension, demonstrate ease of motion; format is adjusted for physiological changes due to growth; control of weight distribution, unilateral movement, bilateral movement, in sitting and standing position.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 1.1  Establish posture (sitting and standing) on all instruments.
  • 1.2  Basic playing position for violin and viola.
  • 1.3  Basic playing position for cello.
  • 1.4  Basic playing position for bass.


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 4th Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c1) Category 1: Executive Skills and Knowledge
(B) Left Hand Skills and Knowledge
Students perform with the correct placement and angle of the left arm-wrist-hand-fingers to the instrument; demonstrate position that is balanced and free of tension; play with independence of fingers, ease of motion and control of finger weight; produce characteristic tone, with vibrato (as appropriate); show understanding and ability to apply fingerings, finger patterns, shifting, extensions.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 1.1  Initial left hand finger placement
  • 1.2  Initial finger patterns
  • 1.3  Lateral finger movement
  • 1.4  Vertical technique 


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 4th Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c1) Category 1: Executive Skills and Knowledge
(C) Right Hand Skills and Knowledge
Students perform with fluent bowing motion, control of variables (weight, angle, speed, and placement), in a variety of bowing techniques and articulations, with characteristic tone.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 1.1  Perform pizzicato in guitar position
  • 1.2  Perform pizzicato in playing position
  • 1.3  Establishing initial bow hold–all instruments 
    • a. Violin/Viola
    • b. Cello/Bass (FB)
    • c. Cello/Bass (FB)
  • 1.4  Perform pre-bowing exercises
  • 1.5  Perform with simple connected (détaché) bow strokes.
  • 1.6  Perform with simple separated (staccato) bow strokes. 
  • 1.7  Direction change
  • 1.8  Short slurs
  • 1.9  String crossings
  • 1.10  Basic bow distribution
  • 1.11  Intro to weight, angle, speed, and placement (contact point and part of bow).


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 4th Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c2) Category 2: Musicianship Skills and Knowledge
(A) Tonal Aural Skills and Ear Training
Students demonstrate the following abilities: matching and manipulating pitch, playing with a sense of tonality, tonal-melodic and tonal-harmonic function (horizontal/vertical relationships/functions of tonality), ear-to-hand skills, aural and kinesthetic awareness of pitch accuracy and intonation, including and related to improvisation.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 1.1  Students perform, by ear, melodic tonal patterns (simple patterns and melodies within a tetrachord), in major and minor tonalities (vocally, pizzicato, and/or arco; neutral syllable, then solfege).
  • 1.2  Students identify whether two performed melodic tonal patterns are the same or different.
  • 1.3  Students correctly associate the words high and low with relative pitch differences (e.g., with the use of Curwen hand symbols and vocal solfege). 
  • 1.4  Students correctly identify the direction of melodic motion (with a  tetrachord). 
  • 1.5  Students alter melodies and  harmonies (major-to-minor,  minor-to-major). 
  • 1.6  Students perform, by ear, primary (tonic and dominant) harmonic tonal patterns (vocally, pizzicato, and/or arco; neutral syllable, then solfege). 
  • 1.7  Students improvise (vocally,  pizzicato, and/or arco) melodic tonal patterns (within a tetrachord;  neutral syllable, then solfege).


BPSS-MAT-NO logo 4th Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c2) Category 2: Musicianship Skills and Knowledge
(B) Rhythmic Aural Skills and Ear Training
Students perform simple and complex rhythm patterns/functions, with stray pulse/beat, correct sense of meter, metric organization and phrasing, in a variety of meters.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 1.1 Students will maintain a steady pulse while singing or chanting rhythm patterns.
  • 1.2  Students will demonstrate a sense of meter while singing or chanting rhythm patterns.
  • 1.3  Students will maintain a steady pulse while playing rhythm patterns.
  • 1.4  Students will demonstrate a sense of meter while playing rhythm patterns.
  • 1.5  Students will perform rhythm patterns containing rests.
  • 1.6  Students will perform rhythm  patterns containing ties. 
  • 1.7  Students will perform rhythm  patterns containing upbeats.
  • 1.8  Students will improvise rhythm  patterns corresponding to Learning Tasks 1.1-1.7