BPS District Social Studies Standards Book

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Course: BPSS (SST) Social Studies Standards
Book: BPS District Social Studies Standards Book
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Date: Friday, January 17, 2025, 2:28 PM

Social Studies Introduction

Social Studies Standards

The BPSS (SST) Social Studies Standards course in Learnbps is Bismarck Public School District's current progress on prioritizing and deconstructing standards to provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn. The standards are designed to provide guidance so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help students. Plus help students reflect on the knowledge and skills that they need for success.

Identifier Explanation


The Bismarck Public School District Standards-Based Progress Report displays grades at the concept level. Therefore Bismarck Public School District has modified the North Dakota DPI Identifiers to fit into our student information system PowerSchool for Standards-Based grading. Above is a BPS-Standards SST identifier with smaller muted text showing the addition  to the identifier that are the components that BPS adds to the State code.

ND DPI logo


click on the identifier components for more explanations

G.K_2.1 Construct maps, graphs, and other representations that contain symbols, labels, and legends
Note: how G.K_2.1 for example, stands for Geography, Grade K-2, and standard 1.

Social Studies Standards Global Glossaries

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SST Book Navigation

Below is a screenshot of the first page of the (SST) Social Studies Standards Book.

Press on the H5P interactive hotspots to learn more about how to navigate the book module in Learnbps. A popup will display the header and the explanation.

Note: Fullscreen option 

K-12 Grade Bands

K-5 logo Vision

In order to prepare for an ever changing world, teachers will immerse students in purposeful, engaging learning experiences to cultivate responsible and open-minded citizens.

6-12 logo Vision

In order to prepare ....
Kinder Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
Current Events & Connections to Today
My Family
My School
My Community
My State
My Country
My World

K-2 Grade Levels

BPS-S SST Logo glossary iconK-2 Standards
"I can ... statements"
BPS-S SST-Civics Logo BPS-S SST-Civics Logo
BPS-S SST-Geography Logo BPS-S SST-History Logo

K-2 Grade Band LogoA high-quality Social Studies program is essential for all students. It provides a foundation for intelligent and precise thinking. Social Studies should also prepare every student to contribute to society as an informed citizen. To be a responsible and productive member of today’s society, a student needs to have a broad, connected, and useful knowledge of Social Studies.

KWith  glossary iconKindergarten Standards, your child will be studying about themselves.

1st GradeIn Glossary Icon1st Grade Standards, your child will be studying about their school and family . 

2nd GradeIn Glossary Icon2nd Grade Standards, your child will be studying about their community. 

SST-K_2.C Civics Domain

Origin, Purpose, and Function
Roles and Involvement of United States Citizens and Residents

SST-K_2.E Economics Domain

Exchange and Markets
National Economy

SST-K_2.G Geography Domain

Geographical Representation
  • SST-00.G.1 | SST-01.G.1 | SST-02.G.1
    Construct maps, graphs, and other representations that contain symbols, labels, and legends.
  • SST-0.G.02 | SST-1.G.02 | SST-2.G.02
    Begins in Grade 3
  • SST-0.G.03 | SST-1.G.03 | SST-2.G.03
    Begins in Grade 3
Human and Environment Interactions
Human Population
  • SST-0.G.07 | SST-1.G.07 | SST-2.G.07
    Begins in Grade 3
  • SST-0.G.08 | SST-1.G.08 | SST-2.G.08
    Begins in Grade 3

SST-K_2.H History Domain

  • SST-00.H.1 | SST-01.H.1 | SST-02.H.1
    Compare perspectives of people in the past to those of people in the present.
  • SST-0.H.02 | SST-1.H.02 | SST-2.H.02
    Begins in Grade 3
  • SST-0.H.03 | SST-1.H.03 | SST-2.H.03
    Begins in Grade 3
Cause-Effect & Current Events
Connections, Contributions, Historical Source & Evidence
  • SST-00.H.4 | SST-01.H.4 | SST-02.H.4
    Demonstrate chronological thinking by describing changes in the community over time.
  • SST-00.H.5 | SST-01.H.5 | SST-02.H.5
    Explain how individuals and groups have made significant historical changes.
  • SST-0.H.08 | SST-1.H.08 | SST-2.H.08
    Begins in Grade 3
  • SST-0.H.09 | SST-1.H.09 | SST-2.H.09
    Begins in Grade 3

3-5 Grade Levels

BPS-S SST Logo glossary icon3-5 Standards
"I can ... statements"
BPS-S SST-Civics Logo BPS-S SST-Civics Logo
BPS-S SST-Geography Logo BPS-S SST-History Logo

Grade Band 3-5 logoA high-quality Social Studies program is essential for all students. It provides a foundation for intelligent and precise thinking. Social Studies should also prepare every student to contribute to society as an informed citizen. To be a responsible and productive member of today’s society, a student needs to have a broad, connected, and useful knowledge of Social Studies.

3rd GradeWith Glossary Icon3rd Grade Standards, your child will be studying about their community and beyond. 

4th GradeWith Glossary Icon4th Grade Standards, your child will be studying about North Dakota.

5th GradeWith Glossary Icon5th Grade Standards, your child will be studying about America's past.

SST-3_5.C Civics Domain

Origin, Purpose, and Function
  • SST-03.C.01 | SST-04.C.01 | SST-05.C.01
    Compare and contrast the responsibilities and powers of government officials at various levels and branches of government.
  • SST-03.C.02 | SST-04.C.02 | SST-05.C.02
    Describe the structure of government and how it functions to serve citizens/residents.
  • SST-03.C.03 | SST-04.C.03 | SST-05.C.03
    ND Describe the structure of governments in North Dakota and how they function to serve citizens & residents. 
  • SST-03.C.04 | SST-04.C.04 | SST-05.C.04
    Explain the importance of the basic principles that provide the foundation of the American system of government. (e.g. Amendments, Constitution, symbols, patriotic traditions, government leaders, etc.)
Roles and Involvement of United States Citizens and Residents

SST-3_5.E Economics Domain

Exchange and Markets
National Economy

SST-3_5.G Geography Domain

Geographical Representation
  • SST-03.G.01 | SST-04.G.01 | SST-05.G.01
    Construct maps, graphs, and other representations of both familiar and unfamiliar places.
  • SST-03.G.02 | SST-04.G.02 | SST-05.G.02
    Use geographic tools and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective.
  • SST-03.G.03 | SST-04.G.03 | SST-05.G.03
    Use maps, satellite images, photographs, and other representations to explain relationships between the locations of places and regions and their environmental characteristics.
Human and Environment Interactions
Human Population

SST-3_5.H History Domain

Cause-Effect & Current Events
Connections, Contributions, Historical Source & Evidence

- 3rd Grade Prioritized

A high-quality Social Studies program is essential for all students. It provides a foundation for intelligent and precise thinking. Social Studies should also prepare every student to contribute to society as an informed citizen. To be a responsible and productive member of today’s society, a student needs to have a broad, connected, and useful knowledge of Social Studies.

Note: Prioritized Standards Identifiers are auto-link to popup a detailed description with Proficiency Scales and other details.

C iconSST-03.C: Civics & Government (C)

  • SST-03.C.01  Compare and contrast the responsibilities and powers of government officials at various levels and branches of government.
  • SST-03.C.02  Describe the structure of government and how it functions to serve citizens/residents.
  • SST-03.C.05  Describe procedures for making decisions in a variety of settings.
  • SST-03.C.06  Compare and contrast personal and civic responsibilities and explain why they are important in community life.

G iconSST-03.G: Geography (G)

  • SST-03.G.01 Construct maps, graphs, and other representations of both familiar and unfamiliar places.
  • SST-03.G.02 Use geographic tools and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspectives.

E iconSST-03.E: Economics (E)

  • SST-03.E.01 Utilize fundamental principles and concepts of economics to understand economic activity.
  • SST-03.E.02 Describe how goods and services are produced and distributed.
  • SST-03.E.03 Identify factors that influence saving and spending choices.
  • SST-03.E.04 Describe the necessity and impact of community services.

H iconSST-03.H: History (H)

  • SST-03.H.01 Compare and contrast multiple perspectives during the same time period, event, or historical period.
  • SST-03.H.04 Analyze United States national holidays or days of observance and the impact on the culture of the United States.

6-8 Grade Level

BPS-S SST Logo glossary iconMS Standards
"I can ... statements"
BPS-S SST-Civics Logo BPS-S SST-Civics Logo BPS-S SST-Geography Logo
BPS-S SST-History Logo BPS-S SST-History Logo BPS-S SST-History Logo

Grade Band 6-12 logoA high-quality Social Studies program is essential for all students. It provides a foundation for intelligent and precise thinking. Social Studies should also prepare every student to contribute to society as an informed citizen. To be a responsible and productive member of today’s society, a student needs to have a broad, connected, and useful knowledge of Social Studies.

