Kindergarten (SST) Social Studies Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 1: Skills and Resources
SST-00.2.01 Identify symbols of the United States (e.g., the flag, bald eagle, Statue of Liberty, patriotic songs, Pledge of Allegiance).
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
I can identify land and water on a map or globe.
Reasoning Targets
I can
Skills (Performance) Targets
I can
Product Targets
I can
Proficiency Scale
The Student is ...
(1) Beginning
unable to identify land or water on a map or globe.
(2) Developing
able to identify land and water with vocabulary prompts from the teacher. The teacher asks the student to "Point to land/water".
(3) Proficient
able to identify land and water. The teacher will ask the student to talk about what he/she notices on the map. Student will need to identify the land and water on the map by pointing and using words.
(4) Advanced
in addition to a proficient score of 3.0, the student demonstrates in-depth understanding and application of knowledge regarding more complex material. The student does independent research and shares information on various oceans or continents.