Career Ready Practices
CRP-05: Culture / Environment Consider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions. |
Respecting culture with action CRP-MS.05.04 Realize the interrelated nature of their actions to themselves, others, and business, utilizing the most appropriate and interpretations in diverse, multi-cultural environments.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... disregards cultural differences and does not effectively act in a diverse environment. (2) Approaching Competency... understands there are cultural differences, but does not effectively act in a diverse environment. (3) Meets Competency... acts effectively in respect to cultural differences and how they affect decisions made. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently acts with deep understanding and respect of cultural differences and the ultimate outcomes of those actions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-05: Culture / Environment Consider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions. |
Acting realistically CRP-MS.05.05 Demonstrate understanding to the real world limits of adopting new ideas.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not demonstrate a grasp of real world limits to new ideas. (2) Approaching Competency... demonstrates understanding of desired outcome but does not have a realistic understanding of the limits of the situation. (3) Meets Competency... demonstrates realistic understanding about the limits of the situation. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently demonstrates realistic understanding about the limits of the situation in a variety of scenarios. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-05: Culture / Environment Consider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions. |
Understanding structure and scope CRP-MS.05.06 Demonstrate understanding of workplace organizations, systems, and climates by identifying "big picture" issues and fulfilling the mission of the workplace.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not acknowledge social relationships that impact multiple levels of an organization. (2) Approaching Competency... acknowledges some social relationships that impact multiple levels of an organization. (3) Meets Competency... acknowledges the economic, political, and social relationships that impact multiple levels of an organization (e.g., local, national, international). (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently acknowledges the economic, political, and social relationships that impact multiple levels of an organization and uses this knowledge in interaction within the group (e.g., local, national, international). |
CRP-MS.06 Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: CreativityDemonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals regularly think of ideas that solve problems in new and different ways, and they contribute those ideas in a useful and productive manner to improve their organization. They can consider unconventional ideas and suggestions as
solutions to issues, tasks or problems, and they discern which ideas and suggestions will add greatest value. They seek new methods, practices and ideas from a variety of sources and seek to apply those ideas to their own workplace. They take action
on their ideas and understand how to bring innovation to an organization. Competencies- (CRP-06.01) Creating ideas
- (CRP-06.02) Researching ideas
- (CRP-06.03) Reflecting on ideas
- (CRP-06.04) Originality
- (CRP-06.05) Applying ideas
- (CRP-06.06) Working by self-direction
- (CRP-06.07) Innovation thru diversity
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Creating ideas CRP-MS.06.01 Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (brainstorming etc…).
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not actively participate in idea creation. (2) Approaching Competency... does not offer ideas during the idea creation, but listens actively to other group members. (3) Meets Competency... engages in idea creation techniques and participates by offering ideas. (4) Exceeds Competency... engages in multiple idea creation techniques and fully participates by offering insightful questions and listening well to others in the group. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Researching ideas CRP-MS.06.02 Creates new and worthwhile ideas using both incremental and radical concepts.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not attempt to develop new and valuable ideas. (2) Approaching Competency... develops new and valuable ideas using existing knowledge and resources. (3) Meets Competency... develops new and valuable ideas using both existing and new knowledge, as well as existing and new resources. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently develops new and valuable ideas using both existing and new knowledge, as well as existing and new resources. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Reflecting on ideas CRP-MS.06.03 Elaborates, refines, analyzes, and evaluates their own ideas in order to improve and maximize creative efforts.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... poorly attempts to reflect on own ideas. (2) Approaching Competency... reflects on own ideas and attempts to incorporate changes in creative efforts to improve the value of their work. (3) Meets Competency... reflects on own ideas and incorporates changes in creative efforts to improve the value of their work. (4) Exceeds Competency... extensive reflection of own ideas and incorporates changes in creative efforts demonstrating an understanding of the value of analysis and implementation of change. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Originality CRP-MS.06.04 Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in work.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not demonstrate creativity. (2) Approaching Competency... demonstrates creativity but does not have a realistic understanding of how to express it. (3) Meets Competency... demonstrates creativity in most every situation. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently demonstrates creativity in a variety of situations. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Applying ideas CRP-MS.06.05 Act on creative ideas to make a tangible and useful contribution to the field in which the innovation will occur.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... rarely attempts to develop creative ideas. (2) Approaching Competency... develops creative ideas, but does not understand how to apply them to the situation. (3) Meets Competency... applies creative ideas to make a real and useful contribution to their work. (4) Exceeds Competency... continuously applies creative ideas to make a real and useful contribution to their work. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Working creatively by self-direction CRP-MS.06.06 Monitor, define, prioritize, and complete tasks without direct oversight, based on their own creativity.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to monitor, define, prioritize, and complete tasks with direct oversight. