(Prioritized Competencies)


BPSS-ELD logoELD-SI LogoStandard 1: Language for

(SI) Social and Instructional Purposes


English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. The Functions of Standard 1 are meant to be interwoven and paired with those of Standards 2-5. For this reason, remember that there are no specific Language Features for Standard 1, and that the expectations for the interpretive and expressive communication modes are the same.

Key Language Uses


  • Share ideas about one’s own and others’ lived experiences and previous learning
  • Connect stories with images and representations to add meaning
  • Identify and raise questions about what might be unexplained, missing, or left unsaid
  • Recount and restate ideas to sustain and move dialogue forward
  • Create closure, recap, and offer next steps



  • Define and classify facts and interpretations; determine what is known vs. unknown
  • Report on explicit and inferred characteristics, patterns, or behavior
  • Describe the parts and wholes of a system
  • Sort, clarify, and summarize relationships
  • Summarize most important aspects of information



  • Generate and convey initial thinking
  • Follow and describe cycles and sequences of steps or procedures and their causes and effects
  • Compare changing variables, factors, and circumstances
  • Offer alternatives to extend or deepen awareness of factors that contribute to particular outcomes
  • Act on feedback to revise understandings of how or why something is or works in particular ways



  • Generate questions about different perspectives
  • Support or challenge an opinion, premise, or interpretation
  • Clarify and elaborate ideas based on feedback
  • Evaluate changes in thinking, identifying trade-offs
  • Refine claims and reasoning based on new information or evidence

Calculation Method for Standards

Standards are larger groups of related student Key Language Uses. So the Standard Score is a calculation of all the related student key language uses. So click on the student standards identifiers  name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each standard.