CRP-HS Proficiency Scales WorkSpace
... 12 Career Ready Practices provide a framework for the developmental experiences necessary to becoming career ready; experiences that can be “practiced” using many different approaches in a variety of settings. Student refine these practices throughout their full continuum of learning: through their journey in school.
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Reasoning skills
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Using information
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Understanding the system
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Asking to understand
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Using multiple techniques
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Using feedback
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Learning from the past
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Learning from mistakes and success
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Seeking solutions
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DescriptionCareer-ready individuals consistently act in ways that align to personal and community-held ideals and principles while employing strategies to positively influence others in the workplace. They have a clear understanding of integrity and act on this understanding in every decision. They use a variety of means to positively impact the direction and actions of a team or organization, and they apply insights into human behavior to change others' actions, attitudes, and/or beliefs. They recognize the near-term and long-term effects that management’s actions and attitudes can have on productivity, morale, and organizational culture. Competencies
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. | |
Managing information
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Managing respectfully through listening
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Managing through communication
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Managing through insight
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Managing through inspiration
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Managing with integrity
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DescriptionCareer-ready individuals take personal ownership of their own educational and career goals, and they regularly act on a plan to attain these goals. They understand their own career interests, preferences, goals, and requirements. They have perspective regarding the pathways available to them and the time, effort, experience, and other requirements to pursue each, including a path of entrepreneurship. They recognize the value of each step in the educational and experiential process, and they recognize that nearly all career paths require ongoing education and experience. They seek counselors, mentors, and other experts to assist in the planning and execution of career and personal goals. Competencies
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. | |
Goal oriented
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Realistic goal-setting
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