IWL-MS.G4 IWL-MS.G4Goal 4:
Develop insight into the nature of language and culture to interact with cultural competence.DescriptionExperiencing a second language increases a learner's ability to reflect on their first language. Language Comparisons focus on the impact of learning linguistic elements of a new language and develop the ability to examine their own language. Cultural
Comparisons help learners gain a deeper understanding of cultures and how they are similar to and different from their own. Learners develop both critical thinking abilities and an awareness and appreciation of alternate views. Standards Structure
- Goals are listed at the top of the list and are the general statements of what students need to know and be able to do.
- Standards are listed below the standards and further clarify a specific area of the standard.
- G4.01 Language Comparisons
- G4.02 Cultural Comparisons
- Performance Indicators, listed below the topics, are the specific learning expectations for students..
Calculation Method for StandardsStandards are larger groups of related student competencies. So the Standard Score is a calculation of all the related student competencies. So click on the student competences identifiers name below each Standard to access
the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Disciplinary Core Idea's related Performance Expectations. |