Career Ready Practices

BPS_CRP-02: Technical Skills

Apply Appropriate Academic and Technical Skills.


Career-ready individuals readily access and use the knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education to be more productive. They make connections between abstract concepts with real-world applications and make correct insights about when it is appropriate to apply the use of an academic skill in a workplace situation.


  • (BPS_CRP-02.01) Math skills
  • (BPS_CRP-02.02) Using past knowledge
  • (BPS_CRP-02.03) Reading and interpreting
  • (BPS_CRP-02.04) Writing
  • (BPS_CRP-02.05) Problem solving and critical thinking
  • (BPS_CRP-02.06) Using resources to complete work

Calculation of the Standard

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks.

» CRP-MS Competencies