CRP-MS.01 Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible EmployeeAct as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals understand the obligations and responsibilities of being a member of a community and demonstrate this understanding every day through their interactions with others. They are conscientious of the impacts of their decisions on
others and the environment around them, think about the near-term and long-term consequences of their actions, and seek to act in ways that contribute to the betterment of their teams, families, community, and workplace. They are reliable and consistent
in going beyond the minimum expectation and in participating in activities that serve the greater good. Competencies- (CRP-01.01) Appropriate appearance and behavior
- (CRP-01.02) Attitude
- (CRP-01.03) Ethical
- (CRP-01.04) Adaptability in position
- (CRP-01.05) Adaptability to change
- (CRP-01.06) Time management in work
- (CRP-01.07) Focusing on a project
- (CRP-01.08) Responsibility
- (CRP-01.09) Inspiring others through selflessness
- (CRP-01.10) Leadership
- (CRP-01.11) Appropriate questioning
- (CRP-01.12) Understanding the system
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee
Appropriate appearance and behavior CRP-MS.01.01 Conduct self in a respectable, appropriate manner and with proper appearance.
North Dakota CRP Rubrics
The Student ...
(1) Not Yet Reached Competency
... does not demonstrate appropriate appearance or behavior. Often does not act respectfully towards others.
(2) Approaching Competency
... attempts to demonstrate appropriate appearance and behavior. Occasionally acts respectfully towards others.
(3) Meets Competency
... demonstrates appropriate appearance and behavior. Acts respectfully towards others.
(4) Exceeds Competency
... demonstrates appropriate appearance and behavior in various settings. Always acts respectfully towards others.
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee
Attitude CRP-MS.01.02 Work positively.
North Dakota CRP Rubrics
The Student ...
(1) Not Yet Reached Competency
... typically is negative toward tasks, projects, and/or others.
(2) Approaching Competency
... occasionally has a negative attitude towards tasks, projects, and/or others.
(3) Meets Competency
... is constructive with criticism when working with others. Has a positive attitude towards tasks, projects and others.
(4) Exceeds Competency
... has a positive outlook and creates a positive work environment for all involved while working on projects.
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee |
Ethical CRP-MS.01.03 Work ethically.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... typically is negative toward tasks, projects, and/or others. (2) Approaching Competency... occasionally has a negative attitude towards tasks, projects, and/or others. (3) Meets Competency... Is constructive with criticism when working with others. Has a positive attitude towards tasks, projects and others. (4) Exceeds Competency... Has a positive outlook and creates a positive work environment for all involved while working on projects. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee |
Adaptability in position CRP-MS.01.04 Adapt to varied roles, responsibilities, schedules, and contexts.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not attempt to adapt to varied roles, responsibilities, schedules, or contexts. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to adapt to varied roles, responsibilities, schedules, and contexts. (3) Meets Competency... adapts to varied roles, responsibilities, schedules, and contexts. (4) Exceeds Competency... readily adapts to varied roles, responsibilities, schedules, and contexts in a variety of conditions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee |
Adaptability to change CRP-MS.01.05 Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not work well in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities. (3) Meets Competency... works effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities. (4) Exceeds Competency... works effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities in a variety of conditions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee
Time management in work CRP-MS.01.06 Utilize time and manage workload efficiently.
North Dakota CRP Rubrics
The Student ...
(1) Not Yet Reached Competency
... never completes work on time and does not use time management skills.
(2) Approaching Competency
... occasionally completes work on time.
(3) Meets Competency
... completes work on time by taking advantage of the time provided and by using time management skills.
(4) Exceeds Competency
... completes tasks ahead of schedule by creating a plan and scheduling time to complete the work.
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee
Focusing on a project CRP-MS.01.07 Maintain focus and manages projects effectively.
North Dakota CRP Rubrics
The Student ...
(1) Not Yet Reached Competency
... always off task and does not complete the project.
(2) Approaching Competency
... occasionally off task in regards to accomplishing the overall project. Thus, only a portion of the project is completed.
(3) Meets Competency
... stays focused throughout the project and develops a timeline of the work to be completed.
(4) Exceeds Competency
... consistently stays focused, prioritizes tasks, recognizes time constraints of projects; estimates time to completion; and avoids distractions while meeting deadlines.
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee
Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee
Responsibility CRP-MS.01.08 Is accountable for results.
North Dakota CRP Rubrics
The Student ...
(1) Not Yet Reached Competency
... does not take responsibility for completed or uncompleted work.
(2) Approaching Competency
... takes limited responsibility for not completing work.
(3) Meets Competency
... takes responsibility for work completed and not completed.
(4) Exceeds Competency
... consistently and accurately completes tasks and takes responsibility for work.
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee |
Inspiring others through selflessness CRP-MS.01.09 Inspire others to reach their very best via example and selflessness.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... fails to inspire others and allows selfish needs to rule all decisions made. (2) Approaching Competency... sometimes inspires others to perform at their best abilities but sometimes allows selfish needs to take precedent. (3) Meets Competency... provides inspiration by demonstrating to others to perform at their best abilities no matter the obstacles before them. (4) Exceeds Competency... sets aside personal needs and inspires others to perform to their best abilities no matter the obstacles or considering their own success. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee |
Leadership CRP-MS.01.10 Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in using influence and power.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... when in position of leadership, shows no signs of integrity or ethical behavior. (2) Approaching Competency... at times does not apply ethics or integrity to their decisions or actions in positions of leadership. (3) Meets Competency... often applies integrity and ethical behavior in leadership positions, thereby influencing others to do likewise. (4) Exceeds Competency... when in a position of leadership, consistently behaves ethically and with integrity to motivate others to work to their full potential. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee |
Appropriate questioning CRP-MS.01.11 Demonstrate learning acquisition and application skills by requesting help when needed and then contributing to the success of the group by assisting others.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not request help when needed (e.g., doesn’t ask questions of others or supervisors). (2) Approaching Competency... sometimes requests help when needed (e.g., asks questions before consulting manuals on policies and procedures, sometimes seeks help from others or supervisors). (3) Meets Competency... usually requests help at times when needed (e.g., asking questions after consulting manuals on policies and procedures, knowing when to seek help from others or supervisors). (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently requests help at appropriate times and when needed (e.g., asking questions after consulting manuals on policies and procedures, knowing when to seek help from others or supervisors). |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-01: Responsible Employee Act as a Responsible and Contributing Citizen and Employee |
Understanding the system CRP-MS.01.12 Demonstrate understanding of workplace organizations, systems, and climates by identifying "big picture" issues and fulfilling the mission of the workplace.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... can’t identify “big picture” issues and goals and cannot define vision and mission statements. (2) Approaching Competency... identifies few “big picture” issues and goals and can marginally define vision and mission statements. (e.g., the organization’s policies and procedures, as well as its role within the community). (3) Meets Competency... identifies most “big picture” issues and goals and can generally define vision and mission statements. (e.g., the organization’s structure, policies, and procedures, as well as its role within the industry and community). (4) Exceeds Competency... easily identifies “big picture” issues and goals and can define vision and mission statements (e.g., the organization’s structure, culture, policies, and procedures, as well as its role and status within the industry, economy, and community). |
CRP-MS.02 Career Ready Practices
CRP-02: Technical SkillsApply Appropriate Academic and Technical Skills. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals readily access and use the knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education to be more productive. They make connections between abstract concepts with real-world applications and make correct insights about when
it is appropriate to apply the use of an academic skill in a workplace situation. Competencies- (CRP-02.01) Math skills
- (CRP-02.02) Using past knowledge
- (CRP-02.03) Reading and interpreting
- (CRP-02.04) Writing
- (CRP-02.05) Problem solving and critical thinking
- (CRP-02.06) Using resources to complete work
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-02: Technical Skills Apply Appropriate Academic and Technical Skills |
