Prioritized Competencies

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Career Ready Practices

CRP-01: Responsible Employee

Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee.


Career-ready individuals understand the obligations and responsibilities of being a member of a community and demonstrate this understanding every day through their interactions with others. They are conscientious of the impacts of their decisions on others and the environment around them, think about the near-term and long-term consequences of their actions, and seek to act in ways that contribute to the betterment of their teams, families, community, and workplace. They are reliable and consistent in going beyond the minimum expectation and in participating in activities that serve the greater good.


  • (CRP-01.01) Appropriate appearance and behavior
  • (CRP-01.02) Attitude
  • (CRP-01.03) Ethical
  • (CRP-01.04) Adaptability in position
  • (CRP-01.05) Adaptability to change
  • (CRP-01.06) Time management in work
  • (CRP-01.07) Focusing on a project
  • (CRP-01.08) Responsibility
  • (CRP-01.09) Inspiring others through selflessness
  • (CRP-01.10) Leadership
  • (CRP-01.11) Appropriate questioning
  • (CRP-01.12) Understanding the system

Calculation of the Standard

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks.


BPS CTE-CRP logo Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee

Appropriate appearance and behavior
CRP-HS.01.01 Conduct self in a respectable, appropriate manner and with proper appearance.

North Dakota CRP Rubrics

The Student ...

(1) Beginning

... does not demonstrate appropriate appearance or behavior. Often does not act respectfully towards others.

(2) Developing

... attempts to demonstrate appropriate appearance and behavior. Occasionally acts respectfully towards others.

(3) Proficient

... demonstrates appropriate appearance and behavior. Acts respectfully towards others.

(4) Advanced

... demonstrates appropriate appearance and behavior in various settings. Always acts respectfully towards others.


BPS CTE-CRP logo Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee

CRP-HS.01.02 Work positively.

North Dakota CRP Rubrics

The Student ...

(1) Beginning

... typically is negative toward tasks, projects, and/or others.

(2) Developing

... occasionally has a negative attitude towards tasks, projects, and/or others.

(3) Proficient

... is constructive with criticism when working with others. Has a positive attitude towards tasks, projects and others.

(4) Advanced

... has a positive outlook and creates a positive work environment for all involved while working on projects.


CTE-CRP imageCareer Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee
Time management in work
CRP-HS.01.06 Utilize time and manage workload efficiently. 

North Dakota CRP Rubrics

The Student ...

(1) Beginning

... never completes work on time and does not use time management skills.

(2) Developing

... occasionally completes work on time.

(3) Proficient

... completes work on time by taking advantage of the time provided and by using time management skills.

(4) Advanced

... completes tasks ahead of schedule by creating a plan and scheduling time to complete the work.


CTE-CRP imageCareer Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee
Focusing on a project
CRP-HS.01.07 Maintain focus and manages projects effectively. 

North Dakota CRP Rubrics

The Student ...

(1) Beginning

... always off task and does not complete the project.

(2) Developing

... occasionally off task in regards to accomplishing the overall project. Thus, only a portion of the project is completed.

(3) Proficient

... stays focused throughout the project and develops a timeline of the work to be completed.

(4) Advanced

... consistently stays focused, prioritizes tasks, recognizes time constraints of projects; estimates time to completion; and avoids distractions while meeting deadlines.


CTE-CRP imageCareer Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee
CRP-HS.01.08 Is accountable for results. 

North Dakota CRP Rubrics

The Student ...

(1) Beginning

... does not take responsibility for completed or uncompleted work.

(2) Developing

... takes limited responsibility for not completing work.

(3) Proficient

... takes responsibility for work completed and not completed.

(4) Advanced

... consistently and accurately completes tasks and takes responsibility for work.


Career Ready Practices

CRP-02: Technical Skills

Apply Appropriate Academic and Technical Skills.


Career-ready individuals readily access and use the knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education to be more productive. They make connections between abstract concepts with real-world applications and make correct insights about when it is appropriate to apply the use of an academic skill in a workplace situation.