6TH GradeWith Glossary Icon6th Grade Standards, your child will be studying about the western civilizations. 

7th GradeWith Glossary Icon7th Grade Standards, your child will be studying about North Dakota.

8th GradeWith Glossary Icon8th Grade Standards, your child will be studying about America's past and ND Studies.

SST-MS.C Civics Domain

SST-MS.C.01 Explain the historical and philosophical foundations of government.
SST-MS.C.02 Analyze the structures and functions of governments.
SST-MS.C.03 Describe the rights and liberties of individuals.
SST-MS.C.04 Investigate the role and responsibilities of citizenship in society.

SST-MS.E Economics Domain

SST-MS.E.01 Analyze the concept of scarcity when making economic decisions.
SST-MS.E.02 Compare and contrast how varying economic systems impact a nation and its citizens.
SST-MS.E.03 Analyze how supply and demand impact the allocation of goods and services.
SST-MS.E.04 Analyze the various institutions that drive and support the market economy.
SST-MS.E.05 Evaluate the various macroeconomic measurements available to determine an economy’s size and strength.
SST-MS.E.06 Analyze how globalization has impacted various aspects of economies around the world.
SST-MS.E.07 Evaluate the elements of responsible personal finance.

SST-MS.G Geography Domain

SST-MS.G.01 Describe the physical processes that shape the Earth’s surface and how these affect the lives of people who live there.
SST-MS.G.02 Analyze the movement of people, goods, ideas, technology, etc. throughout the world.
SST-MS.G.03 Analyze the unifying physical and human characteristics of a region and their formal and informal boundaries.
SST-MS.G.04 Use geographic tools to locate both the absolute and relative location of places and regions around the world.
SST-MS.G.05 Analyze how human beings are dependent upon, adapt to, and modify their environment to meet their needs.

SST-06.WH World History

SST-06.WH_a (A) Domain: World History Anchor Standards
  • SST-06.WH_a.01 - Analyze historical achievements related to science and technology.
  • SST-06.WH_a.02 - Explain historical changes related to religions and ideologies.
  • SST-06.WH_a.03 - Analyze the effects of different political systems on people.
  • SST-06.WH_a.04 - Analyze the influence of social, cultural, and economic developments on individuals.
  • SST-06.WH_a.05 - Analyze causes and effects of global events in the past using primary and/or secondary sources.
  • SST-06.WH_a.06 - Explain how past events connect to the present.
SST-06.WH_e1.b Era 1: Emergence of Civilizations and Religions Around the Globe
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b1 Explain multiple achievements of civilizations and connect them to the present.
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b2 Describe the belief systems or religions of early civilizations.
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b3 Explain the impact of the development of agriculture on the social, cultural, and economic lives of individuals.
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b4 Explain how political systems impacted the people in Greece and Rome and how those political systems connect to the present
SST-06.WH_e2.b Era 2: Middle Ages and the Renaissance
  • SST-06.WH_e2.b1 Explain the causes and effects of Medieval social structures using primary and secondary sources.
  • SST-06.WH_e2.b2 Explain how the relationship between religious and political bodies impacted the social, cultural, or economic developments of individuals.
  • SST-06.WH_e2.b3 Explain the emergence of cultural interaction between Europe and other civilizations.

SST-08.US United States History

SST-08.US_a US History Anchor Domain
  • SST-08.US_a.01 Analyze primary and secondary sources with attention to reliability, impact, and purpose.
  • SST-08.US_a.02 Examine the impact of multiple perspectives on social, political, and cultural development.
  • SST-08.US_a.03 Explain the relationship of events focusing on the link(s) between cause and effect.
  • SST-08.US_a.04 Compare how historical elements change over time.
  • SST-08.US_a.05 Analyze the significant contributions of people and policy, and the influence on an era.
  • SST-08.US_a.06 Connect the past to the present using current events.
SST-08.US_e1.b (1754-1814) Era 1: Creation and Foundation of United States Government.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b1 - Explain the social, political, and cultural causes and immediate consequences of the American Revolution.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b2 - Explain the development of early United States government.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b3 - Explain the development of United States society after the American Revolution.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b4 - Explain the importance of foreign and domestic decisions of the early United States government, its leaders, and political parties.
SST-08.US_e2.b (1814-1877) Era 2: Growth and Division in the Union.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b1 - Analyze the impacts of social, religious, and/or cultural movements.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b2 - Compare and contrast how the causes of the sectional divide within the United States impacted federal policy.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b3 - Explain how westward expansion affected the social, economic, and political landscape of the United States.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b4 - Explain the changing Native American federal policy and the impact on tribal sovereignty.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b5 - Explain the social, economic, and political causes and effects of the Civil War.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b6 - Explain the social, economic, and political effects of Reconstruction.
SST-08.US_e3.b (1877-1941) Era3:
  • SST-08.US_e3.b1 - Explain the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution on American society.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b2 - Explain the social, cultural, and economic impact of local, state, and federal government policy on American people.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b3 - Explain the impact of the United States’ transformation into an imperialist power.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b4 - Explain the causes and effects of the United States’ entrance into World War I.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b5 - Explain the political, social and economic changes of the 1920s.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b6 - Explain the political, social and economic events of the 1930s.

SST-08.ND North Dakota History

SST-08.ND.01 Examine the physical and human geography of North Dakota and how it has changed.
  • SST-08.ND.01.1 Identify the three landscape regions of North Dakota and describe the major features of the regions and the forces that formed them.
  • SST-08.ND.01.2 Explain the human settlement patterns in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.01.3 Interpret current thematic maps to identify where people live and work, and how land is used.
SST-08.ND.02 Explain the development and functions of North Dakota’s state and local governments, tribal governments and the role of citizens.
  • SST-08.ND.02.1 Describe the structure, role, and formation of tribal governments, both present and past, in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.02.2 Describe the formation, structure, and modern role of the territorial, state, county, and local government of North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.02.3 Explain the impact of political organizations and individual citizens on the political systems and institutions of North Dakota.
SST-08.ND.03 Evaluate the major industries and economic activities in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.03.1 Describe the early economic activities of our state prior to 1900 and how they developed into North Dakota's modern economy.
  • SST-08.ND.03.2 Identify the current economic activities in the state of North Dakota and evaluate their positive and negative impact.
SST-08.ND.04 Analyze the historical and current events and their impact on the development of North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.04.1 Identify the Native American groups in North Dakota before European contact and describe their culture.
  • SST-08.ND.04.2 Analyze European exploration and early settlement of North Dakota and its impact on Native American groups.
  • SST-08.ND.04.3 Describe the major factors that brought settlers to North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.04.4 Analyze the effect of government policy, both historical and modern, toward Native American groups in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.04.5 Evaluate the growth and struggles of the modernization of North Dakota and the role the state has played in modern America.
  • SST-08.ND.04.6 Use various primary and secondary resources to acquire, analyze, and evaluate information.

- Social Studies 6

Global Studies


6109: Social Studies

Grade Placement: 6 .......... Full year

This is a required course of study for 6th grade. It is a study that begins with early civilizations in SW Asia, followed by Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, Ancient China, and the Middle Ages. The importance of geography, political systems, difference in cultures, and the contributions and accomplishments of these early people are the foci.

SST-06.G Geography Domain

SST-06.G.02 Analyze the movement of people, goods, ideas, technology, etc. throughout the world.
  • SST-06.G.02.1  Explain how movement of goods, information, and population are affected by technology.
  • SST-06.G.02.2  Describe patterns of settlement and explain why people settle where they do and how they make their living.
  • SST-06.G.02.3  Explain the patterns, causes, and consequences of major human migrations.

SST-06.WH World History

SST-06.WH_a (A) Domain: World History Anchor Standards
  • SST-06.WH_a.01 - Analyze historical achievements related to science and technology.
  • SST-06.WH_a.02 - Explain historical changes related to religions and ideologies.
  • SST-06.WH_a.03 - Analyze the effects of different political systems on people.
  • SST-06.WH_a.04 - Analyze the influence of social, cultural, and economic developments on individuals.
  • SST-06.WH_a.05 - Analyze causes and effects of global events in the past using primary and/or secondary sources.
  • SST-06.WH_a.06 - Explain how past events connect to the present.
SST-06.WH_e1.b Era 1: Emergence of Civilizations and Religions Around the Globe
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b1 Explain multiple achievements of civilizations and connect them to the present.
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b2 Describe the belief systems or religions of early civilizations.
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b3 Explain the impact of the development of agriculture on the social, cultural, and economic lives of individuals.
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b4 Explain how political systems impacted the people in Greece and Rome and how those political systems connect to the present
SST-06.WH_e2.b Era 2: Middle Ages and the Renaissance
  • SST-06.WH_e2.b1 Explain the causes and effects of Medieval social structures using primary and secondary sources.
  • SST-06.WH_e2.b2 Explain how the relationship between religious and political bodies impacted the social, cultural, or economic developments of individuals.
  • SST-06.WH_e2.b3 Explain the emergence of cultural interaction between Europe and other civilizations.

