Prioritized Standards


BPSS-MAT-NO logo9th Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c1) Category 1: Executive Skills and Knowledge
(C) Right Hand Skills and Knowledge
Students perform with fluent bowing motion, control of variables (weight, angle, speed, and placement), in a variety of bowing techniques and articulations, with characteristic tone.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 3.1  More advanced détaché bowings 
    • a.  Louré 
    • b.  Détaché Lancé
    • c.  Portato 
    • d.  Rapid Détaché
    • e.  Tremolo
  • 3.2  Off-string strokes 
    • a.  Spiccato 
  • 3.3  Special effect bowings 
    • a.  Flautando 
    • b.  Sul ponticello
    • c.  Sul tasto
    • d.  Col legno
  • 3.4  Chords 
  • 3.5  Extension of techniques related to control of bowing variables (weight, angle, speed, and placement).


BPSS-MAT-NO logo9th Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c2) Category 2: Musicianship Skills and Knowledge
(E) Ensemble Skills
Students perform in an ensemble, demonstrating sensitivity and the ability to adjust and maintain a uniform sense of rhythm, tempo, articulation, tone, blend, balance, and dynamics; understand conducting gestures, follow conductor and section leader, and are able to synchronize bowings.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 3.1  Students follow the section leader.
  • 3.2  Students perform with style, articulation, and pitch including adjusting dynamics according to musical function of their part (i.e., melody, harmony, counterpoint, etc.). 
  • 3.3  Follow conductor’s more complex beat patterns, cues, and expressive gestures.


BPSS-MUSc3 logo9th Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c3) Category 3: Artistic Skills and Knowledge
(A) Expressive Elements
Students employ expressive elements of music to communicate abstract thoughts, ideas, and meaning, share the depth of the human experience, and develop expression and understanding.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 3.1  Students perform with an expanded range of dynamics, tempos, and timbre/tone color.
  • 3.2  Students perform with a characteristic tone at all dynamic levels.
  • 3.3  Students apply knowledge of performance practice to selected repertoire.
  • 3.4  Students perform with articulation corresponding to proficient-level right-hand technical skills.
  • 3.5  Students use vibrato, when appropriate, to enhance timbre and tone.


BPSS-MUSc3 logo9th Grade (MUS) Targeted String Standard  
  (c3) Category 3: Artistic Skills and Knowledge
(C) Evaluation of Music and Musical Performance
Students evaluate and analyze music for executive skill, musicianship, and artistic considerations and evaluate and analyze the individual and group performances based on appropriate criteria.

proficiency scale iconProficiency Scale

Learning Targets

  • 3.1  Students evaluate individual and group performances using established criteria.
  • 3.2  Students describe personal preference in music listening and group performance.
  • 3.3  Students, with teacher assistance, establish criteria for evaluating individual and group performances based on the level of music performed.
  • 3.4  Students compare and contrast performances of various interpretations of the same piece, using appropriate terminology and informed value judgements.