Math skills CRP-MS.02.01 Demonstrate mathematics skills by using mathematical reasoning to accomplish tasks.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not understand how to apply mathematical reasoning and processes to accomplish job specific tasks. (e.g., using geometry and algebra to complete career computations). (2) Approaching Competency... uses mathematical reasoning and processes to accomplish job specific tasks with occasional errors. (e.g., using geometry and algebra to complete career computations). (3) Meets Competency... correctly uses mathematical reasoning and processes to accomplish job specific tasks with occasional aid. (e.g., using geometry and algebra to complete career computations). (4) Exceeds Competency... correctly uses mathematical reasoning and processes to accomplish job specific tasks without aid (e.g., using geometry and algebra to complete career computations). |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-02: Technical Skills Apply Appropriate Academic and Technical Skills |
Using past knowledge CRP-MS.02.02 Demonstrate resourcefulness by contributing new ideas and working with initiative.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... rarely contributes new and innovative ideas as previous skills and resources are not developed enough. (2) Approaching Competency... contributes some new and innovative ideas based on known resources and skills. (3) Meets Competency... often contributes new and innovative ideas based on known and reliable resources and skills. (4) Exceeds Competency... appropriately contributes new and innovative ideas based on known and reliable resources and skills with great effect. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-02: Technical Skills Apply Appropriate Academic and Technical Skills |
Reading and interpreting CRP-MS.02.03 Demonstrate effective reading skills by interpreting workplace documents.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... incorrectly reads, interprets, and applies workplace documents (e.g., instructional manuals, work orders, invoices, memorandums). (2) Approaching Competency... sometimes reads, misinterprets, and misapplies workplace documents (e.g., instructional manuals, work orders, invoices, memorandums). (3) Meets Competency... reads, interprets, and applies workplace documents (e.g., instructional manuals, work orders, invoices, memorandums). (4) Exceeds Competency... correctly reads, interprets, and applies workplace documents with ease (e.g., instructional manuals, work orders, invoices, memorandums). |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-02: Technical Skills Apply Appropriate Academic and Technical Skills |
Writing CRP-MS.02.04 Demonstrate effective writing skills by interpreting workplace documents and writing clearly.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... the document produced is unclear, often using incorrect language, and with general misunderstanding of the intended audience. (2) Approaching Competency... the document produced is usually clearly written, sometimes using incorrect language, and with general understanding of the intended audience. (3) Meets Competency... reads, interprets, and applies workplace documents (e.g., instructional manuals, work orders, invoices, memorandums). (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently writes clearly, uses correct language, and understands the intended audience of documents that are produced. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-02: Technical Skills Apply Appropriate Academic and Technical Skills |
Problem solving and critical thinking CRP-MS.02.05 Demonstrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills by analyzing and resolving problems that arise in completing assigned tasks.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... neither identifies resources that may help solve a specific problem nor applies critical thinking to aid in problem solving. (2) Approaching Competency... sometimes identifies resources that may help solve a specific problem but does not apply critical thinking to using that resource. (3) Meets Competency... identify resources that may help solve a specific problem and apply critical thinking to using that resource correctly. (4) Exceeds Competency... easily and quickly identify resources that may help solve a specific problem and apply critical thinking to using that resource effectively. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-02: Technical Skills Apply Appropriate Academic and Technical Skills |
Using resources to complete work CRP-MS.02.06 Demonstrate proficiency with job-specific technologies by selecting and using technological resources to accomplish work responsibilities in a productive manner.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... rarely selects and uses correct technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work. (2) Approaching Competency... selects and uses technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work. (3) Meets Competency... selects and uses technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work productively. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently selects and uses technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work efficiently and productively. |
CRP-MS.03 Career Ready Practices
CRP-03: Health / SupportAttend to Personal Health and Financial Well-Being. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals understand the relationship between personal health, workplace performance, and personal well-being; they act on that understanding to regularly practice health diet, exercise and mental health activities. Career-ready individuals
also take regular action to contribute to their personal financial well-being, understanding that personal financial security provides the peace of mind required to contribute more fully to their own career success. Competencies- (CRP-03.01) Healthy living
- (CRP-03.02) Knowing safety
- (CRP-03.03) Working safely
- (CRP-03.04) Hygiene
- (CRP-03.05) Calculation accuracy
- (CRP-03.06) Budgeting
- (CRP-03.07) Investment
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-03: Health / Support Attend to Personal Health and Financial Well-Being. |
Healthy living CRP-MS.03.01 Demonstrate healthy behaviors by managing personal health.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... minimally manages personal health with the results having negative effect on work-related tasks. (2) Approaching Competency... minimally manages personal health with some effect on work-related tasks. (3) Meets Competency... manages personal health with understanding on its effect to work-related tasks (e.g., setting fitness goals; eating healthfully). (4) Exceeds Competency... seamlessly manages personal health with clear insight on its effect to work-related tasks (e.g., setting fitness goals; eating healthfully). |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-03: Health / Support Attend to Personal Health and Financial Well-Being. |
Knowing safety CRP-MS.03.02 Demonstrate safety skills by following safety guidelines.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... often disregards safety guidelines (e.g., adhering to Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] standards and instructor and manufacturer guidelines). (2) Approaching Competency... often follows safety guidelines (e.g., adhering to Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] standards and instructor and manufacturer guidelines). (3) Meets Competency... follows safety guidelines (e.g., adhering to Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] standards and instructor and manufacturer guidelines). (4) Exceeds Competency... follows and models safety guidelines (e.g., adhering to Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] standards and instructor and manufacturer guidelines). |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-03: Health / Support Attend to Personal Health and Financial Well-Being. |
Working safely CRP-MS.03.03 Safely use technological resources to accomplish work responsibilities in a productive manner.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not use technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work with safe and efficient results. (2) Approaching Competency... often uses technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work with varying safety and efficiency. (3) Meets Competency... safely uses technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work productively. (4) Exceeds Competency... safely uses and models the use of technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work efficiently and productively. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-03: Health / Support Attend to Personal Health and Financial Well-Being. |
Hygiene CRP-MS.03.04 Demonstrate positive self representation skills by dressing appropriately and maintaining personal hygiene.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... often dresses inappropriately while maintaining questionable personal hygiene. (2) Approaching Competency... usually dresses appropriately (professional and safety standards following dress code) while maintaining adequate personal hygiene. (3) Meets Competency... dresses appropriately (adhering to professional and safety standards following dress code) while maintaining personal hygiene. (4) Exceeds Competency... always dresses appropriately (adhering to professional and safety standards following dress code) while maintaining impeccable, personal hygiene. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-03: Health / Support Attend to Personal Health and Financial Well-Being. |
Calculation accuracy CRP-MS.03.05 Demonstrate mathematics skills by using mathematical reasoning to accomplish tasks.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... makes calculations related to personal finance with many errors or doesn’t attempt personally (e.g., wage rates, paycheck deductions, taxes). (2) Approaching Competency... makes calculations related to personal finance with some error (e.g., wage rates, paycheck deductions, taxes). (3) Meets Competency... correctly makes calculations related to personal finance (e.g., wage rates, paycheck deductions, taxes). (4) Exceeds Competency... quickly, correctly, and efficiently makes calculations related to personal finance (e.g., wage rates, paycheck deductions, taxes). |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-03: Health / Support Attend to Personal Health and Financial Well-Being. |
Budgeting CRP-MS.03.06 Demonstrate how currently held quantity of goods, services, or money should be effectively expended to meet current demands.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not understand how much stock can and should be used to complete a current project. (portioning meals, making a budget, having correct quantity and type of materials onsite). (2) Approaching Competency... often guesses how much stock should be used to complete a current project. (portioning meals, making a budget, having correct quantity and type of materials onsite).