- Global Studies 7

Global Studies


7109: Global Studies

Grade Placement: 7 .......... Full year

This is a required course of study for 7th grade. It is a study of “The Western Hemisphere” is a course that examines Antarctica, Mexico, Central America, South America, West Indies, United States and Canada. This course also places emphasis on political and economic systems, as well as religious and cultural differences and similarities. It is an explanation of historical events and how those events apply to world conditions today.

BPS-S SST-Geography Logo

SST-07.G Geography Domain

Students understand and apply concepts of geography.
SST-07.G.01 Describe the physical processes that shape the Earth’s surface and how these affect the lives of people who live there.
  • SST-07.G.01.1 Describe the physical processes that shape the Earth’s surface.
  • SST-07.G.01.2 Explain the factors that cause different types of climates and ecosystems, and their latitudes/locations.
  • SST-07.G.01.3 Identify how major ecosystems provide raw materials.
  • SST-07.G.01.4 Analyze the physical and human characteristics of a place.
  • SST-07.G.01.5 Describe how combinations of human decisions and natural forces can lead to (or help people avoid) a natural disaster.
SST-07.G.02 Analyze the movement of people, goods, ideas, technology, etc. throughout the world.
  • SST-07.G.02.1 Explain how movement of goods, information, and population are affected by technology.
  • SST-07.G.02.2 Describe patterns of settlement and explain why people settle where they do and how they make their living.
  • SST-07.G.02.3 Explain the patterns, causes, and consequences of major human migrations.
SST-07.G.03 Analyze the unifying physical and human characteristics of a region and their formal and informal boundaries.
  • SST-07.G.03.1 Describe the differences and similarities among cultures around the world.
  • SST-07.G.03.2 Analyze the physical and human characteristics of a region.
  • SST-07.G.03.3 Interpret how culture and experience influence people’s perception of places and regions.
  • SST-07.G.03.4 Identify factors that contribute to conflict and cooperation between cultural groups from multiple perspectives.
SST-07.G.04 Use geographic tools to locate both the absolute and relative location of places and regions around the world.
  • SST-07.G.04.1 Explain and use a variety of geographic tools to study the world on global, regional, and local scales and draw conclusions.
  • SST-07.G.04.2 Apply the skills of geographic inquiry to analyze a geographic problem or issue.
SST-07.G.05 Analyze how human beings are dependent upon, adapt to, and modify their environment to meet their needs.
  • SST-07.G.05.1 Explain how people have modified the environment and used technology to make places more suitable for humans.
  • SST-07.G.05.2 Analyze how human changes to the environment in one region or place can affect another.

- US History 8

US History


8109: US History 8

Grade Placement: 8 .......... Full year

This is a required course of study for 8th grade. It is a study that covers the growth of our nation from the Revolutionary War to the present. A special emphasis is placed on the development and details of the US Constitution, citizenship and the 19th Century.

SST-08.US United States History

SST-08.US_a US History Anchor Domain
  • SST-08.US_a.01 Analyze primary and secondary sources with attention to reliability, impact, and purpose.
  • SST-08.US_a.02 Examine the impact of multiple perspectives on social, political, and cultural development.
  • SST-08.US_a.03 Explain the relationship of events focusing on the link(s) between cause and effect.
  • SST-08.US_a.04 Compare how historical elements change over time.
  • SST-08.US_a.05 Analyze the significant contributions of people and policy, and the influence on an era.
  • SST-08.US_a.06 Connect the past to the present using current events.
SST-08.US_e1.b (1754-1814) Era 1: Creation and Foundation of United States Government.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b1 - Explain the social, political, and cultural causes and immediate consequences of the American Revolution.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b2 - Explain the development of early United States government.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b3 - Explain the development of United States society after the American Revolution.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b4 - Explain the importance of foreign and domestic decisions of the early United States government, its leaders, and political parties.
SST-08.US_e2.b (1814-1877) Era 2: Growth and Division in the Union.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b1 - Analyze the impacts of social, religious, and/or cultural movements.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b2 - Compare and contrast how the causes of the sectional divide within the United States impacted federal policy.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b3 - Explain how westward expansion affected the social, economic, and political landscape of the United States.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b4 - Explain the changing Native American federal policy and the impact on tribal sovereignty.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b5 - Explain the social, economic, and political causes and effects of the Civil War.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b6 - Explain the social, economic, and political effects of Reconstruction.
SST-08.US_e3.b (1877-1941) Era3:
  • SST-08.US_e3.b1 - Explain the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution on American society.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b2 - Explain the social, cultural, and economic impact of local, state, and federal government policy on American people.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b3 - Explain the impact of the United States’ transformation into an imperialist power.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b4 - Explain the causes and effects of the United States’ entrance into World War I.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b5 - Explain the political, social and economic changes of the 1920s.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b6 - Explain the political, social and economic events of the 1930s.

- ND Studies 8

ND History


8142: ND Studies 8

Grade Placement: 8 .......... Semester 1 | 2 (Block) or Full Year (Skinny)

This is a required course of study for 8th grade. It is a study that reviews all aspects of the state of North Dakota beginning with the early history and includes government, people, economics, current issues, geography, and special topics.

SST-08.ND North Dakota History

SST-08.ND.01 Examine the physical and human geography of North Dakota and how it has changed.
  • SST-08.ND.01.1 Identify the three landscape regions of North Dakota and describe the major features of the regions and the forces that formed them.
  • SST-08.ND.01.2 Explain the human settlement patterns in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.01.3 Interpret current thematic maps to identify where people live and work, and how land is used.
SST-08.ND.02 Explain the development and functions of North Dakota’s state and local governments, tribal governments and the role of citizens.
  • SST-08.ND.02.1 Describe the structure, role, and formation of tribal governments, both present and past, in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.02.2 Describe the formation, structure, and modern role of the territorial, state, county, and local government of North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.02.3 Explain the impact of political organizations and individual citizens on the political systems and institutions of North Dakota.
SST-08.ND.03 Evaluate the major industries and economic activities in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.03.1 Describe the early economic activities of our state prior to 1900 and how they developed into North Dakota's modern economy.
  • SST-08.ND.03.2 Identify the current economic activities in the state of North Dakota and evaluate their positive and negative impact.
SST-08.ND.04 Analyze the historical and current events and their impact on the development of North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.04.1 Identify the Native American groups in North Dakota before European contact and describe their culture.
  • SST-08.ND.04.2 Analyze European exploration and early settlement of North Dakota and its impact on Native American groups.
  • SST-08.ND.04.3 Describe the major factors that brought settlers to North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.04.4 Analyze the effect of government policy, both historical and modern, toward Native American groups in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.04.5 Evaluate the growth and struggles of the modernization of North Dakota and the role the state has played in modern America.
  • SST-08.ND.04.6 Use various primary and secondary resources to acquire, analyze, and evaluate information.

9-12 Grade Levels

Grade Band 9-12 logoIn High School, your child will be studying about .... A high-quality Social Studies program is essential for all students. It provides a foundation for intelligent and precise thinking. Social Studies should also prepare every student to contribute to society as an informed citizen. To be a responsible and productive member of today’s society, a student needs to have a broad, connected, and useful knowledge of Social Studies.

SST-HS.C Civics Domain

SST-HS.C.01 Explain the historical and philosophical foundations of government.
  • SST-HS.C.01.1 
    Evaluate the thoughts of major political philosophers.
  • SST-HS.C.01.2 
    Explain the influence of British and colonial history on early America.
  • SST-HS.C.01.3 
    Evaluate the creation and impact of primary sources on political thought in the United States.
SST-HS.C.02 Analyze the structures and functions of governments.
  • SST-HS.C.02.1 
    Differentiate/compare forms and origins of governments.
  • SST-HS.C.02.2 
    Examine the role and purposes of government.
  • SST-HS.C.02.3 
    Analyze the structure, principles, and interpretation of the Constitution of the United States.
  • SST-HS.C.02.4 
    Explain the relationship among federal, state, tribal, and local governmental powers.
  • SST-HS.C.02.5 
    Explain the purposes, organization, powers, and processes of tribal and local governments.
SST-HS.C.03 Describe the rights and liberties of individuals.
  • SST-HS.C.03.1 
    Describe and examine the amendments to the United States Constitution and their application in the United States.
  • SST-HS.C.03.2 
    Describe the impact of court cases on rights and liberties of individuals.
SST-HS.C.04 Investigate the role and responsibilities of citizenship in society.
  • SST-HS.C.04.1 
    Explain how citizens can influence government.
  • SST-HS.C.04.2 
    Describe and evaluate the criteria and process for naturalization in the United States.
  • SST-HS.C.04.3 
    Explain how citizens’ personal and civic responsibilities are important to the preservation and improvement of United States constitutional republic.
  • SST-HS.C.04.4 
    Identify bias and evaluate its role in media sources.
  • SST-HS.C.04.5 
    Demonstrate active participation in civic life.

