Prioritized Benchmarks

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BPSS-SST logoStandard 1:

Skills and Resources

Students apply Social Studies skills and resources.

 Narrative for the Skills and Resources

Through active learning experiences, third grade students gain knowledge and process information about their local community from a variety of resources. They identify important historical events, places, and persons from the past and make connections with their present community. Third grade students explore their own community, including its: (1) geographic location, (2) human and material resources, (3) major work and services, and (4) basic beliefs and values. Students begin to understand other communities in the state and the world through simple comparative studies. For third graders, the study of history emphasizes continuity and change. Concepts of time and space should unfold through such direct experiences as historic role playing, interviews, and the construction of simple maps and charts. Through group work and projects, students should increase communications and decision-making skills and build civic values relating to responsible community citizenship. Skills to receive special emphasis include: (1) using cardinal and intermediate directions and common map symbols; (2) locating their community, major land and water forms, and reference points on maps and globes; (3) making simple generalizations about change, both past and future, and the influence of geographic relationships; (4) giving examples of the diversity of goods and services; (5) exploring the heritage of their own and selected communities; and (6) demonstrating responsible decision-making and citizenship skills.

Calculation Method for Standards

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. The Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related benchmarks. Click on the benchmark name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency rubrics for each standard's related benchmarks.


3rd Grade SST Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 1: Skills and Resources

SST-03.1.01 Use labels, symbols, compass rose (i.e., intermediate directions), and legends to locate physical features on a map.

Student Learning Targets:

Skills (Performance) Targets

  • can use labels and symbols to locate physical features on a map.
  • I can use intermediate directions on a compass rose to locate physical features on a map.
  • I can use legends to locate physical features on a map

Proficiency Rubric

Score   Description Sample Activity
4.0 The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of academic knowledge and skills for this grade level beyond what was taught in the classroom.   -The student creates a map using a compass rose, labels and symbols for physical features and a legend.  This is done independently.
  3.5 Has mastered the 3.0 knowledge and has shown some 4.0 understanding.  
3.0 The student demonstrates proficiency in academic knowledge and skills for this grade level.   -The student may show his/her understanding through a PBL project, quick write using reliable sources/maps or reference maps to locate the physical features.  
  2.5 The student has mastered the 2.0 knowledge and has shown some 3.0 understanding.  
2.0 The student demonstrates some academic knowledge and skills for this grade level.  The student can identify the critical or essential elements of knowledge.   -
  1.5 The student has mastered the 1.0 knowledge and has shown some 2.0 understanding.  
1.0 The student demonstrates very limited new academic knowledge and skill for this grade level.  The student performs retrieval skills.  The student can determine whether provided information is accurate, inaccurate or unknown.   -
  0.5 The student shows no understanding of the standard.  



Discovery Education

Elementary Social Studies

Parents Helping Students

Helping Your Child With Social Studies

Social Studies in Third Grade 



  • compass rose
  • physical features
  • landforms
  • legend
  • symbols


3rd Grade SST Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 1: Skills and Resources

SST-03.1.03 Use a variety of resources (e.g., maps, charts, bar graphs, Internet, books) to gather information about people, places, and events.

Student Learning Targets:

Skills (Performance) Targets

  • can use a variety of resources to gather information about people, places, and events. 


Proficiency Rubric

Score   Description Sample Activity
4.0 In addition to Score 3.0, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations. -
  3.5 In addition to Score 3.0 performance, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding the more complex content with partial success.
3.0 “The Standard.” The student is able to gather evidence about social studies topics from numerous resources and synthesize the information to share with others. -The student researches a topic such as continents, using non-fiction books and internet sources and shares the information when speaking or writing.
  2.5 The student demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and partial knowledge of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
2.0 The student is able to gather information about a topic from different resources, but does not synthesize the information when presenting the information on the topic. -The student shares the information on the topic of continents, but presents the information from different sources seperately (does not make the connection between the two sources of information on a topic).
  1.5 The student demonstrates partial knowledge of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and procedures (Score 3.0 content).
1.0 The student is able to gather information from one source. -The student uses only one non-fiction resource to gather information on the topic of continents.
  0.5 With help, the student demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) but not the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).