  • (CRP-02.01) Math skills
  • (CRP-02.02) Using past knowledge
  • (CRP-02.03) Reading and interpreting
  • (CRP-02.04) Writing
  • (CRP-02.05) Problem solving and critical thinking
  • (CRP-02.06) Using resources to complete work

Calculation of the Standard

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks.


Career Ready Practices

CRP-03: Health / Support

Attend to Personal Health and Financial Well-Being.


Career-ready individuals understand the relationship between personal health, workplace performance, and personal well-being; they act on that understanding to regularly practice health diet, exercise and mental health activities. Career-ready individuals also take regular action to contribute to their personal financial well-being, understanding that personal financial security provides the peace of mind required to contribute more fully to their own career success.


  • (CRP-03.01) Healthy living
  • (CRP-03.02) Knowing safety
  • (CRP-03.03) Working safely
  • (CRP-03.04) Hygiene
  • (CRP-03.05) Calculation accuracy
  • (CRP-03.06) Budgeting
  • (CRP-03.07) Investment

Calculation of the Standard

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks.


Career Ready Practices

CRP-04: Communication

Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason.


Career-ready individuals communicate thoughts, ideas, and action plans with clarity, whether using written, verbal, and/or visual methods. They communicate in the workplace with clarity and purpose to make maximum use of their own and others’ time. They are excellent writers; they master conventions, word choice and organization and use effective tone and presentation skills to articulate ideas. They are skilled at interacting with others; they are active listeners and speak clearly and with purpose. Career-ready individuals think about the audience for their communication and prepare accordingly to ensure the desired outcome.


  • (CRP-04.01) Communicating well
  • (CRP-04.02) Communicating through presentation
  • (CRP-04.03) Communicating new ideas
  • (CRP-04.04) Timely listening/speaking
  • (CRP-04.05) Listening well
  • (CRP-04.06) Communicating w/ tech.
  • (CRP-04.07) Communicating through written form

Calculation of the Standard

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks.


Career Ready Practice [CRP] Standard
[CRP-04]: Communication
Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason

Communicating well 
 Use communication to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade.

Proficiency Scale

Score  Description
  • Effectively uses communication to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade.
  • Uses communication to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade.
  • Communicates only to inform or instruct.
  • Communicates only to inform and does not demonstrate communication for other purposes.


Career Ready Practice [CRP] Standard
[CRP-04]: Communication
Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason

Communicating new ideas 
 Develop, implement, and communicate new ideas to others effectively.

Proficiency Scale

Score  Description
  • Develops, implements, and communicates new ideas to others effectively in a variety of conditions.
  • Develops, implements, and communicates new ideas to others effectively.
  • Develops, implements, and attempts to communicate new ideas to others.
  • Develops new ideas, but does not effectively implement or communicate ideas with others.


Career Ready Practice [CRP] Standard
[CRP-04]: Communication
Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason

Listening well 
 Listen effectively to decipher meaning of a message.

Proficiency Scale

Score  Description
  • Thoughtfully and consistently listen to and reflect on the information and intentions of the message.
  • Effectively listen to and reflect on the information and intentions of the message.
  • Attempts to listen to the message and reflect on the meaning of the message, but misses key information or intentions of the message.
  • Does not listen to the message and demonstrates the misunderstanding by not reflecting on the meaning.


Career Ready Practices

CRP-05: Culture / Environment

Consider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions.


Career-ready individuals understand the interrelated nature of their actions and regularly make decisions that positively impact and/or mitigate negative impact on other people, organizations and the environment. They are aware of and utilize new technologies, understandings, procedures, materials and regulations affecting the nature of their work as it relates to the impact on the social condition, the environment and profitability of the organization.


  • (CRP-05.01) Valuing diversity
  • (CRP-05.02) Communicating on environment
  • (CRP-05.03) Verbalizing culture
  • (CRP-05.04) Respecting culture w/action
  • (CRP-05.05) Acting realistically
  • (CRP-05.06) Understand structure/scope

Calculation of the Standard

Standards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks.

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