SST-HS.E Economics Domain

SST-HS.E.01 Analyze the concept of scarcity when making economic decisions.
  • SST-HS.E.01.1
    Analyze the basic concepts of economic thinking.
  • SST-HS.E.01.2
    Describe the difference between a command/centrally planned economy and market economy.
SST-HS.E.02 Compare and contrast how varying economic systems impact a nation and its citizens.
  • SST-HS.E.02.1 
    Describe the difference between a command/centrally planned economy and market economy.
SST-HS.E.03 Analyze how supply and demand impact the allocation of goods and services.
SST-HS.E.04 Analyze the various institutions that drive and support the market economy.
  • SST-HS.E.04.1 
    Explain the role of businesses and financial institutions in a market economy.
  • SST-HS.E.04.2 
    Evaluate the role of government in a market economy.
  • SST-HS.E.04.3 
    Explain the functions and role of money.
SST-HS.E.05 Evaluate the various macroeconomic measurements available to determine an economy’s size and strength.
SST-HS.E.06 Analyze how globalization has impacted various aspects of economies around the world.
  • SST-HS.E.06.1 
    Describe how trade generates economic development and interdependence.
  • SST-HS.E.06.2 
    Analyze the benefits and costs for individuals, producers, and governments in international trade.
SST-HS.E.07 Evaluate the elements of responsible personal finance.
  • SST-HS.E.07.1
    Evaluate career choices and the effect on the standard of living.
  • SST-HS.E.07.2
    Evaluate the effect of taxes and other factors on income.

  • SST-HS.E.07.3 
    Develop short- and long-term financial goals.
  • SST-HS.E.07.4 
    Analyze the cost and benefits of different types of credit and debt; and the rights and responsibilities of borrowers.
  • SST-HS.E.07.5
    Develop strategies to avoid and manage debt effectively.

SST-HS.G Geography Domain

SST-MS.G.01 Describe the physical processes that shape the Earth’s surface and how these affect the lives of people who live there.
  • SST-HS.G.01.1
    Describe the physical processes that shape the Earth’s surface.
  • SST-HS.G.01.2
    Explain the factors that cause different types of climates and ecosystems, and their latitudes/locations.
  • SST-HS.G.01.3
    Identify how major ecosystems provide raw materials.
  • SST-HS.G.01.4
    Analyze the physical and human characteristics of a place.
  • SST-HS.G.01.5
    Describe how combinations of human decisions and natural forces can lead to (or help people avoid) a natural disaster.
SST-HS.G.02 Analyze the movement of people, goods, ideas, technology, etc. throughout the world.
  • SST-HS.G.02.1 
    Explain how movement of goods, information, and population are affected by technology.
  • SST-HS.G.02.1 
    Describe patterns of settlement and explain why people settle where they do and how they make their living.
  • SST-HS.G.02.1 
    Explain the patterns, causes, and consequences of major human migrations.
SST-HS.G.03 Analyze the unifying physical and human characteristics of a region and their formal and informal boundaries.
  • SST-HS.G.03.1
    Describe the differences and similarities among cultures around the world.
  • SST-HS.G.03.2
    Analyze the physical and human characteristics of a region.
  • SST-HS.G.03.3
    Interpret how culture and experience influence people’s perception of places and regions.
  • SST-HS.G.03.4
    Identify factors that contribute to conflict and cooperation between cultural groups from multiple perspectives.
SST-HS.G.04 Use geographic tools to locate both the absolute and relative location of places and regions around the world.
  • SST-HS.G.04.1 
    Explain and use a variety of geographic tools to study the world on global, regional, and local scales and draw conclusions.
  • SST-HS.G.04.2 
    Apply the skills of geographic inquiry to analyze a geographic problem or issue.
SST-HS.G.05 Analyze how human beings are dependent upon, adapt to, and modify their environment to meet their needs.
  • SST-HS.G.05.1 
    Explain how people have modified the environment and used technology to make places more suitable for humans.
  • SST-HS.G.05.2 
    Analyze how human changes to the environment in one region or place can affect another.

SST-HS.H High School History Domain

SST-HS.WH World History History

SST-HS.WH_a World History Anchor Domain
  • SST-HS.WH_a.01 Analyze primary and secondary sources with attention to reliability, impact, and purpose.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.02 Examine the impact of multiple perspectives on social, political, and cultural development.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.03 Explain the relationship of events focusing on the link(s) between cause and effect.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.04 Compare how historical elements change over time.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.05 Analyze the significant contributions of people and policy, and the influence on an era.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.06 Connect the past to the present using current events.
SST-HS.WH_e1.b Era 1: Emergence of Civilizations and Religions Around the Globe.
  • SST-HS.WH_e1.b1 Explain multiple achievements of civilizations and connect them to the present.
  • SST-HS.WH_e1.b2 Describe the belief systems or religions of early civilizations.
  • SST-HS.WH_e1.b3 Explain the impact of the development of agriculture on the social, cultural, and economic lives of individuals.
  • SST-HS.WH_e1.b4 Explain how political systems impacted the people in Greece and Rome and how those political systems connect to the present.
SST-HS.WH_e2.b Era 2: Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b1 Explain the causes and effects of Medieval social structures using primary and secondary sources.
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b2 Explain how the relationship between religious and political bodies impacted the social, cultural, or economic developments of individuals.
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b3 Explain the emergence of cultural interaction between Europe and other civilizations..
SST-HS.WH_e3.b Era 3: Age of Revolutions.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b1 Explain the causes and global effects of religious division.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b2 Explain the global connections developed during this era because of exploration.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b3 Examine and explain the influence of revolutions on social and political aspects of individuals' lives.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b4 Explain advancements related to science and technology and the global impact of these advancements..
SST-HS.WH_e4.b Era 4: Age of Global War and Globalization.
  • SST-HS.WH_e4.b1 Analyze the causes and global effects of the world wars.
  • SST-HS.WH_e4.b2 Explain how political or social ideologies shaped the 20th century.
  • SST-HS.WH_e4.b3 Explain the social, cultural, or economic changes influenced by globalization..

SST-HS.US United States History

SST-HS.US_a US History Anchor Domain
  • SST-HS.US_a.01 Analyze primary and secondary sources with attention to reliability, impact, and purpose.
  • SST-HS.US_a.02 Examine the impact of multiple perspectives on social, political, and cultural development.
  • SST-HS.US_a.03 Explain the relationship of events focusing on the link(s) between cause and effect.
  • SST-HS.US_a.04 Compare how historical elements change over time.
  • SST-HS.US_a.05 Analyze the significant contributions of people and policy, and the influence on an era.
  • SST-HS.US_a.06 Connect the past to the present using current events.
SST-HS.US_e3.b (1877-1941) Era3:
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b1 - Explain the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution on American society.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b2 - Explain the social, cultural, and economic impact of local, state, and federal government policy on American people.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b3 - Explain the impact of the United States’ transformation into an imperialist power.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b4 - Explain the causes and effects of the United States’ entrance into World War I.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b5 - Explain the political, social and economic changes of the 1920s.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b6 - Explain the political, social and economic events of the 1930s.
SST-HS.US_e4.b (1941-2001) Era 4:
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b1 - Explain the causes and consequences of U.S. involvement in World War II.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b2 - Explain the economic and/or social issues of the era and their long-lasting effects.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b3 - Explain the United States' reactions toward the growth of communism.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b4 - Explain the impact of rapid technological change on society.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b5 - Compare and contrast how different groups competed for equality and the effectiveness of various movements.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b6 - Identify and explain how domestic issues changed United States' perceptions of government.
SST-HS.US_e5.b (2001 - Present) Era 5:
  • SST-HS.US_e5.b1 - Connect the changing political and social climate to United States' involvement as a global superpower.
  • SST-HS.US_e5.b2 - Explain the social, cultural, and economic impact of changes because of technology.
  • SST-HS.US_e5.b3 - Explain the social, political, and cultural influences on government policies regarding global immigration.

