BPS District Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standards Book
Completion requirements

Computer Science and Cybersecurity 
Computing in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-00.CS_IC.1 List different ways in which technologies are used in daily life.
- CSC-00.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use technology to share thinking with teachers or adults.
- CSC-01.CS_IC.1 Identify how technologies are used in and out of school.
- CSC-01.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use technology to share thinking with peers.
- CSC-02.CS_IC.1 Identify how technologies are used in the workforce
- CSC-02.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use technology to communicate with others outside of the classroom.
- CSC-03.CS_IC.1 Identify technologies that have changed the world.
- CSC-03.CS_SI.1 Recognize that there are various collaborative technologies.
- CSC-03.CS_SI.2 With guidance, use collaborative technology to seek out diverse perspectives.
- CSC-04.CS_IC.1 Give examples of technologies that influence society today.
- CSC-04.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use collaborative technology to interpret diverse perspectives.
- CSC-05.CS_IC.1 Explain how technologies can change the future.
- CSC-05.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use collaborative technology to compare and contrast diverse perspectives.
- CSC-06.CS_IC.1 Identify the positive and negative impacts of past, present, and future technology, including bias and accessibility
- CSC-06.CS_SI.1 Use collaborative technology.
- CSC-06.CS_SI.2 Identify how social interactions can impact a person’s self-image.
- CSC-07.CS_IC.1 Compare and contrast the impacts of technology, including bias and accessibility.
- CSC-07.CS_SI.1 Use collaborative technology to gather and share information.
- CSC-07.CS_SI.2 Identify how social interactions can impact a person’s self-image. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.CS_IC.1 Explore and create solutions for the negative impacts of technology, including bias and accessibility.
- CSC-08.CS_SI.1 Use collaborative technology to communicate information to a specific audience.
- CSC-08.CS_SI.2 Identify how social interactions can impact a person’s self-image. (Continued growth)
- CSC-09.CS_IC.1 Evaluate how technology has impacted the workforce positively and negatively.
- CSC-09.CS_SI.1 Identify how technology has affected our means of communication.
- CSC-10.CS_IC.1 Evaluate the social, personal, and economic implications technology has on society and the economy.
- CSC-10.CS_SI.1 Evaluate the impacts of technology on social interactions.
- CSC-11.CS_IC.1 Explain how computing may change cultural aspects of society.
- CSC-11.CS_SI.1 Investigate ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the harmful effects technology can have on society.
- CSC-12.CS_IC.1 Predict how computing may impact the workplace and personal lives.
- CSC-12.CS_SI.1 Evaluate the impact of equity, bias, access, and influence on the availability of computing resources in a global society.