Welcome to Moodling with LearnBPS

Welcome to Moodling with LearnBPS

by David Sherwin -
Number of replies: 0
Picture of Mentor
The Moodling with LearnBPS course is designed to introduce you to the different activity and resources that you can include in your own course along with management methods for tracking student progress. 

This course is open to anyone who wants to use the Moodle learning platform for teaching. You will experience how the basic of Moodle as a student, so you can see what types of activities and resources you want to add to your class for student engagement. However we want to give you options on how to proceed through the course. When you first join, you can choose whether to:

  • See the whole course content at once if you wish to work quickly
  • Have the course content revealed one topic at a time, if you fear information overload

This is done by selecting which method in the (Group Choice) How to progress through the course   activity. 

# Activity (text auto-links to task) Completion: Purpose / Requirement
(Group Choice) How to progress through the course
Checkout how you can have students self-select the groups to be members.
To complete select which way you want to experience the course and save your choice.
(Forum) Introduce yourself!
Checkout how forums can be used in your classroom to have asynchronous communication.
To complete Start a discussion by clicking the 'Add a new discussion topic' button below and tell us about yourself.
(Quiz) Question Types
Checkout the auto-checking and feedback features of the Quiz module.
To complete this activity you need to attempt the quiz at least once. (It's best to fail to see how feedback works when getting the wrong answers.)
(Interactive Content) H5P
Checkout the potential of using H5P in your courses to engage your student with content.
To complete make sure that you have completed the single question that has you drag and drop the words into the correct location.
(Assignment) Grading with Rubric
Checkout the how students can submit work for you to grade with a rubric and provide feedback on.
To complete just need to only submit an assignment. (How to grade will be used to demonstrate grading practice)