SST-HS.ND North Dakota History

SST-HS.ND.01 Examine the physical and human geography of North Dakota and how it has changed.
  • SST-HS.ND.01.1 Identify the three landscape regions of North Dakota and describe the major features of the regions and the forces that formed them.
  • SST-HS.ND.01.2 Explain the human settlement patterns in North Dakota.
  • SST-HS.ND.01.3 Interpret current thematic maps to identify where people live and work, and how land is used.
SST-HS.ND.02 Explain the development and functions of North Dakota’s state and local governments, tribal governments and the role of citizens.
  • SST-HS.ND.02.1 Describe the structure, role, and formation of tribal governments, both present and past, in North Dakota.
  • SST-HS.ND.02.2 Describe the formation, structure, and modern role of the territorial, state, county, and local government of North Dakota.
  • SST-HS.ND.02.3 Explain the impact of political organizations and individual citizens on the political systems and institutions of North Dakota.
SST-HS.ND.03 Evaluate the major industries and economic activities in North Dakota.
  • SST-HS.ND.03.1 Describe the early economic activities of our state prior to 1900 and how they developed into North Dakota's modern economy.
  • SST-HS.ND.03.2 Identify the current economic activities in the state of North Dakota and evaluate their positive and negative impact.
SST-HS.ND.04 Analyze the historical and current events and their impact on the development of North Dakota.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.1 Identify the Native American groups in North Dakota before European contact and describe their culture.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.2 Analyze European exploration and early settlement of North Dakota and its impact on Native American groups.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.3 Describe the major factors that brought settlers to North Dakota.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.4 Analyze the effect of government policy, both historical and modern, toward Native American groups in North Dakota.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.5 Evaluate the growth and struggles of the modernization of North Dakota and the role the state has played in modern America.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.6 Use various primary and secondary resources to acquire, analyze, and evaluate information.

- Global Studies

Global Studies


SST101-SST102: Global Studies

Grade Placement: 9..........1 credit.......... Full year

This is a required course of study for 9th grade. It is a study of the history, geography and culture of the Eastern Hemisphere nations. It is an explanation of recent historical events and how those events apply to world conditions today. Political and economic systems, as well as religious and cultural similarities and differences are part of the course of study.

SST World History DomainWorld History History image Era 2 | Era 3

Students understand important historical events.

BPS-S SST-World History Logo
SST-06.WH_a Anchor Standards
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.WH_a.01  Analyze historical achievements related to science and technology.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.02  Explain historical changes related to religions and ideologies.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.03  Analyze the effects of different political systems on people.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.04  Analyze the influence of social, cultural, and economic developments on individuals.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.05  Analyze causes and effects of global events in the past using primary and/or secondary sources.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.06  Explain how past events connect to the present.

SST-06.WH_e2.b | SST-HS.WH_e2.b Era 2: Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b1 Explain the causes and effects of Medieval social structures using primary and secondary sources.
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b2 Explain how the relationship between religious and political bodies impacted the social, cultural, or economic developments of individuals.
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b3 Explain the emergence of cultural interaction between Europe and other civilizations.

SST-HS.WH_e3.b Era 3: Age of Revolutions
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b1  Explain the causes and global effects of religious division.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b2  Explain the global connections developed during this era because of exploration.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b3  Examine and explain the influence of revolutions on social and political aspects of individuals' lives.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b4  Explain advancements related to science and technology and the global impact of these advancements.

- World History

World History


(Pre-History - 1500 A.D.)

Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12..........1/2 credit.......... Semester 1 only

This course, open to all students in high school, focuses on the early civilizations of both hemispheres and western Europe to 1500 A.D. It covers areas of study that include Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome, the Crusades, and early Asian, African, and American cultures. It also covers the beginning of intellectual activity, the environment of political instructions, and the formation of economic systems.

(1500 A.D. - The Present)

Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12..........1/2 credit.......... Semester 2 only

This course, open to all students in high school, focuses on the broad history of the world from 1500 to modern times. It continues with the scientific revolution, the rise of nationalism and imperialism, industrialization with its technological and economic changes, concluding with an examination of the problems and conflicts of the world which have given us the challenges of present times.

SST World History DomainWorld History History image Era 2 | Era 3 | Era 4

Students understand important historical events.

BPS-S SST-World History Logo
SST-06.WH_a Anchor Standards
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.WH_a.01  Analyze historical achievements related to science and technology.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.02  Explain historical changes related to religions and ideologies.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.03  Analyze the effects of different political systems on people.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.04  Analyze the influence of social, cultural, and economic developments on individuals.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.05  Analyze causes and effects of global events in the past using primary and/or secondary sources.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.06  Explain how past events connect to the present.

SST-06.WH_e2.b | SST-HS.WH_e2.b Era 2: Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b1 Explain the causes and effects of Medieval social structures using primary and secondary sources.
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b2 Explain how the relationship between religious and political bodies impacted the social, cultural, or economic developments of individuals.
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b3 Explain the emergence of cultural interaction between Europe and other civilizations.

SST-HS.WH_e3.b Era 3: Age of Revolutions
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b1  Explain the causes and global effects of religious division.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b2  Explain the global connections developed during this era because of exploration.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b3  Examine and explain the influence of revolutions on social and political aspects of individuals' lives.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b4  Explain advancements related to science and technology and the global impact of these advancements.

SST-HS.WH_e4.b Era 4: Age of Global War and Globalization
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.WH_e4.b1  Analyze the causes and global effects of the world wars.
  • SST-HS.WH_e4.b2  Explain how political or social ideologies shaped the 20th century.
  • SST-HS.WH_e4.b3  Explain the social, cultural, or economic changes influenced by globalization.

- US History

US History


SST301: US HISTORY 1914-1945

Grade Placement: 11.........1/2 credit.........Semester 1 only

Major units of study include involvement in world politics from World War I to the Great Depression and through the New Deal, the policy of isolationism, the rise of Fascism, and Pearl Harbor and World War II restraint and involvement in world politics.


Grade Placement: 11.........1/2 credit.........Semester 2 only

Major units of study include the changing political and social climate after WWII, the Korean and Vietnam wars, the Civil Rights era, the economy and world affairs from the 70’s through the War on Terror. Students will also explore social issues, changes, and controversies of the 21st Century.

SST US History DomainUS History History image | Era 3 | Era 4 | Era 5

Students understand important historical events.

BPS-S SST-US History Logo
SST-HS.US_a  Anchor Standards
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.US_a.01 Analyze primary and secondary sources with attention to reliability, impact, and purpose.
  • SST-HS.US_a.02 Examine the impact of multiple perspectives on social, political, and cultural development.
  • SST-HS.US_a.03 Explain the relationship of events focusing on the link(s) between cause and effect.
  • SST-HS.US_a.04 Compare how historical elements change over time.
  • SST-HS.US_a.05 Analyze the significant contributions of people and policy, and the influence on an era.
  • SST-HS.US_a.06 Connect the past to the present using current events.

SST-HS.US_e3.b (1877-1941) Era 3:
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b1 Explain the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution on American society.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b2 Explain the social, cultural, and economic impact of local, state, and federal government policy on American people.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b3 Explain the impact of the United States’ transformation into an imperialist power.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b4 Explain the causes and effects of the United States’ entrance into World War I.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b5 Explain the political, social and economic changes of the 1920s.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b6 Explain the political, social and economic events of the 1930s.

SST-HS.US_e4.b (1941-2001) Era 4:
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b1  Explain the causes and consequences of U.S. involvement in World War II.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b2  Explain the economic and/or social issues of the era and their long-lasting effects.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b3  Explain the United States' reactions toward the growth of communism.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b4  Explain the impact of rapid technological change on society.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b5  Compare and contrast how different groups competed for equality and the effectiveness of various movements.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b6  Identify and explain how domestic issues changed United States' perceptions of government.

SST-HS.US_e5.b (2001-present) Era 5:
Grade Band 9-12 logo
  • SST-HS.US_e5.b1  Connect the changing political and social climate to United States' involvement as a global superpower.
  • SST-HS.US_e5.b2  Explain the social, cultural, and economic impact of changes because of technology.
  • SST-HS.US_e5.b3  Explain the social, political, and cultural influences on government policies regarding global immigration.

- Government

Government Logo



Grade Placement: 12..........1/2 credit.......... Semester 1 or 2

Government is a one-semester required course for seniors. The course studies philosophies of government and legal systems. A major emphasis will be the functions of national government, with some time devoted to state and local systems. The U.S. Constitution will be studied in depth with units on democracy, Congress, the President, court structure, political parties, and individual rights. Students will be helped to understand the responsibilities of citizenship.

