Standard 3: Economics


BPSS-SST logoStandard 3:

Economic Concepts

Students understand economic concepts and the characteristics of various economic systems.

 Narrative for the Economic Concepts

The goal of social studies education is for children to develop thinking and decision-making skills that prepare them for responsible citizenship in a society. Children begin to acquire these skills at the kindergarten level through learning experiences that allow them to explore their relationships with the immediate environment.  Children are given opportunities to discover how people are similar and different and how people live and work together in families around the world. Kindergarten students should begin to accept responsibility for their behavior in school and to explain why rules are needed in families and at school. Children in kindergarten have the opportunity to use a variety of resources, including technology and electronic and print media, as a means of gathering, organizing, analyzing information, and answering questions. Students should have the opportunity to learn through peer interaction and participation in large and small groups, as well as through individual learning activities.

The Economics standard helps students explain that people do different jobs and work to meet basic economic wants and needs.

Calculation Method for Standards

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. The Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related benchmarks. Click on the benchmark name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency rubrics for each standard's related benchmarks.


Kindergarten SST Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 3: Economics

SST-00.3.01 Identify community workers (e.g., librarian, doctor, teacher, police officer, fire fighter, custodian).

Student Learning Targets:

Knowledge Targets

  • I can identify community workers.


Proficiency Rubric

Score   Description Sample Activity
4.0 In addition to a proficient score of 3.0, the student demonstrates in-depth understanding and application of knowledge regarding more complex material.   -The student does independent research and shares information on community workers.  
  3.5 In addition to a proficient score of 3.0, the student demonstrates in-depth understanding of knowledge on the content.  
3.0 The student can identify common community workers and explain what their job in the community is.  The student should be able to identify and explain the job of at least 5 different community workers. -The student can express his/her knowledge of community workers through words, pictures or writing about workers in our community.  
  2.5 The student displays proficiency in the 2.0 content, but has not reached proficiency in the 3.0 content.
2.0 The student can identify a common community worker and explains what their job in the community is. -The student identifies and explains one community worker and what their job is
  1.5 The student displays proficiency in the 1.0 content, but has not reached proficiency in the 2.0 content.
1.0 The student can identify some community workers -The student can point to a community worker picture when asked questions such as "Who fights fires?"
  0.5 Even with help, the student demonstrates no understanding.



Discovery Education

Elementary Social Studies

Parents Helping Students

Helping Your Child With Social Studies

Social Studies in Kindergarten



  • community worker
  • fireman
  • police officer
  • teacher
  • librarian
  • mail carrier
  • bus driver