ND CTE Standards

Technology Education Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 01: Characteristics and Scope of Technology

TEC-MS.01.F Develop new products and systems to solve problems or to help do things that could not be done without the help of technology.

Student Learning Targets: 6th Grade

Knowledge Targets

  • I can identify an example of technology
  • I can state why technology isn't just an electronic device
  • I can define technology

Application Targets

  • I can build a graphic organizer that shows differences in technology products

Product Targets

  • I can list different examples of technology
  • I can develop a collage that portrays a variety of technology examples

6th Grade Proficiency Scale

Score 4.0

  • Exceeds all expectations
  • Is able to teach the lesson to other students
  • Exhibits traits of being technologically literate


Sample Activities


Score 3.0

The student:

  • creates a product that will illustrate the student’s knowledge of the characteristics and scope of technology
    • shows correlations between technologies, ranging from simple to complex
  • Sample question would be – give an example of how an item is characterized as a form of technology
  • “Technology Is” Collage
  • What is Technology?
  •  Displays a variety of technology applications



No major errors or omissions regarding 2.0 content and partial knowledge of the 3.0 content.


Score 2.0

There are no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes as the student:

  • lists six different categories of technology (i.e. transportation, construction, medical, energy and power, communication, and manufacturing)
  • defines technology as a knowledge, tool, or skill used to solve a problem

However, the student exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes.

  • Matching items to their proper technology categories.



Partial knowledge of the 2.0 content, but major errors or omissions regarding the 3.0 content.


Score 1.0

With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes.



With help, a partial understanding of the 2.0 content, but not the 3.0 content.

Score 0.0

Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated.

» Middle School Tech Ed Standards