SST-HS.C Civics Domain

SST-HS.C.01 Explain the historical and philosophical foundations of government.
  • SST-HS.C.01.1 
    Evaluate the thoughts of major political philosophers.
  • SST-HS.C.01.2 
    Explain the influence of British and colonial history on early America.
  • SST-HS.C.01.3 
    Evaluate the creation and impact of primary sources on political thought in the United States.
SST-HS.C.02 Analyze the structures and functions of governments.
  • SST-HS.C.02.1 
    Differentiate/compare forms and origins of governments.
  • SST-HS.C.02.2 
    Examine the role and purposes of government.
  • SST-HS.C.02.3 
    Analyze the structure, principles, and interpretation of the Constitution of the United States.
  • SST-HS.C.02.4 
    Explain the relationship among federal, state, tribal, and local governmental powers.
  • SST-HS.C.02.5 
    Explain the purposes, organization, powers, and processes of tribal and local governments.
SST-HS.C.03 Describe the rights and liberties of individuals.
  • SST-HS.C.03.1 
    Describe and examine the amendments to the United States Constitution and their application in the United States.
  • SST-HS.C.03.2 
    Describe the impact of court cases on rights and liberties of individuals.
SST-HS.C.04 Investigate the role and responsibilities of citizenship in society.
  • SST-HS.C.04.1 
    Explain how citizens can influence government.
  • SST-HS.C.04.2 
    Describe and evaluate the criteria and process for naturalization in the United States.
  • SST-HS.C.04.3 
    Explain how citizens’ personal and civic responsibilities are important to the preservation and improvement of United States constitutional republic.
  • SST-HS.C.04.4 
    Identify bias and evaluate its role in media sources.
  • SST-HS.C.04.5 
    Demonstrate active participation in civic life.

- Economics

Economics Logo



Grade Placement: 12..........1/2 credit.......... Semester 1 or 2

The course focuses on the modified market economy of the United States, how it compares to other economic systems, and the role of the United States in the global marketplace. Students will learn how individuals and societies use their resources to satisfy their wants/needs. This course should enable students to apply economic knowledge to their daily lives.

SST-HS.E Economics Domain

SST-HS.E.01 Analyze the concept of scarcity when making economic decisions.
  • SST-HS.E.01.1
    Analyze the basic concepts of economic thinking.
  • SST-HS.E.01.2
    Describe the difference between a command/centrally planned economy and market economy.
SST-HS.E.02 Compare and contrast how varying economic systems impact a nation and its citizens.
  • SST-HS.E.02.1 
    Describe the difference between a command/centrally planned economy and market economy.
SST-HS.E.03 Analyze how supply and demand impact the allocation of goods and services.
SST-HS.E.04 Analyze the various institutions that drive and support the market economy.
  • SST-HS.E.04.1 
    Explain the role of businesses and financial institutions in a market economy.
  • SST-HS.E.04.2 
    Evaluate the role of government in a market economy.
  • SST-HS.E.04.3 
    Explain the functions and role of money.
SST-HS.E.05 Evaluate the various macroeconomic measurements available to determine an economy’s size and strength.
SST-HS.E.06 Analyze how globalization has impacted various aspects of economies around the world.
  • SST-HS.E.06.1 
    Describe how trade generates economic development and interdependence.
  • SST-HS.E.06.2 
    Analyze the benefits and costs for individuals, producers, and governments in international trade.
SST-HS.E.07 Evaluate the elements of responsible personal finance.
  • SST-HS.E.07.1
    Evaluate career choices and the effect on the standard of living.
  • SST-HS.E.07.2
    Evaluate the effect of taxes and other factors on income.

  • SST-HS.E.07.3 
    Develop short- and long-term financial goals.
  • SST-HS.E.07.4 
    Analyze the cost and benefits of different types of credit and debt; and the rights and responsibilities of borrowers.
  • SST-HS.E.07.5
    Develop strategies to avoid and manage debt effectively.

SST Domains

The standards are comprised of five overarching domain areas: Civics, Geography, Economics, North Dakota Studies and History. Each area contains standards, benchmarks, and suggested topics. The standards are developed with the understanding that these five areas are for all K-12 students. The behavioral science domain is for high schools.

Civics K-12

Standard 4 Government IconCivics K-5 image 6-12 image

Students understand the development, functions, and forms of various political institutions and the role of the citizen in government and society.

SST-K_5.C Civics Domain

Origin, Purpose, and Function
BPS-S SST-K-2 logo
Grade Band 3-5 logo
Roles and Involvement of United States Citizens and Residents
BPS-S SST-K-2 logo
Grade Band 3-5 logo

SST-6_12.C Civics Domain

SST-MS.C.01 | SST-HS.C.01
Explain the historical and philosophical foundations of government.
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  • SST-HS.C.01.1 
    Evaluate the thoughts of major political philosophers.
  • SST-HS.C.01.2 
    Explain the influence of British and colonial history on early America.
  • SST-HS.C.01.3 
    Evaluate the creation and impact of primary sources on political thought in the United States.
SST-MS.C.02 | SST-HS.C.02
Analyze the structures and functions of governments.
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  • SST-HS.C.02.1 
    Differentiate/compare forms and origins of governments.
  • SST-HS.C.02.2 
    Examine the role and purposes of government.
  • SST-HS.C.02.3 
    Analyze the structure, principles, and interpretation of the Constitution of the United States.
  • SST-HS.C.02.4 
    Explain the relationship among federal, state, tribal, and local governmental powers.
  • SST-HS.C.02.5 
    Explain the purposes, organization, powers, and processes of tribal and local governments.
SST-MS.C.03 | SST-HS.C.03
Describe the rights and liberties of individuals.
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  • SST-HS.C.03.1 
    Describe and examine the amendments to the United States Constitution and their application in the United States.
  • SST-HS.C.03.2 
    Describe the impact of court cases on rights and liberties of individuals.
SST-MS.C.04 | SST-HS.C.04
Investigate the role and responsibilities of citizenship in society.
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  • SST-HS.C.04.1 
    Explain how citizens can influence government.
  • SST-HS.C.04.2 
    Describe and evaluate the criteria and process for naturalization in the United States.
  • SST-HS.C.04.3 
    Explain how citizens’ personal and civic responsibilities are important to the preservation and improvement of United States constitutional republic.
  • SST-HS.C.04.4 
    Identify bias and evaluate its role in media sources.
  • SST-HS.C.04.5 
    Demonstrate active participation in civic life.

Economics K-12

SST Economics DomainEconomics K-5 image 6-12 image

Students understand economic concepts and the characteristics of various economic systems.

SST-K_5.E Economics Domain

Exchange and Markets
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National Economy
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SST-6_12.E Economics Domain

SST-MS.E.01 | SST-HS.E.01
Analyze the concept of scarcity when making economic decisions.
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  • SST-HS.E.01.1
    Analyze the basic concepts of economic thinking.
  • SST-HS.E.01.2
    Describe the difference between a command/centrally planned economy and market economy.
SST-MS.E.02 | SST-HS.E.02
Compare and contrast how varying economic systems impact a nation and its citizens.
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  • SST-HS.E.02.1 
    Describe the difference between a command/centrally planned economy and market economy.
SST-MS.E.03 | SST-HS.E.03
Analyze how supply and demand impact the allocation of goods and services.
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SST-MS.E.04 | SST-HS.E.04
Analyze the various institutions that drive and support the market economy.
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  • SST-HS.E.04.1 
    Explain the role of businesses and financial institutions in a market economy.
  • SST-HS.E.04.2 
    Evaluate the role of government in a market economy.
  • SST-HS.E.04.3 
    Explain the functions and role of money.
SST-MS.E.05 | SST-HS.E.05
Evaluate the various macroeconomic measurements available to determine an economy’s size and strength.
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SST-MS.E.06 | SST-HS.E.06
Analyze how globalization has impacted various aspects of economies around the world.
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  • SST-HS.E.06.1 
    Describe how trade generates economic development and interdependence.
  • SST-HS.E.06.2 
    Analyze the benefits and costs for individuals, producers, and governments in international trade.
SST-MS.E.07 | SST-HS.E.07
Evaluate the elements of responsible personal finance.
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  • SST-HS.E.07.1
    Evaluate career choices and the effect on the standard of living.
  • SST-HS.E.07.2
    Evaluate the effect of taxes and other factors on income.
  • SST-HS.E.07.3 
    Develop short- and long-term financial goals.
  • SST-HS.E.07.4 
    Analyze the cost and benefits of different types of credit and debt; and the rights and responsibilities of borrowers.
  • SST-HS.E.07.5
    Develop strategies to avoid and manage debt effectively.

Geography K-12

SST Geography DomainGeography K-5 image 6-12 image

Students understand and apply concepts of geography.

