Prioritized Standards


BPSS-ELA-C logo8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (C) Communications 
(PC) Presentational Communication
Learners will organize and express information in a format appropriate to the audience and purpose.
ELA-08.C.01  Construct and deliver formal and informal presentations considering the audience and purpose, including multimedia components when appropriate.

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Standard C.01: Presentations 
  • ELA-00.C.01   Describe personal interests or tell stories orally to a targeted audience. 
  • ELA-01.C.01   Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details expressing ideas orally to a targeted audience. 
  • ELA-02.C.01   Report on a topic or text, tell a story or recount an experience to a targeted audience with relevant facts and descriptive details. 
  • ELA-03.C.01   Report relevant facts and descriptive details of a topic, text, story, or experience for a targeted audience. 
  • ELA-04.C.01   Organize and present information as an individual and group for a formal and informal audience. 
  • ELA-05.C.01   Organize and present information as an individual and group for a formal and informal audience. 
  • ELA-06.C.01   Construct and deliver formal and informal presentations considering the provided audience and purpose, including multimedia components when appropriate. 
  • ELA-07.C.01   Construct and deliver formal and informal presentations considering the audience and purpose using multimedia components when appropriate. 
  • ELA-08.C.01   Construct and deliver formal and informal presentations considering the audience and purpose, including multimedia components when appropriate. 
  • ELA-09.C.01   Construct and deliver formal and informal presentations, incorporating multimedia components when appropriate for the audience and purpose. 
  • ELA-10.C.01   Construct and deliver formal and informal presentations, incorporating multimedia components when appropriate for the audience and purpose. 
  • ELA-11.C.01   Construct and deliver formal and informal presentations, incorporating multimedia components when appropriate for the audience and purpose. 
  • ELA-12.C.01   Construct and deliver formal and informal presentations, incorporating multimedia components when appropriate for the audience and purpose. 


BPSS-ELA-C logo8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (C) Communications 
(PC) Presentational Communication
Learners will organize and express information in a format appropriate to the audience and purpose.
ELA-08.C.02 Present ideas using proper eye contact, body language, volume, and pronunciation in formal and informal presentations.

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Standard C.02: Giving Oral Presentations 
  • ELA-00.C.02   Speak audibly to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas. 
  • ELA-01.C.02   Speak audibly in complete sentences to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas. 
  • ELA-02.C.02   Speak audibly in complete sentences when proper to the task and situation to provide requested details or clarifications. 
  • ELA-03.C.02   Speak in complete sentences using proper eye contact and volume to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas. 
  • ELA-04.C.02   Present ideas using proper eye contact, body language, and volume in formal and informal situations. 
  • ELA-05.C.02   Present ideas using proper eye contact, body language, and volume in formal and informal situations. 
  • ELA-06.C.02   Present ideas using proper eye contact, body language, volume, and pronunciation in formal and informal presentations. 
  • ELA-07.C.02   Present ideas using proper eye contact, body language, volume, and pronunciation in formal and informal presentations. 
  • ELA-08.C.02   Present ideas using proper eye contact, body language, volume, and pronunciation in formal and informal presentations. 
  • ELA-09.C.02   Implement proper verbal and nonverbal communication for tasks and situations. 
  • ELA-10.C.02   Implement proper verbal and nonverbal communication for tasks and situations. 
  • ELA-11.C.02   Implement proper verbal and nonverbal communication for the task and situation. 
  • ELA-12.C.02   Implement proper verbal and nonverbal communication for the task and situation. 


BPSS-ELA-C logo 8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (C) Communications 
(C) Collaboration
Learners will engage in a range of discussions with various partners on relevant topics, texts, and issues.
ELA-08.C.05 Prepare for discussions by finding relevant and specific connections to the topic or text.

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Standard C.05: Preparations for Discussions 
  • ELA-06.C.05   Prepare for discussions by finding relevant connections to the topic or text.
  • ELA-07.C.05   Prepare for discussions by finding relevant and specific connections to the topic or text.
  • ELA-08.C.05   Prepare for discussions by finding relevant and specific connections to the topic or text.
  • ELA-09.C.05   Prepare for discussions by reading and researching ideas to be discussed.
  • ELA-10.C.05   Prepare for discussions by reading and researching ideas to be discussed.
  • ELA-11.C.05   Prepare for discussions by reading and researching ideas.
  • ELA-12.C.05   Prepare for discussions by reading and researching ideas.


