Physical Education PED-09 Targeted Benchmarks Standard 04: Fitness Concepts - Students understand and apply fitness concepts to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
PED-09.4.01 Explain the physiological principles (e.g., overload, progression, specificity, FITT) that govern achievement and maintenance of health-related fitness goals
Student Learning Targets: Knowledge Targets
- I can identify opportunities for participating in physical activity out of school.
Reasoning Targets
- I can explain physiological principles for maintainance health related fitness goals. (ie.overload, progression, specificity, FITT)
- I can explain physiological principles that result in achievement of health related fitness goals.
Skills (Performance) Targets
- I can participate in health-related fitness tests.
Product Targets
- I can analyze results of my health-related fitness tests and create a chart with activities that will improve my health related fitness.
- I can fill in the vocab sheet using overload, progression, specificity and FITT principle and draw a sentence and picture for each.
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Physical Education PED-09 Targeted Benchmarks Standard 04: Fitness Concepts - Students understand and apply fitness concepts to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
PED-09.4.02 Interpret recorded health-related physical fitness data for maintaining or improving levels of fitness
Student Learning Targets: Knowledge Targets
- I can understand the health related phyisical fitness data for maintaining and improving levels of personal fitness.
Reasoning Targets
- I can interpret my health related phyisical fitness data for maintaining and improving my levels of personal fitness.
Skills (Performance) Targets
- I can assign a category to each of my health- related fitness test results.
Product Targets
- I can determine if I am in the healthy fitness zones for each category.
- I can complete a worksheet from chpt 1 of Fitness for Life Lifetime Fitness DVD Introduction to Lifetime Fitness.
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Physical Education PED-09 Targeted Benchmarks Standard 04: Fitness Concepts - Students understand and apply fitness concepts to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
PED-09.4.03 Describe a physical active lifestyle across a lifespan (e.g., active lifestyle timeline, survey a relative about activity habits)
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
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Physical Education PED-09 Targeted Benchmarks Standard 04: Fitness Concepts - Students understand and apply fitness concepts to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
PED-09.4.04 Compare physical fitness activities for their health enhancing potential and benefits
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
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Physical Education PED-09 Targeted Benchmarks Standard 04: Fitness Concepts - Students understand and apply fitness concepts to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
PED-09.4.05 Adjust activity levels to meet personal fitness needs (e.g., monitor target heart rate or rate of perceived exertion and adjust level of intensity as appropriate)
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Rubric - Resources |
Physical Education PED-09 Targeted Benchmarks Standard 05: Behavior in Physical Activity - Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
PED-09.5.01 Explain the potential for physical injury (e.g., potential dangers of high sticking) and property/equipment damage (e.g., misuse of equipment) while participating in physical activities or sports
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Rubric - Resources |
Physical Education PED-09 Targeted Benchmarks Standard 05: Behavior in Physical Activity - Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
PED-09.5.02 Identify ethical decision-making, both independently and with others, in physical activity settings (e.g., respect for self and others, knowledge of rules, avoidance of inappropriate language, anger management, etiquette, fair play
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
- I can identify procedures, safe and respectful practices of my physical education class.
Reasoning Targets
- I can evaluate what are safe and respectful practices and procedures in physical education class.
Skills (Performance) Targets
- I can demonstrate the safe and respectful procedures and practices of my physical education class.
Product Targets
- I can perform the safe and respectful procedures and practices of my physical education class.
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Physical Education PED-09 Targeted Benchmarks Standard 05: Behavior in Physical Activity - Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
PED-09.5.03 Explain appropirate behaviours( e.g., teamwork, tolerance, respect, compassion) while partidcipating in group settings to achieve a common goal
Student Learning Targets: Knowledge Targets
- I can understand the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork skills in a group setting.
Reasoning Targets
- I can evaluate how sportsmanship and teamwork skills are necessary to achieve a common goal in a group setting.
Skills (Performance) Targets
- I can display sportsmanship and teamwork skills to achieve a common goal.
Product Targets
- I can demonstrate sportsmanship and teamwork skills to achieve a common goal.
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