SST-K_5.G Geography Domain

Geographical Representation
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  • SST-00.G.1 | SST-01.G.1 | SST-02.G.1
    Construct maps, graphs, and other representations that contain symbols, labels, and legends.
  • SST-0.G.02 | SST-1.G.02 | SST-2.G.02
    Begins in Grade 3
  • SST-0.G.03 | SST-1.G.03 | SST-2.G.03
    Begins in Grade 3
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  • SST-03.G.01 | SST-04.G.01 | SST-05.G.01
    Construct maps, graphs, and other representations of both familiar and unfamiliar places.
  • SST-03.G.02 | SST-04.G.02 | SST-05.G.02
    Use geographic tools and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective.
  • SST-03.G.03 | SST-04.G.03 | SST-05.G.03
    Use maps, satellite images, photographs, and other representations to explain relationships between the locations of places and regions and their environmental characteristics.
Human and Environment Interactions
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  • SST-00.G.2 | SST-01.G.2 | SST-02.G.2
    Describe how the physical environment affects people and how people affect the environment.
  • SST-0.G.05 | SST-1.G.05 | SST-2.G.05
    Begins in Grade 3
  • SST-0.G.06 | SST-1.G.06 | SST-2.G.06
    Begins in Grade 3
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Human Population
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  • SST-0.G.07 | SST-1.G.07 | SST-2.G.07
    Begins in Grade 3
  • SST-0.G.08 | SST-1.G.08 | SST-2.G.08
    Begins in Grade 3
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SST-6_12.G Geography Domain

SST-MS.G.01 | SST-HS.G.01
Describe the physical processes that shape the Earth’s surface and how these affect the lives of people who live there.
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  • SST-HS.G.01.1
    Describe the physical processes that shape the Earth’s surface.
  • SST-HS.G.01.2
    Explain the factors that cause different types of climates and ecosystems, and their latitudes/locations.
  • SST-HS.G.01.3
    Identify how major ecosystems provide raw materials.
  • SST-HS.G.01.4
    Analyze the physical and human characteristics of a place.
  • SST-HS.G.01.5
    Describe how combinations of human decisions and natural forces can lead to (or help people avoid) a natural disaster.
SST-MS.G.02 | SST-HS.G.02
Analyze the movement of people, goods, ideas, technology, etc. throughout the world.
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  • SST-HS.G.02.1 
    Explain how movement of goods, information, and population are affected by technology.
  • SST-HS.G.02.1 
    Describe patterns of settlement and explain why people settle where they do and how they make their living.
  • SST-HS.G.02.1 
    Explain the patterns, causes, and consequences of major human migrations.
SST-MS.G.03 | SST-HS.G.03
Analyze the unifying physical and human characteristics of a region and their formal and informal boundaries.
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  • SST-HS.G.03.1
    Describe the differences and similarities among cultures around the world.
  • SST-HS.G.03.2
    Analyze the physical and human characteristics of a region.
  • SST-HS.G.03.3
    Interpret how culture and experience influence people’s perception of places and regions.
  • SST-HS.G.03.4
    Identify factors that contribute to conflict and cooperation between cultural groups from multiple perspectives.
SST-MS.G.04 | SST-HS.G.04
Use geographic tools to locate both the absolute and relative location of places and regions around the world.
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  • SST-HS.G.04.1 
    Explain and use a variety of geographic tools to study the world on global, regional, and local scales and draw conclusions.
  • SST-HS.G.04.2 
    Apply the skills of geographic inquiry to analyze a geographic problem or issue.
SST-MS.G.05 | SST-HS.G.05
Analyze how human beings are dependent upon, adapt to, and modify their environment to meet their needs.
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  • SST-HS.G.05.1 
    Explain how people have modified the environment and used technology to make places more suitable for humans.
  • SST-HS.G.05.2 
    Analyze how human changes to the environment in one region or place can affect another.

History K-12

SST History DomainHistory K-5 image 6-12 image

Students understand important historical events.

SST-K_5.H History Domain

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  • SST-00.H.1 | SST-01.H.1 | SST-02.H.1
    Compare perspectives of people in the past to those of people in the present.
  • SST-0.H.02 | SST-1.H.02 | SST-2.H.02
    Begins in Grade 3
  • SST-0.H.03 | SST-1.H.03 | SST-2.H.03
    Begins in Grade 3
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Cause-Effect & Current Events
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Connections, Contributions, Historical Source & Evidence
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  • SST-00.H.4 | SST-01.H.4 | SST-02.H.4
    Demonstrate chronological thinking by describing changes in the community over time.
  • SST-00.H.5 | SST-01.H.5 | SST-02.H.5
    Explain how individuals and groups have made significant historical changes.
  • SST-0.H.08 | SST-1.H.08 | SST-2.H.08
    Begins in Grade 3
  • SST-0.H.09 | SST-1.H.09 | SST-2.H.09
    Begins in Grade 3
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SST-6_12.H History Domains 

SST US History DomainUS History History image Era 1 | Era 2 | Era 3 | Era 4 | Era 5

Students understand important historical events.

BPS-S SST-US History Logo
SST-08.US_a  Anchor Standards
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  • SST-08.US_a.01 Analyze primary and secondary sources with attention to reliability, impact, and purpose.
  • SST-08.US_a.02 Examine the impact of multiple perspectives on social, political, and cultural development.
  • SST-08.US_a.03 Explain the relationship of events focusing on the link(s) between cause and effect.
  • SST-08.US_a.04 Compare how historical elements change over time.
  • SST-08.US_a.05 Analyze the significant contributions of people and policy, and the influence on an era.
  • SST-08.US_a.06 Connect the past to the present using current events.
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  • SST-HS.US_a.01 Analyze primary and secondary sources with attention to reliability, impact, and purpose.
  • SST-HS.US_a.02 Examine the impact of multiple perspectives on social, political, and cultural development.
  • SST-HS.US_a.03 Explain the relationship of events focusing on the link(s) between cause and effect.
  • SST-HS.US_a.04 Compare how historical elements change over time.
  • SST-HS.US_a.05 Analyze the significant contributions of people and policy, and the influence on an era.
  • SST-HS.US_a.06 Connect the past to the present using current events.

SST-08.US_e1.b (1754-1814) Era 1: Creation and Foundation of United States Government.
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  • SST-08.US_e1.b1 Explain the social, political, and cultural causes and immediate consequences of the American Revolution.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b2 Explain the development of early United States government.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b3 Explain the development of United States society after the American Revolution.
  • SST-08.US_e1.b4 Explain the importance of foreign and domestic decisions of the early United States government, its leaders, and political parties.

SST-08.US_e2.b (1814-1877) Era 2: Growth and Division in the Union.
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  • SST-08.US_e2.b1  Analyze the impacts of social, religious, and/or cultural movements.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b2  Compare and contrast how the causes of the sectional divide within the United States impacted federal policy.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b3  Explain how westward expansion affected the social, economic, and political landscape of the United States.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b4  Explain the changing Native American federal policy and the impact on tribal sovereignty.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b5  Explain the social, economic, and political causes and effects of the Civil War.
  • SST-08.US_e2.b6  Explain the social, economic, and political effects of Reconstruction.

SST-08.US_e3.b (1877-1941) Era 3:
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  • SST-08.US_e3.b1 Explain the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution on American society.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b2 Explain the social, cultural, and economic impact of local, state, and federal government policy on American people.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b3 Explain the impact of the United States’ transformation into an imperialist power.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b4 Explain the causes and effects of the United States’ entrance into World War I.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b5 Explain the political, social and economic changes of the 1920s.
  • SST-08.US_e3.b6 Explain the political, social and economic events of the 1930s.
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  • SST-HS.US_e3.b1 Explain the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution on American society.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b2 Explain the social, cultural, and economic impact of local, state, and federal government policy on American people.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b3 Explain the impact of the United States’ transformation into an imperialist power.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b4 Explain the causes and effects of the United States’ entrance into World War I.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b5 Explain the political, social and economic changes of the 1920s.
  • SST-HS.US_e3.b6 Explain the political, social and economic events of the 1930s.

SST-HS.US_e4.b (1941-2001) Era 4:
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  • SST-HS.US_e4.b1  Explain the causes and consequences of U.S. involvement in World War II.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b2  Explain the economic and/or social issues of the era and their long-lasting effects.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b3  Explain the United States' reactions toward the growth of communism.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b4  Explain the impact of rapid technological change on society.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b5  Compare and contrast how different groups competed for equality and the effectiveness of various movements.
  • SST-HS.US_e4.b6  Identify and explain how domestic issues changed United States' perceptions of government.

SST-HS.US_e5.b (2001-present) Era 5:
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  • SST-HS.US_e5.b1  Connect the changing political and social climate to United States' involvement as a global superpower.
  • SST-HS.US_e5.b2  Explain the social, cultural, and economic impact of changes because of technology.
  • SST-HS.US_e5.b3  Explain the social, political, and cultural influences on government policies regarding global immigration.

SST World History DomainWorld History History image Era 1 | Era 2 | Era 3 | Era 4

Students understand important historical events.

BPS-S SST-World History Logo
SST-06.WH_a Anchor Standards
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  • SST-06.WH_a.01  Analyze historical achievements related to science and technology.
  • SST-06.WH_a.02  Explain historical changes related to religions and ideologies.
  • SST-06.WH_a.03  Analyze the effects of different political systems on people.
  • SST-06.WH_a.04  Analyze the influence of social, cultural, and economic developments on individuals.
  • SST-06.WH_a.05  Analyze causes and effects of global events in the past using primary and/or secondary sources.
  • SST-06.WH_a.06  Explain how past events connect to the present.
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  • SST-HS.WH_a.01  Analyze historical achievements related to science and technology.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.02  Explain historical changes related to religions and ideologies.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.03  Analyze the effects of different political systems on people.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.04  Analyze the influence of social, cultural, and economic developments on individuals.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.05  Analyze causes and effects of global events in the past using primary and/or secondary sources.
  • SST-HS.WH_a.06  Explain how past events connect to the present.