(3) Meets Competency... correctly knows how much stock can and should be used to complete a current project in a timely manner. (portioning meals, making a budget, having correct quantity and type of materials onsite). (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently plans in advance how much stock can and should be used to complete a current project in a timely manner. (portioning meals, making a budget, having correct quantity and type of materials onsite). |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-03: Health / Support Attend to Personal Health and Financial Well-Being. |
Investment CRP-MS.03.07 Demonstrate how currently held quantity of goods, services, or money could be effectively used to meet future demands.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not estimate the amount of stock to save in order to meet future demands (e.g. making hay, opening a savings account, investment planning, storing goods for future use). (2) Approaching Competency... poorly estimates the amount of stock to save in order to meet future demands (e.g. making hay, opening a savings account, investment planning, storing goods for future use). (3) Meets Competency... estimates the amount of current stock to save or multiply in order to meet future demands (e.g. making hay, opening a savings account, investment planning, storing goods for future use). (4) Exceeds Competency... wisely estimates the amount of current stock to save or multiply in order to meet future demands (e.g. making hay, opening a savings account, investment planning, storing goods for future use). |
CRP-MS.04 Career Ready Practices
CRP-04: CommunicationCommunicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals communicate thoughts, ideas, and action plans with clarity, whether using written, verbal, and/or visual methods. They communicate in the workplace with clarity and purpose to make maximum use of their own and others’ time. They
are excellent writers; they master conventions, word choice and organization and use effective tone and presentation skills to articulate ideas. They are skilled at interacting with others; they are active listeners and speak clearly and with purpose.
Career-ready individuals think about the audience for their communication and prepare accordingly to ensure the desired outcome. Competencies- (CRP-04.01) Communicating well
- (CRP-04.02) Communicating through presentation
- (CRP-04.03) Communicating new ideas
- (CRP-04.04) Timely listening/speaking
- (CRP-04.05) Listening well
- (CRP-04.06) Communicating w/ tech.
- (CRP-04.07) Communicating through written form
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-04: Communication
Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason.
Communicating well CRP-MS.04.01 Use communication to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade.
North Dakota CRP Rubrics
The Student ...
(1) Not Yet Reached Competency
... communicates only to inform and does not demonstrate communication for other purposes.
(2) Approaching Competency
... communicates only to inform or instruct.
(3) Meets Competency
... uses communication to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade.
(4) Exceeds Competency
... effectively uses communication to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade.
Career Ready Practices
CRP-04: Communication Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason |
Communicating through presentation CRP-MS.04.02 Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... either creates a presentation but does not present, or fails to complete the presentation, thus does not communicate using both verbal and nonverbal communication. (2) Approaching Competency... creates a presentation but does not effectively address/communicate using both verbal and nonverbal communication. (3) Meets Competency... communicates thoughts and ideas by crafting and presenting a presentation using both verbal and nonverbal communication. (4) Exceeds Competency... works creatively to craft and present a comprehensive presentation that uses both verbal and nonverbal communication. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-04: Communication
Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason
Communicating new ideas CRP-MS.04.03 Develop, implement, and communicate new ideas to others effectively.
North Dakota CRP Rubrics
The Student ...
(1) Not Yet Reached Competency
... develops new ideas, but does not effectively implement or communicate ideas with others.
(2) Approaching Competency
... develops, implements, and attempts to communicate new ideas to others.
(3) Meets Competency
... develops, implements, and communicates new ideas to others effectively.
(4) Exceeds Competency
... develops, implements, and communicates new ideas to others effectively in a variety of conditions.
Career Ready Practices
CRP-04: Communication Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason |
Timely listening/speaking CRP-MS.04.04 Know when it is appropriate to listen and when to speak.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... often needs to be reminded of appropriate times to speak and appropriate times to listen. (2) Approaching Competency... at times, speaks when it is not appropriate and does not listen when it is appropriate. (3) Meets Competency... while engaged in conversations/discussions, understands when it is appropriate to speak and when it is appropriate to listen. (4) Exceeds Competency... while engaged in conversations/discussions, consistently understands when it is appropriate to effectively speak and when it is appropriate to listen. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-04: Communication
Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason
Listening well CRP-MS.04.05 Listen effectively to decipher meaning of a message.
North Dakota CRP Rubrics
The Student ...
(1) Not Yet Reached Competency
... does not listen to the message and demonstrates the misunderstanding by not reflecting on the meaning.
(2) Approaching Competency
... attempts to listen to the message and reflect on the meaning of the message, but misses key information or intentions of the message.
(3) Meets Competency
... effectively listen to and reflect on the information and intentions of the message.
(4) Exceeds Competency
... thoughtfully and consistently listen to and reflect on the information and intentions of the message.
