BPS Physical Education Standards Book

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Class: BPSS (PED) Physical Education Standards
Book: BPS Physical Education Standards Book
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Date: Friday, July 26, 2024, 7:59 PM

Physical Ed Introduction

Physical Education

The BPSS (PED) Physical Education Standards course in Learnbps is Bismarck Public School District's current progress on prioritizing and deconstructing standards to provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn. The standards are designed to provide guidance so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help students. Plus help students reflect on the knowledge and skills that they need for success.

Identifier Explanation


The Bismarck Public School District Standards-Based Progress Report displays grades at the Strand level. Therefore Bismarck Public School District has modified the North Dakota DPI Identifiers to fit into our student information system PowerSchool for Standards-Based grading. Above is a BPS-Standards PED identifier with smaller muted text showing the addition  to the identifier that are the components that BPS adds to the State code. Note: the biggest difference is the shift of the grade level E5 in middle of the state identifier to after PED-0.

PE Grade Levels

PED standards logoGrade Levels

The Physical Education Standards are organized into three grade-span levels; elementary, middle school, and high school.












The elementary grade-span level, covers kindergarten through Grade 5. By the end of Grade 5, the learner will demonstrate competence in fundamental motor skills and selected combinations of skills; use basic movement concepts in rhythmic activities/dance, gymnastics and small-sided practice tasks; identify basic health-related fitness concepts; exhibit acceptance of self and others in physical activities; and identify the benefits of a physically active lifestyle.

Middle School

The middle school grade-span level, covers Grade 6 through Grade 8. By the end of Grade 8, the learner will apply tactics and strategies to modified game play; demonstrate fundamental movement skills in a variety of contexts; design and implement a health-enhancing fitness program; participate in self-selected physical activity; cooperate and encourage classmates; accept individual differences and demonstrate inclusive behaviors; and engage in physical activity for enjoyment and self-expression.

High School

The high school grade-span level refers to Grade 9 through Grade 12. By the end of high school, the learner will be college/career-ready, as demonstrated by the ability to plan and implement different types of personal fitness programs; demonstrate competency in two or more lifetime activities; describe key concepts associated with successful participation in physical activity; model responsible behavior while engaged in physical activity; and engage in physical activities that meet the need for self expression, challenge, social interaction and enjoyment.

BPS Identifier System of the Standards

The individual Standards are organized by their Strand with each Standard having a unique identifier categorized by Subject-Grade Level.Strand.Standard. The Bismarck Public School District has modified the North Dakota DPI Identifiers to fit into our student information system PowerSchool for Standards-Based grading.

BPSStandards logo


  • PED (Subject)
      • 05 (Grade Level)
          • S2 (Standard)
              • 05a (Outcome)


S2.E5.5a, b & c

      • S2 (Standard)
          • E5 (Elementary - Grade Level)
              • 05a (Outcome)

Note click on an identifier which is an auto-link to view more information about the standards. (e.g. I can...statements)

PED-05.S2.05a - Applies basic offensive and defensive strategies and tactics in invasion small-sided practice tasks.  



Young children arrive in Kindergarten with widely varying knowledge in ....

iconKindergarten Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-00.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-00.S1.01: Performs locomotor skills (walking, hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping) while maintaining balance.
    • PED-00.S1.03: Performs jumping and landing actions with balance.
    • PED-00.S1.04: Performs jumping & landing actions with balance.
    • PED-00.S1.05: Performs locomotor skills in response to teacher-led creative rhythms.
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-00.S1.07a: Maintains momentary stillness on different bases of support (e.g., one body part, combinations of body parts, wide base, narrow base).
    • PED-00.S1.07b: Forms wide, narrow, curled and twisted body shapes.
    • PED-00.S1.09: Rolls sideways in a narrow body shape.
    • PED-00.S1.10: Contrasts the actions of curling and stretching.
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-00.S1.13: Throws underhand with opposite foot forward.
    • PED-00.S1.16a: Drops a ball and catches it before it bounces twice.
    • PED-00.S1.16b: Catches a large ball tossed by a skilled thrower.
    • PED-00.S1.17: Dribbles a ball with one hand, attempting the second contact.
    • PED-00.S1.18: Taps a ball using the inside of the foot, sending it forward.
    • PED-00.S1.21: Kicks a stationary ball from a stationary position, demonstrating two of the five elements of a mature kicking pattern
    • PED-00.S1.22: Volleys a lightweight object (balloon), sending it upward.
    • PED-00.S1.24: Strikes a lightweight object with a paddle or short-handled racket.
    • PED-00.S1.27a: Executes a single jump with self-turned rope.
    • PED-00.S1.27b: Jumps a long rope with teacher-assisted turning.

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-00.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
    • PED-00.S2.01a: Moves in personal space to a rhythm.
    • PED-00.S2.01bis Physical Education Kindergarten Standards Moves in personal space to a rhythm.
    • PED-00.S2.02: Travels in three different pathways (e.g., zig-zag, curved, straight)
    • PED-00.S2.03: Travels in general space with different speeds.
    • PED-00.S2.04: Identify body parts (e.g., head, shoulders, knees, chest elbows, hands and feet).