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to monitor, define, prioritize, and complete tasks without direct oversight. (3) Meets Competency... monitors, defines, prioritizes, and complete tasks without direct oversight. (4) Exceeds Competency... monitors, defines, prioritizes, and complete tasks without direct oversight in a variety of conditions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Innovation through diversity CRP-MS.06.07 Leverage social and cultural differences to create new ideas and increase both innovation and quality of work.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... demonstrates no appreciation of cultural and social understanding and respect for the uniqueness others. Demonstrates intolerance and lacks social interaction skills. (2) Approaching Competency... demonstrates a limited appreciation of cultural and social understanding and respect for the uniqueness others. At times appears indifferent to the others. Supports own ideas but appears not to be flexible enough to improve innovation and the quality of work. (3) Meets Competency... demonstrates an appreciation of cultural and social understanding and respect for the uniqueness of others. Actively discusses avenues to develop ideas and presents encouraging opinions for increasing innovation and quality of work upon request. (4) Exceeds Competency... demonstrates a high level of cultural and social understanding and respect for the uniqueness of others. Encourages discussions to develop new ideas through active listening and offers opinions for increasing innovation and quality of work. |
CRP-MS.07 Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research SkillsEmploy Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals are discerning in accepting and using new information to make decisions, change practices, or inform strategies. They use a reliable research process to search for new information and evaluate the validity of sources when considering
the use and adoption of external information or practices. They use an informed process to test new ideas, information, and practices in their workplace situation. Competencies- (CRP-07.01) Evaluating material
- (CRP-07.02) Collecting data thru tech.
- (CRP-07.03) Accessing diverse sources
- (CRP-07.04) Analyzing source bias
- (CRP-07.05) Analyzing one's own bias
- (CRP-07.06) Connect data/argument
- (CRP-07.07) Drawing conclusions
- (CRP-07.08) Reflecting on research
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Creating ideas CRP-MS.07.01 Evaluate information critically and competently.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not evaluate information. (2) Approaching Competency... evaluates information researched, but not thoroughly. (3) Meets Competency... thoroughly evaluates information researched, using internal and external validation. (4) Exceeds Competency... thoroughly evaluates the reliability of the source and the information researched, using internal and external validation. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Collecting data through technology CRP-MS.07.02 Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not use technology effectively to collect, organize, evaluate, and/or communicate information. (2) Approaching Competency... uses technology to collect, organize, evaluate, and/or communicate information, but does not do so on a consistent basis. (3) Meets Competency... when collecting, organizing, evaluating, and communicating research, technology is effectively utilized. (4) Exceeds Competency... effectively and consistently applies the use and understanding of technology as a tool for learning and communicating. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Accessing diverse sources CRP-MS.07.03 Access information efficiently (time) and effectively (sources).
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... completes simple research strategies and sources, often not retrieving accurate or complete information. (2) Approaching Competency... demonstrates an attitude of adaptability to respond to inconclusive or ineffective search results. (3) Meets Competency... considers more than one strategy or tool when engaged in the digital information fluency process if the first strategy or tool is ineffective. (4) Exceeds Competency... identifies key concepts of research conducted, acts on informed decisions to revise the search, and selects information based on reliability of resource efficiently and effectively. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Analyzing source bias CRP-MS.07.04 Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not complete analysis or evaluation of evidence, arguments, claims, or beliefs. (2) Approaching Competency... is not thorough at analyzing and/or evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs. (3) Meets Competency... is effective in analyzing and evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently is successful at analyzing and evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Analyzing one's own bias CRP-MS.07.05 Effectively analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not respect the view point of others while analyzing and evaluating material from a different point of view. (2) Approaching Competency... believes they are able to analyze and evaluate material from a different point of view without being biased, but is not successful. (3) Meets Competency... when analyzing and evaluating material is unbiased. (4) Exceeds Competency... embraces learning about material from different points of view and is unbiased in analyzing the material. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Connecting data to argument CRP-MS.07.06 Effectively synthesize and make connections between information and arguments.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not attempt to understand the connection between information and arguments. (2) Approaching Competency... is able to understand there is a connection between information and arguments, but is not able to determine what it is on their own. (3) Meets Competency... is able to understand and make the connections between information and arguments. (4) Exceeds Competency... is able to apply the connections between information and arguments in order to support a perspective. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Drawing conclusions CRP-MS.07.07 Effectively interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... looks at information and rarely is able to draw a conclusion. (2) Approaching Competency... looks at information and sometimes is able to draw conclusions. (3) Meets Competency... is able to look at information and successfully draw conclusions. (4) Exceeds Competency... is able to look at complex information and successfully draw conclusions and apply to situation. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Reflecting on research CRP-MS.07.08 Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not reflect on learning experiences and processes. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to reflect on learning experiences and processes. (3) Meets Competency... reflects critically on learning experiences and processes. (4) Exceeds Competency... thoroughly reflects critically on learning experiences and processes and applies to future work. |