Career Ready Practices
CRP-04: Communication Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason |
Communicating with technology CRP-MS.04.06 Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not use technology effectively to collect, organize, evaluate, and/or communicate information. (2) Approaching Competency... uses technology to collect, organize, evaluate, and/or communicate information, but does not do so on a consistent basis. (3) Meets Competency... effectively utilize technology as a tool for communication. (4) Exceeds Competency... effectively and consistently applies the use and understanding of technology as a tool for learning and communicating the learning. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-04: Communication Communicate Clearly, Effectively, and with Reason |
Communicating through written form CRP-MS.04.07 Understand both how and why messages are constructed and used in written form.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to create a written message, but fails to do so effectively or in a timely manner. (2) Approaching Competency... can create an adequate written message, but does not understand how to use it to its maximum effect. (3) Meets Competency... effectively uses and creates written messages to communicate in various situations. (4) Exceeds Competency... effectively and consistently creates written messages which communicate the correct intent for multiple purposes. |
CRP-MS.05 Career Ready Practices
CRP-05: Culture / EnvironmentConsider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals understand the interrelated nature of their actions and regularly make decisions that positively impact and/or mitigate negative impact on other people, organizations and the environment. They are aware of and utilize new technologies,
understandings, procedures, materials and regulations affecting the nature of their work as it relates to the impact on the social condition, the environment and profitability of the organization. Competencies- (CRP-05.01) Valuing diversity
- (CRP-05.02) Communicating on environment
- (CRP-05.03) Verbalizing culture
- (CRP-05.04) Respecting culture w/action
- (CRP-05.05) Acting realistically
- (CRP-05.06) Understand structure/scope
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-05: Culture / Environment Consider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions. |
Valuing diversity CRP-MS.05.01 Respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... differences and diverse opinions are rejected and/or ignored and sometimes result in arguments. (2) Approaching Competency... different ideas and diverse opinions are sometimes ignored however when acknowledged can be resolved. (3) Meets Competency... different ideas and diverse opinions are accepted. (4) Exceeds Competency... different ideas are appreciated and diverse opinions are sought out while developing a common understanding. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-05: Culture / Environment Consider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions. |
Communicating on environment CRP-MS.05.02 Communicate effectively in diverse environments and realize the impact that environment will have on decisions made.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... fails to communicate or understand the interactions of diverse environments. (2) Approaching Competency... communicates with others about environment, but often fails to understand the influences of the environment. (3) Meets Competency... communicates with others on environments while understanding the influences of the environment. (4) Exceeds Competency... communicates effectively with others on diverse environments, understanding fully the influences of the environment. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-05: Culture / Environment Consider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions. |
Verbalizing culture CRP-MS.05.03 Understand and effectively utilize the most appropriate expressions and interpretations in multicultural situations.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... disregards cultural differences and does not effectively communicate any lack of understand. (2) Approaching Competency... understands there are cultural differences, but does not effectively communicate. (3) Meets Competency... understands and effectively uses proper verbal and non-verbal communication in respect to cultural differences. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently communicates both verbally and nonverbally, with a deep understanding and respect of cultural differences. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-05: Culture / Environment Consider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions. |
Respecting culture with action CRP-MS.05.04 Realize the interrelated nature of their actions to themselves, others, and business, utilizing the most appropriate and interpretations in diverse, multi-cultural environments.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... disregards cultural differences and does not effectively act in a diverse environment. (2) Approaching Competency... understands there are cultural differences, but does not effectively act in a diverse environment. (3) Meets Competency... acts effectively in respect to cultural differences and how they affect decisions made. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently acts with deep understanding and respect of cultural differences and the ultimate outcomes of those actions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-05: Culture / Environment Consider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions. |
Acting realistically CRP-MS.05.05 Demonstrate understanding to the real world limits of adopting new ideas.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not demonstrate a grasp of real world limits to new ideas. (2) Approaching Competency... demonstrates understanding of desired outcome but does not have a realistic understanding of the limits of the situation. (3) Meets Competency... demonstrates realistic understanding about the limits of the situation. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently demonstrates realistic understanding about the limits of the situation in a variety of scenarios. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-05: Culture / Environment Consider the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Decisions. |
Understanding structure and scope CRP-MS.05.06 Demonstrate understanding of workplace organizations, systems, and climates by identifying "big picture" issues and fulfilling the mission of the workplace.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not acknowledge social relationships that impact multiple levels of an organization. (2) Approaching Competency... acknowledges some social relationships that impact multiple levels of an organization. (3) Meets Competency... acknowledges the economic, political, and social relationships that impact multiple levels of an organization (e.g., local, national, international). (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently acknowledges the economic, political, and social relationships that impact multiple levels of an organization and uses this knowledge in interaction within the group (e.g., local, national, international). |
CRP-MS.06 Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: CreativityDemonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals regularly think of ideas that solve problems in new and different ways, and they contribute those ideas in a useful and productive manner to improve their organization. They can consider unconventional ideas and suggestions as
solutions to issues, tasks or problems, and they discern which ideas and suggestions will add greatest value. They seek new methods, practices and ideas from a variety of sources and seek to apply those ideas to their own workplace. They take action
on their ideas and understand how to bring innovation to an organization. Competencies- (CRP-06.01) Creating ideas
- (CRP-06.02) Researching ideas
- (CRP-06.03) Reflecting on ideas
- (CRP-06.04) Originality
- (CRP-06.05) Applying ideas
- (CRP-06.06) Working by self-direction
- (CRP-06.07) Innovation thru diversity
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Creating ideas CRP-MS.06.01 Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (brainstorming etc…).
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not actively participate in idea creation. (2) Approaching Competency... does not offer ideas during the idea creation, but listens actively to other group members. (3) Meets Competency... engages in idea creation techniques and participates by offering ideas. (4) Exceeds Competency... engages in multiple idea creation techniques and fully participates by offering insightful questions and listening well to others in the group. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Researching ideas CRP-MS.06.02 Creates new and worthwhile ideas using both incremental and radical concepts.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not attempt to develop new and valuable ideas. (2) Approaching Competency... develops new and valuable ideas using existing knowledge and resources. (3) Meets Competency... develops new and valuable ideas using both existing and new knowledge, as well as existing and new resources. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently develops new and valuable ideas using both existing and new knowledge, as well as existing and new resources. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Reflecting on ideas CRP-MS.06.03 Elaborates, refines, analyzes, and evaluates their own ideas in order to improve and maximize creative efforts.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... poorly attempts to reflect on own ideas. (2) Approaching Competency... reflects on own ideas and attempts to incorporate changes in creative efforts to improve the value of their work. (3) Meets Competency... reflects on own ideas and incorporates changes in creative efforts to improve the value of their work. (4) Exceeds Competency... extensive reflection of own ideas and incorporates changes in creative efforts demonstrating an understanding of the value of analysis and implementation of change. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Originality CRP-MS.06.04 Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in work.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not demonstrate creativity. (2) Approaching Competency... demonstrates creativity but does not have a realistic understanding of how to express it. (3) Meets Competency... demonstrates creativity in most every situation. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently demonstrates creativity in a variety of situations. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Applying ideas CRP-MS.06.05 Act on creative ideas to make a tangible and useful contribution to the field in which the innovation will occur.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... rarely attempts to develop creative ideas. (2) Approaching Competency... develops creative ideas, but does not understand how to apply them to the situation. (3) Meets Competency... applies creative ideas to make a real and useful contribution to their work. (4) Exceeds Competency... continuously applies creative ideas to make a real and useful contribution to their work. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Working creatively by self-direction CRP-MS.06.06 Monitor, define, prioritize, and complete tasks without direct oversight, based on their own creativity.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to monitor, define, prioritize, and complete tasks with direct oversight. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to monitor, define, prioritize, and complete tasks without direct oversight. (3) Meets Competency... monitors, defines, prioritizes, and complete tasks without direct oversight. (4) Exceeds Competency... monitors, defines, prioritizes, and complete tasks without direct oversight in a variety of conditions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-06: Creativity Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation. |
Innovation through diversity CRP-MS.06.07 Leverage social and cultural differences to create new ideas and increase both innovation and quality of work.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... demonstrates no appreciation of cultural and social understanding and respect for the uniqueness others. Demonstrates intolerance and lacks social interaction skills. (2) Approaching Competency... demonstrates a limited appreciation of cultural and social understanding and respect for the uniqueness others. At times appears indifferent to the others. Supports own ideas but appears not to be flexible enough to improve innovation and the quality of work. (3) Meets Competency... demonstrates an appreciation of cultural and social understanding and respect for the uniqueness of others. Actively discusses avenues to develop ideas and presents encouraging opinions for increasing innovation and quality of work upon request. (4) Exceeds Competency... demonstrates a high level of cultural and social understanding and respect for the uniqueness of others. Encourages discussions to develop new ideas through active listening and offers opinions for increasing innovation and quality of work. |
CRP-MS.07 Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research SkillsEmploy Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals are discerning in accepting and using new information to make decisions, change practices, or inform strategies. They use a reliable research process to search for new information and evaluate the validity of sources when considering
the use and adoption of external information or practices. They use an informed process to test new ideas, information, and practices in their workplace situation. Competencies- (CRP-07.01) Evaluating material
- (CRP-07.02) Collecting data thru tech.