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-00.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
    • PED-00.S3.01: Identifies active play opportunities outside physical education class (to include indoor and outdoor recess).
    • PED-00.S3.02: Actively participates in physical education class
    • PED-00.S3.03: Recognizes that when you move fast, your heart beats faster and you breathe faster.
    • PED-00.S3.06: Recognizes that food provides energy for physical activity.

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-00.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
    • PED-00.S4.01: Follows directions in group settings (e.g., safe behaviors, following rules, taking turns). (
    • PED-00.S4.02: Acknowledges responsibility for behavior when prompted (e.g., thumbs up, fist of five, reflective listening).
    • PED-00.S4.03: Follows instruction/ directions when prompted.
    • PED-00.S4.04: Shares equipment and space with others.
    • PED-00.S4.05: Recognizes the established protocol for class activities.
    • PED-00.S4.06: Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment with minimal reminders.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-00.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
    • PED-00.S5.01: Recognizes that physical activity is important for good health.
    • PED-00.S5.02: Acknowledges that some physical activities are challenging/difficult.
    • PED-00.S5.03b: Discusses the enjoyment of playing with friends.
    • PED-00.S5.03a: Identifies physical activities that are enjoyable.

Grade 01


Young children arrive in 1st Grade with widely varying knowledge in ....

icon1st Grade Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-01.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-01.S1.01: Hops, gallops, jogs and slides using a mature pattern.
    • PED-01.S1.03: Demonstrates two of the five critical elements for jumping and landing in a horizontal plane using two-foot takeoffs and landings.
    • PED-01.S1.04: Demonstrates two of the five critical elements for jumping and landing in a vertical plane.
    • PED-01.S1.05: Combines locomotor and nonlocomotor skills in a teacher-led rhythmic pattern
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-01.S1.07: Maintains stillness on different bases of support with different body shapes
    • PED-01.S1.08: Transfers weight from one body part to another in self-space in rhythmic movement and gymnastics environments
    • PED-01.S1.09: Rolls with either a narrow or curled body shape.
    • PED-01.S1.10: Demonstrates twisting, curling, bending and stretching actions.
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-01.S1.13: Throws underhand, demonstrating two of the five critical elements of a mature pattern. (
    • PED-01.S1.16a: Catches a soft object from a self-toss before it bounces.
    • PED-01.S1.16b: Catches various sizes of balls selftossed or tossed by a skilled thrower.
    • PED-01.S1.17: Dribbles continuously in self-space using the dominant hand.
    • PED-01.S1.18: Taps or dribbles a ball using the inside of the foot while walking in general space.
    • PED-01.S1.21: Approaches a stationary ball and kicks it forward, demonstrating two of the five critical elements of a mature pattern.
    • PED-01.S1.22: Volleys an object with an open palm, sending it upward.
    • PED-01.S1.24: Strikes a ball with a short-handled implement, sending it upward.
    • PED-01.S1.27a: Jumps forward or backward consecutively using a self-turned rope.
    • PED-01.S1.27b: Jumps a long rope up to five times consecutively with teacher-assisted

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-01.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
    • PED-01.S2.01: Moves in self-space and general space in response to designated beats/rhythms
    • PED-01.S2.02a: Travels demonstrating low, middle and high levels
    • PED-01.S2.02b: Travels demonstrating a variety of relationships with objects (e.g., over, under, around, through).
    • PED-01.S2.03a: Differentiates between fast and slow speeds.
    • PED-01.S2.03b: Differentiates between strong and light force.
    • PED-01.S2.04: Identify basic body planes (e.g., front, back side).

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-01.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
    • PED-01.S3.01: Discusses the benefits of being active and exercising and/or playing.
    • PED-01.S3.02: Actively engages in physical education class.
    • PED-01.S3.03: Identifies the heart as a muscle that grows stronger with exercise, play and physical activity.
    • PED-01.S3.06: Differentiates between healthy and unhealthy foods.

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-01.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
    • PED-01.S4.01: Accepts personal responsibility by using equipment and space appropriately.
    • PED-01.S4.02: Follows the rules and parameters of the learning environment.
    • PED-01.S4.03: Responds appropriately to general feedback from the teacher.
    • PED-01.S4.04: Works independently with others in a variety of class environments (e.g., small & large groups).
    • PED-01.S4.05: Exhibits the established protocols for class activities.
    • PED-01.S4.06: Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment and space with minimal reminders.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-01.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
    • PED-01.S5.01: Identifies physical activity as a component of good health.
    • PED-01.S5.02: Recognizes that challenge in physical activities can lead to improvement.
    • PED-01.S5.03a: Describes positive feelings that result from participating in physical activities.
    • PED-01.S5.03b: Discusses personal reasons for enjoying physical activities (the why).

