9th Grade
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9th Grade (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standard
Digital Citizenship: Safety & Ethics There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology. CSC-09.DC_SE.1 Recognize the effects sharing information online can have on others' privacy. (CYSEC)Student Learning Targets:Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Proficiency ScaleThe Student ...1 Beginning... with help, demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and some of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
2 Developing... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
3 Proficient“The Standard.”... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and processes that were end of instruction expectations.
4 Advanced... demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations.
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9th Grade (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standard
Digital Citizenship: Safety & Ethics There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology. CSC-09.DC_SE.2 Know how to modify account settings to protect privacy and security. (CYSEC)Student Learning Targets:Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Proficiency ScaleThe Student ...1 Beginning... with help, demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and some of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
2 Developing... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
3 Proficient“The Standard.”... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and processes that were end of instruction expectations.
4 Advanced... demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations.
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9th Grade (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standard
Digital Citizenship: Safety & Ethics There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology. CSC-09.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC)Student Learning Targets:Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Proficiency ScaleThe Student ...1 Beginning... with help, demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and some of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
2 Developing... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
3 Proficient“The Standard.”... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and processes that were end of instruction expectations.
4 Advanced... demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations.
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9th Grade (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standard
Digital Citizenship: Safety & Ethics There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology. CSC-09.DC_SE.4 Describe ways to prevent identity theft. (CYSEC)Student Learning Targets:Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Proficiency ScaleThe Student ...1 Beginning... with help, demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and some of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
2 Developing... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
3 Proficient“The Standard.”... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and processes that were end of instruction expectations.
4 Advanced... demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations.
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CSC-09.IL![]() Computer Science and CybersecurityInformation LiteracySub-Concepts![]()
Calculation Method for ConceptsConcepts are larger groups of related Sub-Concepts with standards. So the Concept is a calculation of all the related standards that calculate to the sub-concept. So click on the standard identifier below each Concept to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each standard. | |
9th Grade (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standard
Information Literacy: Access Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits. CSC-09.IL_A.1 Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information.Student Learning Targets:Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Proficiency ScaleThe Student ...1 Beginning... with help, demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and some of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
2 Developing... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
3 Proficient“The Standard.”... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and processes that were end of instruction expectations.
4 Advanced... demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations.
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9th Grade (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standard
Information Literacy: Create It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate. CSC-09.IL_C.1 Create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations to communicate an idea.Student Learning Targets:Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Proficiency ScaleThe Student ...1 Beginning... with help, demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and some of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
2 Developing... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
3 Proficient“The Standard.”... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and processes that were end of instruction expectations.
4 Advanced... demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations.
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9th Grade (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standard
Information Literacy: Evaluate Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose. CSC-09.IL_E.1 Evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources.Student Learning Targets:Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Proficiency ScaleThe Student ...1 Beginning... with help, demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and some of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
2 Developing... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
3 Proficient“The Standard.”... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and processes that were end of instruction expectations.
4 Advanced... demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations.
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9th Grade (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standard
Information Literacy: Intellectual Property Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property. CSC-09.IL_IP.1 Properly use copyrighted works, works in the creative commons, and works in the public domain.Student Learning Targets:Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Proficiency ScaleThe Student ...1 Beginning... with help, demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and some of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
2 Developing... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
3 Proficient“The Standard.”... demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and processes that were end of instruction expectations.
4 Advanced... demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations.
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