BPSS-ELA-C logo 8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (C) Communications 
(C) Collaboration
Learners will engage in a range of discussions with various partners on relevant topics, texts, and issues.
ELA-08.C.06 Engage in a range of discussions and/or debates.

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  • (a.) Use active listening skills to stay focused and present.
  • (b.) Reference others’ ideas and/or connections to a text.
  • (c.) Synthesize texts.


Standard C.06: Group Discussion and Debate 
  • ELA-00.C.06   Participate in conversations by listening to others and taking turns speaking. 
  • ELA-01.C.06   Participate in conversations by listening to others and taking turns speaking about topics, continuing through multiple exchanges. 
  • ELA-02.C.06   Participate in conversations by linking comments to the remarks of others and asking questions. 
  • ELA-03.C.06   Engage in conversations by asking and answering questions using active listening skills. 
  • ELA-04.C.06   Engage in a range of discussions by using active listening skills, posing, and responding to specific questions. 
  • ELA-05.C.06   Engage in a range of discussions using active listening skills, posing and responding to specific questions to clarify information. 
  • ELA-06.C.06   Engage in a range of discussions and/or debates using active listening skills to be focused and present. 
  • ELA-07.C.06   Engage in a range of discussions and/or debates. 
  • ELA-08.C.06   Engage in a range of discussions and/or debates. 
  • ELA-09.C.06   Engage in respectful discussions or debates. 
  • ELA-10.C.06   Engage in respectful discussions or debates. 
  • ELA-11.C.06   Engage in respectful discussions or debates. 
  • ELA-12.C.06   Engage in respectful discussions or debates. 


BPSS-ELA-C logo8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (C) Communications 
(C) Collaboration
Learners will engage in a range of discussions with various partners on relevant topics, texts, and issues.
ELA-08.C.07 Collaborate cooperatively with peers to accomplish a common goal or purpose.

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Standard C.07: Group Collaboration 
  • ELA-00.C.07   Work collaboratively by following agreed-upon rules and simple one- and two-step oral directions.*
  • ELA-01.C.07   Work collaboratively by following agreed-upon rules and simple two- and three-step oral directions and offering one- and two-step verbal directions. 
  • ELA-02.C.07   Work collaboratively by following agreed-upon rules and following/offering multi-step oral directions. 
  • ELA-03.C.07   Engage collaboratively by following agreed-upon rules. 
  • ELA-04.C.07   Engage collaboratively to accomplish a common goal or purpose. 
  • ELA-05.C.07   Engage collaboratively to accomplish a common goal or purpose. 
  • ELA-06.C.07   Collaborate cooperatively with peers to accomplish a common goal or purpose. 
  • ELA-07.C.07   Collaborate cooperatively with peers to accomplish a common goal or purpose. 
  • ELA-08.C.07   Collaborate cooperatively with peers to accomplish a common goal or purpose. 
  • ELA-09.C.07   Collaborate on a specific task or purpose in a productive climate by following norms, processes, and roles. 
  • ELA-10.C.07   Collaborate on a specific task or purpose in a productive climate by following norms, processes, and roles. 
  • ELA-11.C.07   Collaborate on a specific task or purpose in a productive climate by establishing and following norms, processes, and roles. 
  • ELA-12.C.07   Collaborate on a specific task or purpose in a productive climate by establishing and following norms, processes, and roles.


BPSS-ELA-AI logo 8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (IR) Inquiry and Research 
(S1) Select and Develop Research
Learner selects a research topic and develops research question(s).
ELA-08.IR.01 Develop research questions based on self-generated topics, problems, or needs.