- (CRP-07.03) Accessing diverse sources
- (CRP-07.04) Analyzing source bias
- (CRP-07.05) Analyzing one's own bias
- (CRP-07.06) Connect data/argument
- (CRP-07.07) Drawing conclusions
- (CRP-07.08) Reflecting on research
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Creating ideas CRP-MS.07.01 Evaluate information critically and competently.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not evaluate information. (2) Approaching Competency... evaluates information researched, but not thoroughly. (3) Meets Competency... thoroughly evaluates information researched, using internal and external validation. (4) Exceeds Competency... thoroughly evaluates the reliability of the source and the information researched, using internal and external validation. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Collecting data through technology CRP-MS.07.02 Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not use technology effectively to collect, organize, evaluate, and/or communicate information. (2) Approaching Competency... uses technology to collect, organize, evaluate, and/or communicate information, but does not do so on a consistent basis. (3) Meets Competency... when collecting, organizing, evaluating, and communicating research, technology is effectively utilized. (4) Exceeds Competency... effectively and consistently applies the use and understanding of technology as a tool for learning and communicating. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Accessing diverse sources CRP-MS.07.03 Access information efficiently (time) and effectively (sources).
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... completes simple research strategies and sources, often not retrieving accurate or complete information. (2) Approaching Competency... demonstrates an attitude of adaptability to respond to inconclusive or ineffective search results. (3) Meets Competency... considers more than one strategy or tool when engaged in the digital information fluency process if the first strategy or tool is ineffective. (4) Exceeds Competency... identifies key concepts of research conducted, acts on informed decisions to revise the search, and selects information based on reliability of resource efficiently and effectively. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Analyzing source bias CRP-MS.07.04 Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not complete analysis or evaluation of evidence, arguments, claims, or beliefs. (2) Approaching Competency... is not thorough at analyzing and/or evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs. (3) Meets Competency... is effective in analyzing and evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently is successful at analyzing and evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Analyzing one's own bias CRP-MS.07.05 Effectively analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not respect the view point of others while analyzing and evaluating material from a different point of view. (2) Approaching Competency... believes they are able to analyze and evaluate material from a different point of view without being biased, but is not successful. (3) Meets Competency... when analyzing and evaluating material is unbiased. (4) Exceeds Competency... embraces learning about material from different points of view and is unbiased in analyzing the material. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Connecting data to argument CRP-MS.07.06 Effectively synthesize and make connections between information and arguments.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not attempt to understand the connection between information and arguments. (2) Approaching Competency... is able to understand there is a connection between information and arguments, but is not able to determine what it is on their own. (3) Meets Competency... is able to understand and make the connections between information and arguments. (4) Exceeds Competency... is able to apply the connections between information and arguments in order to support a perspective. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Drawing conclusions CRP-MS.07.07 Effectively interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... looks at information and rarely is able to draw a conclusion. (2) Approaching Competency... looks at information and sometimes is able to draw conclusions. (3) Meets Competency... is able to look at information and successfully draw conclusions. (4) Exceeds Competency... is able to look at complex information and successfully draw conclusions and apply to situation. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-07: Research Skills Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies. |
Reflecting on research CRP-MS.07.08 Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not reflect on learning experiences and processes. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to reflect on learning experiences and processes. (3) Meets Competency... reflects critically on learning experiences and processes. (4) Exceeds Competency... thoroughly reflects critically on learning experiences and processes and applies to future work. |
CRP-MS.08 Career Ready Practices
CRP-08: Problem SolvingUtilize Critical Thinking to Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals readily recognize problems in the workplace, understand the nature of the problem, and devise effective plans to solve the problem. They are aware of problems when they occur, quickly take action to address the problem, thoughtfully
investigate the root cause of the problem prior to introducing solutions, and carefully consider the options to solve the problem. Once a solution is agreed upon, they follow through to ensure the problem is solved, whether through their own actions
or the actions of others. Competencies- (CRP-08.01) Reasoning skills
- (CRP-08.02) Using information
- (CRP-08.03) Understanding the system
- (CRP-08.04) Asking to understand
- (CRP-08.05) Using multiple techniques
- (CRP-08.06) Using feedback
- (CRP-08.07) Learning from the past
- (CRP-08.08) Learning from mistakes and success
- (CRP-08.09) Seeking solutions
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-08: Problem Solving Utilize Critical Thinking to Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them. |
Reasoning skills CRP-MS.08.01 Use various types of reasoning as appropriate to the situation.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to use reasoning as appropriate to the situation. (2) Approaching Competency... uses reasoning as appropriate to the situation. (3) Meets Competency... uses various types of reasoning as appropriate to the situation. (4) Exceeds Competency... uses various types of reasoning as appropriate to the situation in highly effective methods. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-08: Problem Solving Utilize Critical Thinking to Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them. |
Using information CRP-MS.08.02 Use information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not utilize information collected to solve issue or problem at hand. (2) Approaching Competency... applies the information correctly, but is not accurate or creative in solving the issue or problem. (3) Meets Competency... uses information accurately and creatively for the problem at hand. (4) Exceeds Competency... is highly effective in relating various sources to each other and applies them to solve an issue or problem at hand. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-08: Problem Solving Utilize Critical Thinking to Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them. |
Understanding the system CRP-MS.08.03 Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... is only able to identify some parts, and loses sight of how they work together. (2) Approaching Competency... identifies parts of a system but cannot explain how they work together. (3) Meets Competency... recognizes how the parts of a system work together to accomplish tasks. (4) Exceeds Competency... recognizes and is able to manipulate parts of a system to come together to accomplish tasks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-08: Problem Solving Utilize Critical Thinking to Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them. |
Asking to understand CRP-MS.08.04 Effectively identify and ask significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not attempt to make inquiries to understand other points of view for the purpose of reaching a better solution. (2) Approaching Competency... asks questions with the purpose of reaching a better solution, but fails to consider other points of view. (3) Meets Competency... effectively identify and ask significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions. (4) Exceeds Competency... effectively identify and ask significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions in a variety of conditions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-08: Problem Solving Utilize Critical Thinking to Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them. |
Using multiple techniques CRP-MS.08.05 Effectively solve different kinds of non-familiar problems in both conventional and innovative ways.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not complete analysis or evaluation of evidence, arguments,claims, or beliefs. (2) Approaching Competency... effectively problem solves but does not utilize multiple techniques. (3) Meets Competency... effectively utilizes multiple techniques to engage in problem solving. (4) Exceeds Competency... effectively develops and utilizes multiple techniques to engage in problem solving and can articulate reason for choosing. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-08: Problem Solving Utilize Critical Thinking to Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them. |
Using feedback CRP-MS.08.06 Incorporate feedback effectively.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to incorporate feedback, but not effectively. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to incorporate feedback effectively. (3) Meets Competency... incorporates feedback effectively. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently incorporates feedback in order to solve issues effectively. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-08: Problem Solving Utilize Critical Thinking to Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them. |