Discovery Education

Elementary Social Studies

Parents Helping Students

Helping Your Child With Social Studies

Social Studies in Third Grade 



  • Information
  • Communicate
  • Resources
  • Sythesize


3rd Grade SST Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 1: Skills and Resources

SST-03.1.04 Describe current events using print and electronic media (e.g., newspaper, children’s news magazines, television, Internet).

Student Learning Targets:

Knowledge Targets

  • I can describe current events using print and electronic media.  


Proficiency Rubric

Score   Description Sample Activity
4.0 The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of academic knowledge and skills for this grade level beyond what was taught in the classroom. -
  3.5 The student has mastered the 3.0 knowledge and has shown some 4.0 understanding.  
3.0 The student demonstrates some academic knowledge and skills for this grade level.  The student can identify the critical or essential elements of knowledge. -The student will share his/her knowledge through a quick write, by reading and discussing current events or in a PBL project.  
  2.5 The student has mastered the 2.0 knowledge and has shown some 3.0 understanding.
2.0 The student demonstrates some academic knowledge and skills for this grade level.  The student can identify the critical or essential elements of knowledge. -
  1.5 The student has mastered the 1.0 knowledge and has shown some 2.0 understanding.
1.0 The student demonstrates very limited new academic knowledge and skill for this grade level.  The student performs retrieval skills.  The student can determine whether provided information is accurate, inaccurate or unknown.   -
  0.5 The student shows no understanding of the standard.  



Discovery Education

Elementary Social Studies

Parents Helping Students

Helping Your Child With Social Studies

Social Studies in Third Grade 



  • media
  • electronic
  • print
  • magazine
  • internet
  • news
  • newspaper


BPSS-SST Skills and Resources concept logo3rd Grade (SST) Social Studies Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 1: Skills and Resources

SST-03.1.06 Interpret simple time lines (e.g., identify the time at which events occurred, the sequence in which events developed, and what else was occurring at the time).

Student Learning Targets:

Knowledge Targets

  • I can identify and explain events in sequence on a timeline.

Reasoning Targets

  • I can 

Skills (Performance) Targets

  • I can

Product Targets

  • I can 

Proficiency Scale

The Student ...

(1) Beginning

is only able to answer basic questions about a timeline such as

  1. What year was the....?
  2. What event happened in ___?
  3. What is this timeline about?

(2) Developing

is able to answer questions about a timeline by answer the following questions.

  1. What happened ___ years before...
  2. What happened ___ years after...

(3) Proficient

is able to explain the meaning or interpret the information from the timeline by answering the following questions.

  1. Which happened earlier? Student will need to choose between three events.
  2. What is the span of this timeline?
  3. Create an event and a year on a timeline.

(4) Advanced

  • demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations.



BPSS-SST logoStandard 2:

Important Historical Events

Students understand important historical events.

 Narrative for the Important Historical Events

Through active learning experiences, third grade students gain knowledge and process information about their local community from a variety of resources.

Students describe how significant people, events and developments have shaped their own community and region; compare their community to other communities in the region in other times and places; and use a variety of resources to gather information about the past.

Calculation Method for Standards

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. The Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related benchmarks. Click on the benchmark name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency rubrics for each standard's related benchmarks.


3rd Grade SST Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 2: History

SST-03.2.02 Describe how community life has changed from past (i.e., pioneer and tribal) to the present.

Student Learning Targets:

Knowledge Targets

  • I can

Reasoning Targets

  • can compare and contrast how community life has changed from pioneer and tribal days to the present.