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Standard IR.01: (begins in third grade)
  • ELA-03.IR.01    Choose a topic of interest to research.
  • ELA-04.IR.01    Choose a topic of interest and develop several questions about it for research.
  • ELA-05.IR.01    Choose a topic of interest and develop a focus question for research.
  • ELA-06.IR.01    Develop a research question based on a given topic, problem, or need.
  • ELA-07.IR.01    Develop a research question based on a given topic, problem, or need.
  • ELA-08.IR.01    Develop research questions based on self-generated topics, problems, or needs.
  • ELA-09.IR.01    Develop pertinent research questions and narrow or broaden the inquiry.
  • ELA-10.IR.01    Develop pertinent research questions and narrow or broaden the inquiry.
  • ELA-11.IR.01    Develop complex, pertinent research questions and narrow or broaden the inquiry.
  • ELA-12.IR.01    Develop complex, pertinent research questions and narrow or broaden the inquiry.


BPSS-ELA-AI logo8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (IR) Inquiry and Research 
(S2) Locate and Select Information
Learner locates and select information for research.
ELA-08.IR.02 Gather and interpret relevant information for a variety of purposes.

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Standard IR.02: (begins in second grade)
  • ELA-02.IR.02    Locate important information on a topic in a provided source during a shared or interactive experience.
  • ELA-03.IR.02    Locate relevant information on a topic from a provided credible source or database.
  • ELA-04.IR.02    Locate relevant information on a topic from a provided credible source or database.
  • ELA-05.IR.02    Locate relevant information from a pair of provided, credible sources.
  • ELA-06.IR.02    Locate relevant information from a provided set of credible sources.
  • ELA-07.IR.02    Locate relevant information from a variety of credible sources.
  • ELA-08.IR.02    Gather and interpret relevant information for a variety of purposes.
  • ELA-09.IR.02    Gather and interpret relevant information from primary and secondary sources for a variety of purposes.
  • ELA-10.IR.02    Gather and interpret relevant information from primary and secondary sources for a variety of purposes.
  • ELA-11.IR.02    Gather and interpret relevant information, from both primary and secondary sources, for a variety of purposes.
  • ELA-12.IR.02    Gather and interpret relevant information, from both primary and secondary sources, for a variety of purposes.


BPSS-ELA-AI logo 8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (IR) Inquiry and Research 
(S3) Organize Research Results
Learner organize research results.
ELA-08.IR.03 Organize main concepts from a variety of sources using multiple note taking strategies.

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Standard IR.03: (begins in second grade)
  • ELA-02.IR.03    Use organizational tools to track information from a provided pair of sources relevant to a topic in a shared or interactive experience.
  • ELA-03.IR.03    Use organizational tools to track information from a provided credible source relevant to a topic.
  • ELA-04.IR.03    Use organizational tools and a notetaking strategy to track relevant information from a provided credible source on a topic.
  • ELA-05.IR.03    Use organizational tools and notetaking strategies to track relevant information from a provided pair of credible sources on a topic.
  • ELA-06.IR.03    Organize main concepts from provided sources using a given notetaking strategy.
  • ELA-07.IR.03    Organize main concepts from provided and self-selected sources using given and self-generated notetaking strategies.
  • ELA-08.IR.03    Organize main concepts from a variety of sources using multiple notetaking strategies.
  • ELA-09.IR.03    Organize relevant information from a variety of sources.
  • ELA-10.IR.03    Organize relevant information from a variety of sources.
  • ELA-11.IR.03    Organize relevant information from a variety of sources.
  • ELA-12.IR.03    Organize relevant information from a variety of sources.


BPSS-ELA-AI logo8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (IR) Inquiry and Research 
(S4) Determining Credibility and Evaluating Sources
Learner determines credibility and evaluates sources for research.
ELA-08.IR.04 Analyze the credibility of a source based on bias, perspective, and purpose.

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Standard IR.04: (begins in third grade)
  • ELA-03.IR.04    Identify a fact or an opinion based on information provided by the author.
  • ELA-04.IR.04    Determine a fact or opinion based on information provided by the author.
  • ELA-05.IR.04    Identify facts and multiple perspectives from credible sources.
  • ELA-06.IR.04    Analyze information from credible sources considering multiple perspectives.
  • ELA-07.IR.04    Analyze information from credible sources considering multiple perspectives and identifying biases.
  • ELA-08.IR.04    Analyze the credibility of a source based on bias, perspective, and purpose.
  • ELA-09.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, perspective, and purpose.
  • ELA-10.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, perspective, and purpose.
  • ELA-11.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, argumentative reasoning, perspective, and purpose.
  • ELA-12.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, argumentative reasoning, perspective, and purpose.