Learning from the past CRP-MS.08.07 Reflect critically on past experiences in order to inform future progress.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to reflect critically on past experiences, but not in order to promote future progress. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to reflect critically on past experiences in order to promote future progress. (3) Meets Competency... reflects critically on past experiences in order to promote future progress. (4) Exceeds Competency... reflects critically on past experiences in order to promote future progress in a variety of conditions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-08: Problem Solving Utilize Critical Thinking to Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them. |
Learning from mistakes and success CRP-MS.08.08 Cope positively with praise, setbacks, and criticism.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to cope with praise or setbacks, and criticism, but often in a negative way. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to cope positively with praise, setbacks, and criticism. (3) Meets Competency... copes positively with praise, setbacks, and criticism in respect to the future. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently copes positively with praise, setbacks, and criticism in order to actively apply these to future issues. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-08: Problem Solving Utilize Critical Thinking to Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them. |
Seeking solutions CRP-MS.08.09 Uses interpersonal and problem-solving skills to influence and guide others toward a solution.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... shows no sign or interest in achieving a solution. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to work with others to reach a solution, but fails to communicate effectively to solve a problem or motivate others. (3) Meets Competency... effectively communicates and motivates others to work toward a solution. (4) Exceeds Competency... effectively communicates and motivates others to solve group problems while accomplishing a solution. |
CRP-MS.09 Career Ready Practices
CRP-09: Leadership / ManagementModel Integrity, Ethical Leadership, and Effective Management. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals consistently act in ways that align to personal and community-held ideals and principles while employing strategies to positively influence others in the workplace. They have a clear understanding of integrity and act on this
understanding in every decision. They use a variety of means to positively impact the direction and actions of a team or organization, and they apply insights into human behavior to change others' actions, attitudes, and/or beliefs. They recognize the
near-term and long-term effects that management’s actions and attitudes can have on productivity, morale, and organizational culture. Competencies- (CRP-09.01) Managing information
- (CRP-09.02) Managing respectfully through listening
- (CRP-09.03) Managing through communication
- (CRP-09.04) Managing through insight
- (CRP-09.05) Managing through inspiration
- (CRP-09.06) Managing with integrity
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-09: Leadership / Management Model Integrity, Ethical Leadership, and Effective Management. |
Managing information CRP-MS.09.01 Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... is not able to apply quality information. (2) Approaching Competency... accesses only one or two sources of information with some application. (3) Meets Competency... is able to collect and apply large amounts of quality information from a variety of sources. (4) Exceeds Competency... is able to apply large amounts of quality information from a variety of sources to make decisions and/or conclusions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-09: Leadership / Management Model Integrity, Ethical Leadership, and Effective Management. |
Managing respectfully through listening CRP-MS.09.02 Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... is argumentative with others; does not listen to group’s opinions and ideas; wants things done their way and does not listen to alternate approaches. (2) Approaching Competency... sometimes listens to others, and often assumes others’ ideas will not work; tries to work well with the team. (3) Meets Competency... listens to other points of view; always uses appropriate and respectful language; tries to make a definite effort to understand others' ideas. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently listens to others and their ideas; helping them to develop their ideas while giving them full credit; helping the team reach its full potential. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-09: Leadership / Management Model Integrity, Ethical Leadership, and Effective Management. |
Managing through communication CRP-MS.09.03 Use interpersonal and problem-solving skills to influence and guide others toward a goal.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... shows no sign of interest in achieving a goal. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to work with others to reach a goal, but fails to communicate effectively to solve a problem or motivate others. (3) Meets Competency... effectively communicates and motivates others to work toward a goal. (4) Exceeds Competency... effectively communicates and motivates others to solve group problems while accomplishing a goal. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-09: Leadership / Management Model Integrity, Ethical Leadership, and Effective Management. |
Managing through insight CRP-MS.09.04 Leverage the strengths of others to accomplish a common goal.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... is negative towards others in achieving a common goal. (2) Approaching Competency... shows limited encouragement to others in achieving a common goal. (3) Meets Competency... encourages others to use their strengths to contribute to and achieve a common goal. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently encourages and motivates others to use their strengths to contribute to and achieve a common goal. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-09: Leadership / Management Model Integrity, Ethical Leadership, and Effective Management. |
Managing through inspiration CRP-MS.09.05 Inspire others to reach their very best via example and selflessness.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... fails to inspire others. (2) Approaching Competency... sometimes inspires others to perform at their best abilities but sometimes allows selfish needs to take precedent. (3) Meets Competency... provides inspiration by demonstrating to others to perform at their best abilities no matter the obstacles before them. (4) Exceeds Competency... sets aside personal needs and inspires others to perform to their best abilities no matter the obstacles or considering their own success. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-09: Leadership / Management Model Integrity, Ethical Leadership, and Effective Management. |
Managing with integrity CRP-MS.09.06 Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in using influence and power.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... when in position of power, shows no signs of integrity or ethical behavior. (2) Approaching Competency... at times puts personal needs first and does not apply ethics and integrity to their decisions or actions. (3) Meets Competency... does not abuse their leadership position to benefit themselves by being ethical and demonstrating integrity. (4) Exceeds Competency... when in a position of power, behaves ethically and with integrity to motivate others to work to their full potential. |
CRP-MS.10 Career Ready Practices
CRP-10: Goals / PlansPlan Education and Career Path Aligned to Personal Goals. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals take personal ownership of their own educational and career goals, and they regularly act on a plan to attain these goals. They understand their own career interests, preferences, goals, and requirements. They have perspective
regarding the pathways available to them and the time, effort, experience, and other requirements to pursue each, including a path of entrepreneurship. They recognize the value of each step in the educational and experiential process, and they recognize
that nearly all career paths require ongoing education and experience. They seek counselors, mentors, and other experts to assist in the planning and execution of career and personal goals. Competencies- (CRP-10.01) Goal oriented
- (CRP-10.02) Realistic goal-setting
- (CRP-10.03) Understanding process
- (CRP-10.04) Balancing goals
- (CRP-10.05) Mastery education
- (CRP-10.06) Professional advancement
- (CRP-10.07) Lifelong learning
- (CRP-10.08) Creating life-plans
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-10: Goals / Plans Plan Education and Career Path Aligned to Personal Goals. |
Goal oriented CRP-MS.10.01 Set and meet goals.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... goals and strategies are in complete. (2) Approaching Competency... goals and strategies are defined but not met. (3) Meets Competency... goals and strategies are defined and met. (4) Exceeds Competency... goals and strategies are defined as specific measurable goals and strategies were detailed. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-10: Goals / Plans Plan Education and Career Path Aligned to Personal Goals. |
Realistic goal-setting CRP-MS.10.02 Set goals with tangible and intangible success criteria.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... rarely sets goals with tangible success criteria. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to set goals with tangible and intangible success criteria. (3) Meets Competency... sets goals with tangible and intangible success criteria. (4) Exceeds Competency... sets goals with tangible and intangible success criteria in a variety of conditions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-10: Goals / Plans Plan Education and Career Path Aligned to Personal Goals. |
