Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
It has been brought to my attention that the functionality of the "Collected Only" scoretype has changed. PLEASE TAKE NOTE:
The problem is that the “collected only” score type automatically marks standards to not be included in the final grade (thus – they never calculate, and don’t appear on online or printed reports).
You'll know this is happening if the scores in your gradebook appear in purple italics
The fix is in two parts:
- Change all assignments and assignment default score types to “points” and then enter 0 points possible. This will alleviate the problem in the future.
*if you are unsure how to do this, please reference the Creating and editing Categories and Assignments resources in this course.*
2. Edit all assignments where scores have already been entered. By going to the “Standards” tab and making sure that the “Count in Grade” checkboxes are selected.
Please reply to this thread with questions or problems...