BPSS-ELA-AI logo 8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (IR) Inquiry and Research 
(S5) Citing Sources
Learner cites sources for research.
ELA-08.IR.05 Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.

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  • (a.) Reference sources, including in-text citations, when quoting, paraphrasing, and/or summarizing to avoid plagiarism.
  • (b.) Generate a citation/bibliography page using a standardized format.


Standard IR.05: (begins in fourth grade)
  • ELA-04.IR.05    Cite and reference sources with a bibliography page using an approved citation format to avoid plagiarism.
  • ELA-05.IR.05    Cite and reference sources with a bibliography page using an approved citation format to avoid plagiarism.
  • ELA-06.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
  • ELA-07.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
  • ELA-08.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
  • ELA-09.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
  • ELA-10.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
  • ELA-11.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
  • ELA-12.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.


BPSS-ELA-R logo8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (R) Reading 
(C) Comprehension
Learners will read to understand a variety of complex literary and informational texts.
ELA-08.R.02 Comprehend a variety of texts while developing inferences and providing relevant textual evidence and reasoning.

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Standard R.02: Text Comprehension/Inferences
  • ELA-00.R.02    Respond to a variety of texts, photographs, or illustrations before, during, and after shared reading or other text-listening experiences to compare, contrast, predict, or infer.
  • ELA-01.R.02    Ask and answer questions about a variety of texts, genres, photographs, or illustrations before, during, and after shared reading or other text-listening experiences to compare, contrast, predict, or infer.
  • ELA-02.R.02    Ask and answer questions about key details before, during, and after reading a variety of literary and informational texts to compare, contrast, predict, or infer.*
  • ELA-03.R.02    Ask and answer questions about key details before, during, and after reading a variety of genres, literary, and informational texts using text evidence to compare, contrast, predict, and infer.*
  • ELA-04.R.02    Make inferences while reading a variety of genres, literary, and informational texts; providing text evidence.*
  • ELA-05.R.02    Make inferences drawn from the text during and after reading a variety of genres, literary, and informational texts.*
  • ELA-06.R.02    Comprehend a variety of texts while developing inferences and providing supportive textual evidence.
  • ELA-07.R.02    Comprehend a variety of texts while developing inferences and providing supportive textual evidence and reasoning.
  • ELA-08.R.02    Comprehend a variety of texts while developing inferences and providing relevant textual evidence and reasoning.
  • ELA-09.R.02    Comprehend a variety of texts with multiple levels of complexity while developing inferences and providing relevant textual evidence and reasoning.
  • ELA-10.R.02    Comprehend a variety of texts with multiple levels of complexity while developing inferences and providing relevant textual evidence and reasoning.
  • ELA-11.R.02    Comprehend a variety of texts with multiple levels of complexity while developing inferences and providing relevant textual evidence and reasoning.
  • ELA-12.R.02    Comprehend a variety of texts with multiple levels of complexity while developing inferences and providing relevant textual evidence and reasoning.


BPSS-ELA-R logo8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (R) Reading 
(C) Comprehension
Learners will read to understand a variety of complex literary and informational texts.
ELA-08.R.03a Summarize and/or paraphrase nonfiction texts objectively, including relevant details and avoiding unnecessary information.

