6th Grade MAT Targeted Standards Domain (NS) The Number System Cluster: Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers
MAT-06.NS.07 Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.
- a. Interpret statements of inequality as statements about the relative position of two numbers on a number line diagram.
- b. Write, interpret, and explain statements of order for rational numbers in real-world contexts.
- c. Understand the absolute value of a rational number as its distance from 0 on the number line; interpret absolute value as magnitude for a positive or negative quantity in a real-world.
- d. Distinguish comparisons of absolute value from statements about order.
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
- I can explain inequalities used in real world situations.
- I can define absolute value.
Reasoning Targets
- I can compare two numbers on a number line based on their locations.
- I can express the comparison of two numbers using inequality symbols.
Skills Domain (Performance) Targets
- I can graph an inequality on a number line.
- I can explain inequalities used in real world situations.
- I can use absolute value to describe magnitude or size in real world situations.
Proficiency Scale
Please refer to the proficiency scales for standards MAT-06.NS.07a | MAT-06.NS.07b | MAT-06.NS.07c.
6th Grade MAT Targeted Standards Domain (NS) The Number System Cluster: Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers
Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.
MAT-06.NS.07.a Interpret statements of inequality as statements about the relative position of two numbers on a number line diagram.
For example, interpret –3 > –7 as a statement that –3 is located to the right of –7 on a number line oriented from left to right.
Student Learning Targets:
Reasoning Targets
- I can compare two numbers on a number line based on their locations.
- I can express the comparison of two numbers using inequality symbols.
Skills Domain (Performance) Targets
- I can explain inequalities used in real world situations.
- I can graph an inequality on a number line.
Proficiency Scale
Link to Proficiency Scale PDF
6th Grade MAT Targeted Standards Domain (NS) The Number System Cluster: Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers
Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.
MAT-06.NS.07.b Write, interpret, and explain statements of order for rational numbers in real-world contexts.
For example, write –3°C > –7°C to express the fact that –3°C is warmer than –7°C.
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
- I can explain inequalities used in real world situations.
Proficiency Scale
Link to Proficiency Scale PDF
6th Grade MAT Targeted Standards Domain (NS) The Number System Cluster: Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers
Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.
MAT-06.NS.07.c Understand the absolute value of a rational number as its distance from 0 on the number line; interpret absolute value as magnitude for a positive or negative quantity in a real-world situation.
For example, for an account balance of –30 dollars, write |–30| = 30 to describe the size of the debt in dollars.
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
- I can define absolute value.
Reasoning Targets
- I can use absolute value to describe magnitude or size in real world situations.
Proficiency Scale
Link to Proficiency Scale PDF
6th Grade MAT Targeted Standards Domain (NS) The Number System Cluster: Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers
Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.
MAT-06.NS.07.d Distinguish comparisons of absolute value from statements about order.
For example, recognize that an account balance less than –30 dollars represents a debt greater than 30 dollars.
Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
Reasoning Targets
Skills Domain (Performance) Targets
Product Targets
Proficiency Scale
Score |
Description |
Sample Activity
4.0 |
In addition to Score 3.0, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding more complex material that go beyond end of instruction expectations. |
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3.5 |
In addition to Score 3.0 performance, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications regarding the more complex content with partial success. |
3.0 |
“The Standard.” The student demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and processes that were end of instruction expectations. |
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2.5 |
The student demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and partial knowledge of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content). |
2.0 |
The student demonstrates no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content). |
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1.5 |
The student demonstrates partial knowledge of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) but exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and procedures (Score 3.0 content). |
1.0 |
With help, the student demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) and some of the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content). |
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0.5 |
With help, the student demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes (Score 2.0 content) but not the more complex ideas and processes (Score 3.0 content). |
0.0 |
Even with help, the student demonstrates no understanding or skill. |
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- Add resources with links, youtube or PDF
6th Grade MAT Targeted Standards Domain (NS) The Number System Cluster: Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers
MAT-06.NS.08 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by graphing points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane. Include use of coordinates and absolute value to find distances between points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate.
Student Learning Targets:
Skills Domain (Performance) Targets
- I can solve real-world problems by graphing points in all four quadrants.
- I can find the distance between points with the same first or second coordinate.
Proficiency Scale
Link to Proficiency Scale PDF