SST-06.WH_e1.b | SST-HS.WH_e1.b Era 1: Emergence of Civilizations and Religions Around the Globe
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  • SST-06.WH_e1.b1 Explain multiple achievements of civilizations and connect them to the present.
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b2 Describe the belief systems or religions of early civilizations.
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b3 Explain the impact of the development of agriculture on the social, cultural, and economic lives of individuals.
  • SST-06.WH_e1.b4 Explain how political systems impacted the people in Greece and Rome and how those political systems connect to the present
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  • SST-HS.WH_e1.b1 Explain multiple achievements of civilizations and connect them to the present.
  • SST-HS.WH_e1.b2 Describe the belief systems or religions of early civilizations.
  • SST-HS.WH_e1.b3 Explain the impact of the development of agriculture on the social, cultural, and economic lives of individuals.
  • SST-HS.WH_e1.b4 Explain how political systems impacted the people in Greece and Rome and how those political systems connect to the present

SST-06.WH_e2.b | SST-HS.WH_e2.b Era 2: Middle Ages and the Renaissance
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  • SST-06.WH_e2.b1 Explain the causes and effects of Medieval social structures using primary and secondary sources.
  • SST-06.WH_e2.b2 Explain how the relationship between religious and political bodies impacted the social, cultural, or economic developments of individuals.
  • SST-06.WH_e2.b3 Explain the emergence of cultural interaction between Europe and other civilizations.
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  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b1 Explain the causes and effects of Medieval social structures using primary and secondary sources.
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b2 Explain how the relationship between religious and political bodies impacted the social, cultural, or economic developments of individuals.
  • SST-HS.WH_e2.b3 Explain the emergence of cultural interaction between Europe and other civilizations.

SST-HS.WH_e3.b Era 3: Age of Revolutions
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  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b1  Explain the causes and global effects of religious division.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b2  Explain the global connections developed during this era because of exploration.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b3  Examine and explain the influence of revolutions on social and political aspects of individuals' lives.
  • SST-HS.WH_e3.b4  Explain advancements related to science and technology and the global impact of these advancements.

SST-HS.WH_e4.b Era 4: Age of Global War and Globalization
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  • SST-HS.WH_e4.b1  Analyze the causes and global effects of the world wars.
  • SST-HS.WH_e4.b2  Explain how political or social ideologies shaped the 20th century.
  • SST-HS.WH_e4.b3  Explain the social, cultural, or economic changes influenced by globalization.

SST-08.H | SST-HS.H History Domain

SST-08.ND.01 | SST-HS.ND.01
Examine the physical and human geography of North Dakota and how it has changed.
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  • SST-08.ND.01.1 Identify the three landscape regions of North Dakota and describe the major features of the regions and the forces that formed them.
  • SST-08.ND.01.2 Explain the human settlement patterns in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.01.3 Interpret current thematic maps to identify where people live and work, and how land is used.
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  • SST-HS.ND.01.1 Identify the three landscape regions of North Dakota and describe the major features of the regions and the forces that formed them.
  • SST-HS.ND.01.2 Explain the human settlement patterns in North Dakota.
  • SST-HS.ND.01.3 Interpret current thematic maps to identify where people live and work, and how land is used.
SST-08.ND.02 | SST-HS.ND.02
Explain the development and functions of North Dakota’s state and local governments, tribal governments and the role of citizens.
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  • SST-08.ND.02.1 Describe the structure, role, and formation of tribal governments, both present and past, in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.02.2 Describe the formation, structure, and modern role of the territorial, state, county, and local government of North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.02.3 Explain the impact of political organizations and individual citizens on the political systems and institutions of North Dakota.
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  • SST-HS.ND.02.1 Describe the structure, role, and formation of tribal governments, both present and past, in North Dakota.
    SST-HS.ND.02.2 Describe the formation, structure, and modern role of the territorial, state, county, and local government of North Dakota.
    SST-HS.ND.02.3 Explain the impact of political organizations and individual citizens on the political systems and institutions of North Dakota.
SST-08.ND.03 | SST-HS.ND.03
Evaluate the major industries and economic activities in North Dakota.
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  • SST-08.ND.03.1 Describe the early economic activities of our state prior to 1900 and how they developed into North Dakota's modern economy.
  • SST-08.ND.03.2 Identify the current economic activities in the state of North Dakota and evaluate their positive and negative impact.
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  • SST-HS.ND.03.1 Describe the early economic activities of our state prior to 1900 and how they developed into North Dakota's modern economy.
  • SST-HS.ND.03.2 Identify the current economic activities in the state of North Dakota and evaluate their positive and negative impact.
SST-08.ND.04 | SST-HS.ND.04
Analyze the historical and current events and their impact on the development of North Dakota.
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  • SST-08.ND.04.1 Identify the Native American groups in North Dakota before European contact and describe their culture.
  • SST-08.ND.04.2 Analyze European exploration and early settlement of North Dakota and its impact on Native American groups.
  • SST-08.ND.04.3 Describe the major factors that brought settlers to North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.04.4 Analyze the effect of government policy, both historical and modern, toward Native American groups in North Dakota.
  • SST-08.ND.04.5 Evaluate the growth and struggles of the modernization of North Dakota and the role the state has played in modern America.
  • SST-08.ND.04.6 Use various primary and secondary resources to acquire, analyze, and evaluate information.
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  • SST-HS.ND.04.1 Identify the Native American groups in North Dakota before European contact and describe their culture.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.2 Analyze European exploration and early settlement of North Dakota and its impact on Native American groups.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.3 Describe the major factors that brought settlers to North Dakota.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.4 Analyze the effect of government policy, both historical and modern, toward Native American groups in North Dakota.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.5 Evaluate the growth and struggles of the modernization of North Dakota and the role the state has played in modern America.
  • SST-HS.ND.04.6 Use various primary and secondary resources to acquire, analyze, and evaluate information.

US history Logo
World History Logo
ND History Logo

HS Behavioral Sciences

Grade Band 9-12 LogoBehavioral Sciences Standards

Students... BPSS-SST-logo

SST-HS.PSY Psychology Standards

SST-HS.PSY.A Psychology Anchor Standards
  • SST-HS.PSY.A1 Utilize critical thinking and problem-solving skills to develop an understanding of psychology.
  • SST-HS.PSY.A2 Practically apply concepts of psychology.
  • SST-HS.PSY.A3 Analyze how topics evolve and research develops as discoveries occur.
SST-HS.PSY.D1 Domain 1: History and Research
SST-HS.PSY.D2 Domain 2: Biological Bases of Behavior
SST-HS.PSY.D3 Domain 3: Disorder, Therapies, and Treatments
SST-HS.PSY.D4 Domain 4: Development and Learning
  • SST-HS.PSY.D4.1 Describe the interaction between hereditary v. environment
  • SST-HS.PSY.D4.2 Explain the theories of cognitive, moral, and social development
  • SST-HS.PSY.D4.3 Trace the physical, cognitive, and social development of the lifespan
  • SST-HS.PSY.D4.4 Describe the principles of classical and operant conditioning
  • SST-HS.PSY.D4.5 Apply observational and cognitive learning to everyday life
SST-HS.PSY.D5 Domain 5: Memory and Cognition
SST-HS.PSY.D6 Domain Domain 6: Motivation and Emotion
SST-HS.PSY.D7 Domain 7: Personality
SST-HS.PSY.D8 Domain 8: Social Psychology
  • SST-HS.PSY.D8.1 Describe how group dynamics influence behavior
  • SST-HS.PSY.D8.2 Describe how society influences an individual's behavior
  • SST-HS.PSY.D8.3 Explain the nature and effects of stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and racism

SST-HS.SOC Sociology Standards

SST-HS.SOC.A Sociology Anchor Standards
  • SST-HS.SOC.A1 Utilize critical thinking and problem-solving skills to develop an understanding of different perspectives of sociology.
  • SST-HS.SOC.A2 Practically apply concepts of sociology.
SST-HS.SOC.D1 Domain 1: Introduction
SST-HS.SOC.D2 Domain 2: Social Structure
SST-HS.SOC.D3 Domain 3: Social Relationships
SST-HS.SOC.D4 Domain 4: Social Stratification and Inequality
  • SST-HS.SOC.D4.1 Explain common patterns of social inequality and the impact on groups.
  • SST-HS.SOC.D4.2 Explain how racism, sexism, and ageism have evolved over time.
  • SST-HS.SOC.D4.3 Explain the relationship between social institutions and inequality.
  • SST-HS.SOC.D4.4 Explain individual, group, and social responses to inequality.