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Standard R.03a: Summarizing Nonfiction Text
  • ELA-00.R.03a    Tell about the informational text, photographs, or illustrations before, during, or after a shared reading or other text-listening experience.*
  • ELA-01.R.03a    Identify the topic of an informational text, photograph, or illustration during or after a shared reading or other text-listening experiences.*
  • ELA-02.R.03a    Identify the main idea with supporting details during or after reading an informational text or passage.*
  • ELA-03.R.03a    Summarize the main idea(s) with supporting details during or after reading an informational text or passage.*
  • ELA-04.R.03a    Summarize an informational text or passage, stating the main idea(s) and providing supporting details.*
  • ELA-05.R.03a    Summarize an informational text or passage, stating the main idea(s) and providing supporting details.*
  • ELA-06.R.03a    Summarize nonfiction texts objectively, including relevant details.
  • ELA-07.R.03a    Summarize and/or paraphrase nonfiction texts objectively, including relevant details and avoiding unnecessary information.
  • ELA-08.R.03a    Summarize and/or paraphrase nonfiction texts objectively, including relevant details and avoiding unnecessary information.
  • ELA-09.R.03a    Summarize and/or paraphrase nonfiction texts objectively, including relevant information.
  • ELA-10.R.03a    Summarize and/or paraphrase nonfiction texts objectively, including relevant information.
  • ELA-11.R.03a    Summarize and/or paraphrase nonfiction texts objectively, including relevant information.
  • ELA-12.R.03a    Summarize and/or paraphrase nonfiction texts objectively, including relevant information.


BPSS-ELA-R logo8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (R) Reading 
(C) Comprehension
Learners will read to understand a variety of complex literary and informational texts.
ELA-08.R.03b Summarize and/or paraphrase literary texts objectively, including relevant details and avoiding unnecessary information.

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Standard R.03b: Summarize Literary Text
  • ELA-00.R.03b    Tell about characters and setting in a literary text during or after a shared reading or other text-listening experience.*
  • ELA-01.R.03b    Identify characters, setting, and plot in a literary text during or after a shared reading or other text-listening experience.*
  • ELA-02.R.03b    Retell the plot to include the beginning, middle, and end of a literary text after reading.*
  • ELA-03.R.03b    Summarize the story by including major story elements after reading a literary text or passage.*
  • ELA-04.R.03b    Summarize the story by including major story elements after reading a literary text or passage.*
  • ELA-05.R.03b    Summarize a story by including major story elements after reading a literary text.*
  • ELA-06.R.03b    Summarize literary texts objectively, including relevant details.
  • ELA-07.R.03b    Summarize and/or paraphrase literary texts objectively, including relevant details and avoiding unnecessary information.
  • ELA-08.R.03b    Summarize and/or paraphrase literary texts objectively, including relevant details and avoiding unnecessary information.
  • ELA-09.R.03b    Summarize and/or paraphrase literary texts objectively, including relevant information.
  • ELA-10.R.03b    Summarize and/or paraphrase literary texts objectively, including relevant information.
  • ELA-11.R.03b    Summarize and paraphrase literary texts objectively, including relevant information.
  • ELA-12.R.03b    Summarize and paraphrase literary texts objectively, including relevant information.


BPSS-ELA-R logo8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (R) Reading 
(C) Comprehension
Learners will read to understand a variety of complex literary and informational texts.
ELA-08.R.04 Determine a main idea(s), claim(s), or theme(s) and provide relevant textual evidence and supportive reasoning.

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Standard R.04: Main Idea/Claim/Theme
  • ELA-04.R.04    Identify a theme based on textual evidence.*
  • ELA-05.R.04    Determine a claim or theme based on textual evidence.*
  • ELA-06.R.04    Determine main idea(s), claim(s), or theme(s) and provide supporting textual evidence.
  • ELA-07.R.04    Determine main idea(s), claim(s), or theme(s) and provide supporting textual evidence and reasoning.
  • ELA-08.R.04    Determine a main idea(s), claim(s), or theme(s) and provide relevant textual evidence and supportive reasoning.
  • ELA-09.R.04    Determine the main idea(s), claim(s), or theme(s) as they develop over the course of the text and support them with textual evidence.
  • ELA-10.R.04    Determine the main idea(s), claim(s), or theme(s) as they develop over the course of the text and support them with textual evidence.
  • ELA-11.R.04    Determine the main idea(s), claim(s), or theme(s) as they develop over the course of the text and interact with each other, and support them with textual evidence. 
  • ELA-12.R.04    Determine the main idea(s), claim(s), or theme(s) as they develop over the course of the text and interact with each other, and support them with textual evidence.