Proficiency Rubric

Score   Description Sample Activity
4.0 In addition to a proficient score of 3.0, the student demonstrates in-depth understanding and application of knowledge regarding more complex material.   -The student does independent research and share information on past and current events, compares and contrasts the changes in community life and shares his/her learning with others.  
  3.5 In addition to a proficient score of 3.0, the student demonstrates in-depth understanding of knowledge on the content.  
3.0 The student identifies how community life has changed from past to present with a detailed explanation.  

-The student must be able to identify the differences and similarities and describe how the events have changed.

The teacher may use:

-a then and now comparison using pictures and writing

-pictures of past and present for students to compare and contrast

-Venn Diagrams


-leveled readers


  2.5 The student demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and partial knowledge of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content).
2.0 The student identifies the differences an/or similarities but is unable to describe with a detailed explanation.   -
  1.5 The student demonstrates partial knowledge of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and procedures (Score 3.0 content).
1.0 The student is unable to identify how community life has changed from past to present.   -
  0.5  Even with support, the student is unable to identify how community life has changed from past to pressent.



Discovery Education

Elementary Social Studies

Parents Helping Students

Helping Your Child With Social Studies

Social Studies in Third Grade 



  • past 
  • present
  • future
  • community


BPSS-SST logoStandard 3:

Economic Concepts

Students understand economic concepts and the characteristics of various economic systems.

 Narrative for the Economic Concepts

Through active learning experiences, third grade students gain knowledge and process information about their local community from a variety of resources. They identify important historical events, places, and persons from the past and make connections with their present community.

Students explain how people in the local community make choices about using goods, services and productive resources; how they engage in trade to satisfy their economic wants; how they use a variety of sources to gather.

Calculation Method for Standards

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. The Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related benchmarks. Click on the benchmark name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency rubrics for each standard's related benchmarks.


3rd Grade SST Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 3: Economics

SST-03.3.01 Identify ways families and communities cooperate and compromise (e.g., fundraisers, food pantries, living within your means) to meet needs and wants.

Student Learning Targets:

Reasoning Targets

  • I can organize the differences between needs and wants.

Skills (Performance) Targets

  • can use my knowledge of needs and wants to cooperate and compromise with my family and communities.

Proficiency Rubric

Score   Description Sample Activity
4.0 The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of academic knowledge and skills for this grade level beyond what was taught in the classroom.   -
  3.5 The student has mastered the 3.0 knowledge and has shown some 4.0 understanding.
3.0 The student demonstrates proficiency in academic knowledge and skills for this grade level. -The students will be given a prompt for a written or verbal response.  
  2.5 The student has mastered the 2.0 knowledge and has shown some 3.0 understanding.  
2.0 The student demonstrates some academic knowledge and skills for this grade level.  The student can identify the critical or essential elements of knowledge. -
  1.5 The student has mastered the 1.0 knowledge and has shown some 2.0 understanding.
1.0 The student demonstrate very limited academic knowledge and skill for this grade level.  The student performs retrieval skills.  The student can determine whether provided information is accurate, inaccurate or unknown.   -
  0.5 The student shows no understanding of the standard.  



Discovery Education

Elementary Social Studies

Parents Helping Students

Helping Your Child With Social Studies

Social Studies in Third Grade 



  • cooperate
  • compromise
  • community
  • needs
  • wants


BPSS-SST logoStandard 4:

Government and Citizenship

Students understand the development, functions, and forms of various political institutions and the role of the citizen in government and society.

 Narrative for the Government and Citizenship

Through active learning experiences, third grade students gain knowledge and process information about their local community from a variety of resources. They identify important historical events, places, and persons from the past and make connections with their present community.

Students explain what it means to be citizens of their community, state and nation; be able to identify the functions and major services provided by local governments; use a variety of resources to gather information about local, state and national governments; and demonstrate understanding of democratic principles and practices.

Calculation Method for Standards

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. The Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related benchmarks. Click on the benchmark name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency rubrics for each standard's related benchmarks.

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