Understanding process CRP-MS.10.03 View failure as an opportunity to learn; understand that creativity and innovation is a long-term, cyclical process of small successes and frequent mistakes.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not understand how failed attempts are part of the process that leads to success. (2) Approaching Competency... understands the importance of attempting/experimenting is an important part of the path to success, but does not understand this includes failed attempts as well. (3) Meets Competency... understands the importance of attempting/experimenting is an important part of the path to success, including failed attempts. (4) Exceeds Competency... embraces the idea that attempting/experimenting is an important part of the path of success and approaches opportunities with an understanding that many failed attempts are likely. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-10: Goals / Plans Plan Education and Career Path Aligned to Personal Goals. |
Balancing goals CRP-MS.10.04 Balance short-term and long-term goals.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to balance short-term or long-term goals, but without much success. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to balance short-term and long-term goals. (3) Meets Competency... balances short-term and long-term goals. (4) Exceeds Competency... balances short-term and long-term goals in various areas of work/school. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-10: Goals / Plans Plan Education and Career Path Aligned to Personal Goals. |
Mastery education CRP-MS.10.05 Goes beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum to explore and expand one's own learning and opportunities to gain expertise.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to go beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum, but does not explore or expand learning opportunities to gain expertise. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to go beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum to explore and expand one’s own learning and opportunities to gain expertise. (3) Meets Competency... grasps mastery of skills and/or curriculum to explore and expand one’s own learning and opportunities to gain expertise. (4) Exceeds Competency... goes beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum to explore and expand one’s own learning and opportunities to gain expertise in a variety of conditions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-10: Goals / Plans Plan Education and Career Path Aligned to Personal Goals. |
Professional advancement CRP-MS.10.06 Demonstrate initiative to advance skill levels towards a professional level.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to demonstrate initiative to advance skill levels, but not on a personal level. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to demonstrate initiative to advance skill levels towards a professional level. (3) Meets Competency... demonstrates initiative to advance skill levels towards a professional level. (4) Exceeds Competency... demonstrates initiative to advance skill levels towards a professional level in various aspects of work/school. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-10: Goals / Plans Plan Education and Career Path Aligned to Personal Goals. |
Lifelong learning CRP-MS.10.07 Demonstrate commitment to learning as a lifelong process.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts to demonstrate commitment to learning, but not as a lifelong process. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to demonstrate commitment to learning as a lifelong process. (3) Meets Competency... demonstrates commitment to learning as a lifelong process. (4) Exceeds Competency... demonstrates commitment to learning as a lifelong process in most all areas of work/school. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-10: Goals / Plans Plan Education and Career Path Aligned to Personal Goals. |
Creating life-plans CRP-MS.10.08 Prioritize, plan, and manage work and life to achieve the intended result.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... has no plans developed. (2) Approaching Competency... goal plan is created, but does not include details regarding how the goals will be prioritized and/or managed. (3) Meets Competency... plan was determined and managed effectively. (4) Exceeds Competency... develops a detailed plan which clearly prioritizes each aspect of the set goals and gives clear direction on how the goals interrelate and should be managed. |
CRP-MS.11 Career Ready Practices
CRP-11: TechnologyUse Technology to Enhance Productivity. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals find and maximize the productive value of existing and new technology to accomplish workplace tasks and solve workplace problems. They are flexible and adaptive in acquiring and using new technology, being proficient with ubiquitous
technology applications. They understand the inherent risks, personal and organizational, of technology applications, and they take actions to prevent or mitigate these risks. Competencies- (CRP-11.01) Technology for research
- (CRP-11.02) Technology for presentation
- (CRP-11.03) Ethical technology usage
- (CRP-11.04) Legal technology usage
- (CRP-11.05) Managing and distributing technology
- (CRP-11.06) Influence of technology and intent
- (CRP-11.07) Technology as communication
- (CRP-11.08) Technology as Connection
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-11: Technology Use Technology to Enhance Productivity. |
Technology for research CRP-MS.11.01 Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not use technology effectively to collect, organize, evaluate, and/or communicate information. (2) Approaching Competency... uses technology to collect, organize, evaluate, and/or communicate information, but does not do so on a consistent basis. (3) Meets Competency... when collecting, organizing, evaluating, and communicating research, technology is effectively utilized. (4) Exceeds Competency... effectively and consistently applies the use and understanding of technology as a tool for learning and communicating the learning. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-11: Technology Use Technology to Enhance Productivity. |
Technology for presentation CRP-MS.11.02 Utilize multiple media and technologies, and know how to judge their effectiveness as well as assess their impact.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... attempts, but does not complete, crafting a product using multiple media and technologies and does not effectively reflect on the effectiveness and impact of the product. (2) Approaching Competency... crafts a product using multiple media and technologies but does not effectively reflect on the effectiveness and impact of the product. (3) Meets Competency... crafts a product using multiple media and technologies and reflects on the effectiveness and impact of the product. (4) Exceeds Competency... works creatively to craft a comprehensive product using multiple media and technologies and thoughtfully reflects on the effectiveness and impact of the product. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-11: Technology Use Technology to Enhance Productivity. |
Ethical technology usage CRP-MS.11.03 Understand the ethical issues surrounding the access and use of information.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not understand the need for ethics in regards to information literacy. (2) Approaching Competency... understands there is a need for ethical limitations. (3) Meets Competency... understands the ethical limitations when accessing and using information. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently accesses and uses information ethically. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-11: Technology Use Technology to Enhance Productivity. |
Legal technology usage CRP-MS.11.04 Apply a fundamental understanding of the legal issues surrounding use of media.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... uses media but does not have a regard to legal use of it. (2) Approaching Competency... uses media but does not always understand the legal issues in its use. (3) Meets Competency... uses a form of media both legally and ethically. (4) Exceeds Competency... uses various forms of media with a full understanding of appropriate use from both an ethical and legal standpoint. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-11: Technology Use Technology to Enhance Productivity. |
Managing and distributing technology CRP-MS.11.05 Understand the public access and use of technological equipment and information technology.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... uses information technology, but disregards ethical and legal obligations on its distribution. (2) Approaching Competency... uses information technology, but does not completely understand the ethical and legal obligations of accessing and distributing. (3) Meets Competency... manages and distributes data researched and applied from information technology ethically and legally. (4) Exceeds Competency... correctly manages and distributes data researched and applied from information technology ethically and legally. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-11: Technology Use Technology to Enhance Productivity. |
Influence of technology and intent CRP-MS.11.06 Examine how individuals interpret messages differently, how values and points of view are included or excluded, and how media can influence beliefs and behaviors.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not understand the power of media in relationship to beliefs and behaviors in relation to interpreting a message. (2) Approaching Competency... explores how media can influence beliefs and behaviors, but does not acknowledge diverse values and points of view. (3) Meets Competency... explores how media can influence beliefs and behaviors, while considering diverse values and points of view in interpreting messages. (4) Exceeds Competency... understands and creates media that influences beliefs and behaviors, while considering diverse values and points of view in interpreting messages. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-11: Technology Use Technology to Enhance Productivity. |