BPSS-ELA-R logo 8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (R) Reading 
(C) Comprehension
Learners will read to understand a variety of complex literary and informational texts.
ELA-08.R.05 Determine the meaning and purpose of words and phrases as they contribute to the text, including figurative, denotative, and connotative meanings.

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Standard R.05: Use Text to Determine Word Meaning
  • ELA-00.R.05    Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases through read-alouds or other text-listening experiences.*
  • ELA-01.R.05    Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases through read-alouds or other text-listening experiences.*
  • ELA-02.R.05    Determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases through a variety of text experiences.*
  • ELA-03.R.05    Determine the meaning of unknown and multi-meaning words within a text.*
  • ELA-04.R.05    Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases within a text.*
  • ELA-05.R.05    Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases within a text.*
  • ELA-06.R.05    Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative, denotative, and connotative meanings.
  • ELA-07.R.05    Determine the meaning and purpose of words and phrases as they contribute to the text, including figurative, denotative, and connotative meanings.
  • ELA-08.R.05    Determine the meaning and purpose of words and phrases as they contribute to the text, including figurative, denotative, and connotative meanings.
  • ELA-09.R.05    Determine the meaning and purpose of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including academic vocabulary, figurative, ambiguous, and connotative meanings.
  • ELA-10.R.05    Determine the meaning and purpose of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including academic vocabulary, figurative, ambiguous, and connotative meanings.
  • ELA-11.R.05    Determine the meaning, purpose, and impact of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including academic vocabulary, figurative, ambiguous, and connotative meanings.
  • ELA-12.R.05    Determine the meaning, purpose, and impact of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including academic vocabulary, figurative, ambiguous, and connotative meanings.


BPSS-ELA-R logo 8 (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (R) Reading 
(TA) Text Analysis
Learners will analyze, interpret, and evaluate complex literary and informational texts that include a wide variety of genres and formats.
ELA-08.R.06 Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how sections, paragraphs, stanzas, and/or particular sentences contribute to the development of ideas and the overall purpose of the text.

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Standard R.06: Text Features and Structure 
  • ELA-00.R.06  Identify photographs, illustrations, and labels during or after a shared reading or other text-listening experience. 
  • ELA-01.R.06  Recognize basic text features during or after a shared reading or other text-listening experience. 
  • ELA-02.R.06  Identify text features and use previously learned text features to read and understand a text or passage.* 
  • ELA-03.R.06  Use text features and previously learned text features to read and understand a text or passage.* 
  • ELA-04.R.06  Determine the structure of an informational text: 
  • ELA-05.R.06 Describe the structure of informational texts: 
  • ELA-06.R.06  Describe how a paragraph, chapter, stanza, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of ideas. 
  • ELA-07.R.06  Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections or stanzas contribute to the whole and the development of ideas, and the overall purpose of the text. 
  • ELA-08.R.06  Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how sections, paragraphs, stanzas, and/or particular sentences contribute to the development of ideas and the overall purpose of the text. 
  • ELA-09.R.06  Analyze how the author's choice in structure, form, and format supports the purpose, contributes to the meaning, or impacts the audience. 
  • ELA-10.R.06  Analyze how the author's choice in structure, form, and format supports the purpose, contributes to the meaning, or impacts the audience. 
  • ELA-11.R.06  Analyze and evaluate how the author's choice in structure, form, and format supports the purpose, contributes to the meaning, or impacts the audience. 
  • ELA-12.R.06  Analyze and evaluate how the author's choice in structure, form, and format supports the purpose, contributes to the meaning, or impacts the audience. 


BPSS-ELA-R logo 8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (R) Reading 
(TA) Text Analysis
Learners will analyze, interpret, and evaluate complex literary and informational texts that include a wide variety of genres and formats.
ELA-08.R.08 Analyze a variety of fiction texts using textual evidence for support.

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  • (a.) Analyze how the characters and plot develop over the course of a text, interact with other elements, and advance the plot or develop the theme(s).
  • (b.) Analyze how a story’s point of view affects the text’s overall meaning.
  • (c.) Analyze how multiple works or genres address the same topic.
  • (d.) Analyze how an author’s background, environment, time period, or culture affects the telling of a story.


Standard R.08: Analysis and Comparison of Literary Texts 
  • ELA-00.R.08 Use a variety of fiction texts. 
  • ELA-01.R.08 Use a variety of fiction texts. 
  • ELA-02.R.08 Use a variety of fiction and poetry texts. 
  • ELA-03.R.08 Analyze a variety of fiction and poetry texts. 
  • ELA-04.R.08 Analyze a variety of fiction and poetry texts. 
  • ELA-05.R.08 Analyze a variety of fiction and poetry texts. 
  • ELA-06.R.08 Analyze a variety of fiction texts using textual evidence for support. 
  • ELA-07.R.08 Analyze a variety of fiction texts using textual evidence for support. 
  • ELA-08.R.08 Analyze a variety of fiction texts using textual evidence for support. 
  • ELA-09.R.08 Analyze the development and interaction of literary elements and determine how they impact meaning, using strong textual evidence to support the analysis. 
  • ELA-10.R.08 Analyze the development and interaction of literary elements and determine how they impact meaning, using strong textual evidence to support the analysis. 
  • ELA-11.R.08 Analyze the development and interaction of literary elements and determine how they impact meaning, using strong and thorough textual evidence to support the analysis. 
  • ELA-12.R.08 Analyze the development and interaction of literary elements and determine how they impact meaning, using strong and thorough textual evidence to support the analysis. 


BPSS-ELA-R logo 8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (R) Reading 
(TA) Text Analysis
Learners will analyze, interpret, and evaluate complex literary and informational texts that include a wide variety of genres and formats.
ELA-08.R.09 Analyze a variety of nonfiction texts using textual evidence for support.

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  • (a.) Analyze how an author’s point of view influences the purpose of the text.
  • (b.) Analyze multiple texts comparing how the authors present information about a similar topic.


Standard R.09: Synthesis and Analysis of Informational Text 
  • ELA-03.R.09 Determine the most important points and key details presented in two nonfiction texts on the same topic. 
  • ELA-04.R.09 Integrate information from two texts on the same topic.* 
  • ELA-05.R.09 Integrate information from several texts or media on the same informational topics. 
  • ELA-06.R.09 Analyze a variety of nonfiction texts using textual evidence for support. 
  • ELA-07.R.09 Analyze a variety of nonfiction texts using textual evidence for support. 
  • ELA-08.R.09 Analyze a variety of nonfiction texts using textual evidence for support. 
  • ELA-09.R.09 Analyze the development and interaction of informational and argumentative elements over the course of a nonfiction text and how they impact purpose using textual evidence to support the analysis. 
  • ELA-10.R.09 Analyze the development and interaction of informational and argumentative elements over the course of a nonfiction text and how they impact purpose using textual evidence to support the analysis. 
  • ELA-11.R.09 Analyze the development and interaction of informational and argumentative elements over the course of a nonfiction text and how they impact purpose using strong and thorough textual evidence to support the analysis. 
  • ELA-12.R.09 Analyze the development and interaction of informational and argumentative elements over the course of a nonfiction text and how they impact purpose using strong and thorough textual evidence to support the analysis.


BPSS-ELA-Wr logo 8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (Wr) Writing 
(LU) Language Usage
Learners will integrate appropriate language and style to ensure effective readability in writing.
ELA-08.wL.01 Apply language knowledge for specific tasks, purposes, intentions, and audience, resolving usage issues as needed.

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  • (a.) Use simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to add variety and interest.
  • (b.) Recognize and correct inappropriate fragments and run-ons.
  • (c.) Use varying forms of punctuation accurately.
  • (d.) Follow standard grammar conventions mastered in previous grades.