Technology as communication CRP-MS.11.07 Understand and utilize the most appropriate media creation tools, characteristics, and conventions.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not attempt or does not understand how to utilize digital tools. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to create a product using digital tools to compose, illustrate, and communicate information but does not complete. (3) Meets Competency... creates products using digital tools to compose, illustrate, and communicate information. (4) Exceeds Competency... creates products using innovative digital tools to compose, illustrate, and communicate original ideas or research. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-11: Technology Use Technology to Enhance Productivity. |
Technology as connection CRP-MS.11.08 Use digital technologies, communication/networking tools, and social networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information to successfully function in a knowledge economy.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not utilize technology to communicate and connect with others effectively. (2) Approaching Competency... uses technology to communicate and connect with others but does not utilize it as a tool to operate in a knowledge economy (creating, evaluating, and trading knowledge). (3) Meets Competency... uses technology as a tool to communicate and connect with others to access and successfully utilize information to operate in a knowledge economy (creating, evaluating, and trading knowledge). (4) Exceeds Competency... effectively and consistently uses technology, communication, and relationships to successfully operate in a knowledge economy (creating, evaluating, and trading knowledge). |
CRP-MS.12 Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: TeamworkWork Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence. |
DescriptionCareer-ready individuals positively contribute to every team whether formal or informal. They apply an awareness of cultural differences to avoid barriers to productive and positive interaction. They find ways to increase the engagement and contribution
of all team members. They plan and facilitate effective team meetings. Competencies- (CRP-12.01) Engaging actively and respectfully
- (CRP-12.02) Respecting other ideas
- (CRP-12.03) Listening well
- (CRP-12.04) Sharing and supporting
- (CRP-12.05) Open to compromise
- (CRP-12.06) Participating
- (CRP-12.07) Balancing all views
- (CRP-12.08) Understanding culture
- (CRP-12.09) Understanding the larger community
Calculation of the StandardStandards are larger groups of related benchmarks. So the Standard Grade is a calculation of all the related competencies. So click on the competencies name below each Standard to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Standard's related benchmarks. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: Teamwork Work Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence. |
Engaging actively and respectfully CRP-MS.12.01 Participate actively, as well as be reliable and punctual.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not participate in group or classroom discussion. Cannot be counted on and is consistently late (2) Approaching Competency... sometimes participates in group and classroom discussions. Is not always on time or reliable. (3) Meets Competency... provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion, is reliable, and punctual. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion, is reliable, and always punctual. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: Teamwork Work Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence. |
Respecting other ideas CRP-MS.12.02 Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... is argumentative with others; does not listen to groups opinions and ideas; wants things done their way and does not listen to alternate approaches. (2) Approaching Competency... sometimes listens to others, and often assumes others’ ideas will not work; tries to work well with the team. (3) Meets Competency... listens to other' points of view; always uses appropriate and respectful language; tries to make a definite effort to understand others' ideas. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently listens to others and their ideas; helping them to develop their ideas while giving them full credit; helping the team reach its full potential. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: Teamwork Work Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence. |
Listening well CRP-MS.12.03 Be open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives; incorporate group input and feedback into the work.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not listen to other views. (2) Approaching Competency... listens to diverse views but does not effectively incorporate in work. (3) Meets Competency... listens to diverse views and incorporates in work. (4) Exceeds Competency... consistently and thoroughly listen to diverse views and incorporates in work. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: Teamwork Work Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence. |
Sharing and supporting CRP-MS.12.04 Demonstrate ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... statements, responses, and/or body language are consistently not respectful. Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. (2) Approaching Competency... most statements, responses, and body language are respectful; occasionally a negative tone. Does not always listen to, share with, or support the efforts of others. (3) Meets Competency... listens to, shares with, and supports others. Statements and responses are respectful and appropriate body language is exhibited. (4) Exceeds Competency... all statements, responses, and body language are respectful and appropriate. Always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: Teamwork Work Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence. |
Open to compromise CRP-MS.12.05 Exercise flexibility and willingness to be helpful in making necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... typically does not compromise with group to accomplish a common goal, and often interferes with group from meeting its full potential. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to compromise with group to accomplish a common goal, but sometimes interferes group from meeting its full potential. (3) Meets Competency... is willing to compromise with group to accomplish a common goal. (4) Exceeds Competency... always demonstrates compromise, allowing the group to meet its full potential. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: Teamwork Work Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence. |
Participating CRP-MS.12.06 Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work, and value the individual contributions made by each team member.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does very little of the group's work and does not share or respect others' ideas. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to share responsibility of group's work, but ends up completing little of the work, by disregarding the input of others in group. (3) Meets Competency... participates and contributes to group's work equally. Values all members' ideas and contributions. (4) Exceeds Competency... motivates all members to share in contributions equally by valuing all members' ideas and contributions. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: Teamwork Work Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence. |
Balancing all views CRP-MS.12.07 Understand, negotiate, and balance diverse views and beliefs to reach workable solutions, particularly in multi-cultural environments.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... rarely attempts to understand, negotiate, and balance diverse views and beliefs to reach workable solutions, especially not in multi-cultural environments. (2) Approaching Competency... attempts to understand, negotiate, and balance diverse views and beliefs to reach workable solutions, particularly in mono-cultural environments. (3) Meets Competency... understands, negotiates, and balances diverse views and beliefs to reach workable solutions, particularly in multicultural environments. (4) Exceeds Competency... understands, negotiates, and balances diverse views and beliefs to reach workable solutions, particularly in multi-cultural environments in many situations. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: Teamwork Work Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence. |
Understanding culture CRP-MS.12.08 Respect cultural differences and works effectively with people from a range of social and cultural backgrounds.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... exhibits no respect, poor interaction, and an inability to work positively with individuals from other social or cultural groups. (2) Approaching Competency... with guidance, can generally respect, interact, and work positively with individuals from other social and cultural groups. (3) Meets Competency... respects, interacts, and works positively with individuals from other social and cultural groups. (4) Exceeds Competency... always respects, interacts, and works positively with individuals from other social and cultural groups and seeks opportunities to learn from diverse perspectives. |
Career Ready Practices
CRP-12: Teamwork Work Productively in Teams While Using Cultural/Global Competence. |
Understanding the larger community CRP-MS.12.09 Act responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind.
North Dakota CRP RubricsThe Student ...(1) Not Yet Reached Competency... does not contribute to a community organization or event nor reflects on the importance of involvement within the community. (2) Approaching Competency... participates in, but does not contribute to, community organization or event and attempts to reflect on their involvement within the community. (3) Meets Competency... contributes to a community organization or event and reflects on the importance of their involvement within the community. (4) Exceeds Competency... is an integral part of a community organization or event and thoughtfully reflects on the importance of their involvement within the community. |