Standard wL.01: Language Mechanics (K-5)/Language Mechanics and Grammar (6-12)
  • ELA-00.wL.01    Compose a simple sentence.*
  • ELA-01.wL.01    Compose simple sentences.*
  • ELA-02.wL.01    Compose simple and compound sentences.*
  • ELA-03.wL.01    Compose simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.*
  • ELA-04.wL.01    Compose simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.*
  • ELA-05.wL.01    Compose simple, compound, and complex sentences.*
  • ELA-06.wL.01    Apply language knowledge for a specific task, purpose, intention, and audience, resolving issues of usage as needed.
  • ELA-07.wL.01    Apply language knowledge for a specific task, purpose, intention, and audience, resolving issues of usage as needed.
  • ELA-08.wL.01    Apply language knowledge for specific tasks, purposes, intentions, and audience, resolving usage issues as needed.
  • ELA-09.wL.01    Apply language knowledge for a specific task, purpose, intention, and audience, resolving issues of usage as needed.
  • ELA-10.wL.01    Apply language knowledge for a specific task, purpose, intention, and audience, resolving issues of usage as needed.
  • ELA-11.wL.01    Apply language knowledge for a specific task, purpose, and audience, resolving issues of usage as needed.
  • ELA-12.wL.01    Apply language knowledge for a specific task, purpose, and audience, resolving issues of usage as needed.


BPSS-ELA-Wr logo8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (Wr) Writing 
(TTS) Text Types and Structure
Learners will engage in the writing process and produce a variety of texts determined to address different audiences and purposes.
ELA-08.Wr.01 Produce clear and coherent writing organized logically according to the task, purpose, and audience.

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Standard Wr.01: Development and Purpose of Writing
  • ELA-00.Wr.01    Produce writing through shared and interactive experiences in which the development and organization are appropriate to the task, purpose, or audience.*
  • ELA-01.Wr.01    Produce writing through shared and interactive experiences in which the development and organization are appropriate to the task, purpose, or audience.*
  • ELA-02.Wr.01    Produce writing appropriate to the task, purpose, or audience.*
  • ELA-03.Wr.01    Produce writing that is organized appropriately to the task, purpose, or audience.*
  • ELA-04.Wr.01    Produce clear writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to the task, purpose, or audience.*
  • ELA-05.Wr.01    Produce clear writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to the task, purpose, or audience.*
  • ELA-06.Wr.01    Produce clear writing organized according to the task, purpose, and audience.
  • ELA-07.Wr.01    Produce clear and coherent writing organized according to the task, purpose, and audience.
  • ELA-08.Wr.01    Produce clear and coherent writing organized logically according to the task, purpose, and audience.
  • ELA-09.Wr.01    Write clearly and coherently with appropriate content, format, and style to accomplish a specific purpose for a target audience.
  • ELA-10.Wr.01    Write clearly and coherently with appropriate content, format, and style to accomplish a specific purpose for a target audience.
  • ELA-11.Wr.01    Write clearly and coherently with appropriate content, format, and style to accomplish a specific purpose for a target audience.
  • ELA-12.Wr.01    Write clearly and coherently with appropriate content, format, and style to accomplish a specific purpose for a target audience.


BPSS-ELA-Wr logo 8th (ELA) Targeted Standard  
  (Wr) Writing 
(WPC) Writing Process and Craft
Learners will develop, strengthen, and produce writing by planning, revising, editing, and rewriting.
ELA-08.Wr.06 Develop and strengthen writing by planning, drafting, revising, and editing to address specific purposes for the genre and audience.

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Standard Wr.06: Writing Process
  • ELA-00.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing utilizing the five steps appropriate to the task:
  • ELA-01.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing utilizing the five steps appropriate to the task.
  • ELA-02.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing utilizing the five steps appropriate to the task.
  • ELA-03.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing utilizing the five steps appropriate to the task and purpose.
  • ELA-04.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing utilizing the five steps appropriate to the task.
  • ELA-05.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing utilizing the five steps appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
  • ELA-06.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing by planning, drafting, revising, and editing to provide clarity to the audience.
  • ELA-07.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing by planning, drafting, revising, and editing to address specific purposes for the genre and audience.
  • ELA-08.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing by planning, drafting, revising, and editing to address specific purposes for the genre and audience.
  • ELA-09.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing through the writing process to produce a quality product for a specific purpose and audience.
  • ELA-10.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing through the writing process to produce a quality product for a specific purpose and audience.
  • ELA-11.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing through the writing process to produce a quality product for a specific purpose and audience.
  • ELA-12.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing through the writing process to produce a quality product for a specific purpose and audience.