Grade 02


Young children arrive in 2nd Grade with widely varying knowledge in ....

icon2nd Grade Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-02.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-02.S1.01: Skips using a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.02a: Runs with a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.02b: Travels showing differentiation between jogging and sprinting
    • PED-02.S1.03: Demonstrates four of the five critical elements for jumping and landing in a horizontal plane using a variety of one- and two-foot take-offs and landings
    • PED-02.S1.04: Demonstrates four of the five critical elements for jumping and landing in a vertical plane
    • PED-02.S1.05: Performs a teacher and/or studentdesigned rhythmic activity with correct response to simple rhythms
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-02.S1.07a: Balances on different bases of support, combining levels and shapes
    • PED-02.S1.07b: Balances in an inverted position with stillness and supportive base.
    • PED-02.S1.08: Transfers weight from feet to different body parts/bases of support for balances and/or travel.
    • PED-02.S1.09: Rolls in different directions with either a narrow or curled body shape.
    • PED-02.S1.10: Differentiates among twisting, curling, bending and stretching actions.
    • PED-02.S1.11: Combines balances and transfers into a three-part sequence (i.e., rhythmic movement, gymnastics).
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-02.S1.13: Throws underhand using a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.14: Throws overhand demonstrating two of the five critical elements of a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.16: Catches a self-tossed or well thrown large ball with hands, not trapping or cradling against the body.
    • PED-02.S1.17a: Dribbles in self-space with dominant hand demonstrating a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.17b: Dribbles using the dominant hand while walking in general space.
    • PED-02.S1.18: Dribbles with the feet in general space with control of ball and body.
    • PED-02.S1.21: Uses a continuous running approach and kicks a moving ball, demonstrating three of the five critical elements of mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.22: Volleys an object upward with consecutive hits.
    • PED-02.S1.24: Strikes an object upward with a shorthandled implement, using consecutive hits
    • PED-02.S1.25: Strikes a ball off a tee or cone with a bat, using correct grip and side-orientation/proper body orientation.
    • PED-02.S1.27a: Jumps a self-turned rope consecutively forward and backward, with a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.27b: Jumps a long rope five times consecutively with skilled turners.

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-02.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
    • PED-02.S2.01: Combines locomotor skills in general space to a rhythm.
    • PED-02.S2.02: Combines shapes, levels and pathways into simple travel, rhythmic movement and gymnastics sequences.
    • PED-02.S2.03: Varies time and force with gradual increases and decreases (e.g., teacher control of increase/decrease through use of drum, shaker, tambourine).

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-02.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
    • PED-02.S3.01: Describes largemotor and/or manipulative physical activities for participation outside physical education class (e.g., recess, before and after school, at home, at the park, with friends, with the family).
    • PED-02.S3.02: Actively engages in physical education class in response to instruction and practice.
    • PED-02.S3.03a: Recognizes the use of the body as resistance (e.g., holds body in plank position, animal walks) for developing strength. (
    • PED-02.S3.03b: Identifies physical activities that contribute to fitness.
    • PED-02.S3.06: Recognizes the importance of balancing nutrition and physical activity.

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-02.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
    • PED-02.S4.01: Practices skills with minimal teacher prompting.
    • PED-02.S4.02: Accepts responsibility for class protocols with behavior and performance actions.
    • PED-02.S4.03: Accepts specific corrective feedback from the teacher.
    • PED-02.S4.04: Works independently with others in partner environments.
    • PED-02.S4.05: Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in teacher-designed physical activities.
    • PED-02.S4.06a: Works independently and safely in physical education.
    • PED-02.S4.06b: Works safely with physical education equipment.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-02.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
    • PED-02.S5.01: Recognizes the relationship between physical activity and good health.
    • PED-02.S5.02: Compares physical activities that bring confidence and challenge
    • PED-02.S5.03: Identifies physical activities that provide self-expression (e.g., rhythmic activities/dance, gymnastics routines, practice tasks in game environments).

Grade 03


Young children arrive in 3rd Grade with widely varying knowledge in ....

icon3rd Grade Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-03.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-03.S1.01: Leaps using a mature pattern.
    • PED-03.S1.02: Travels showing differentiation between sprinting and running.
    • PED-03.S1.03: Jumps and lands in the horizontal plane using a mature pattern.
    • PED-03.S1.04: Jumps and lands in the vertical plane using a mature pattern.
    • PED-03.S1.05: Performs teacherselected and developmentally appropriate rhythmic activities/dance steps and movement patterns.
    • PED-03.S1.06: Performs a sequence of locomotor skills, transitioning from one skill to another smoothly and without hesitation (e.g., hop, skip, jump forward/backward).
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-03.S1.07: Transfers weight from feet to hands for momentary weight support.
    • PED-03.S1.08: Applies skill.
    • PED-03.S1.09: Applies skill.
    • PED-03.S1.10: Moves into and out of gymnastics balances with curling, twisting and stretching actions.
    • PED-03.S1.11: Combines locomotor skills and movement concepts (e.g., levels, shapes, extensions, pathways, force, time, flow) to create and perform dance/rhythmic movement.
    • PED-03.S1.12: Combines balance and weight transfers with movement concepts to create and perform dance/rhythmic movement.
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-03.S1.13: Throws underhand to a partner or target with reasonable accuracy
    • PED-03.S1.14: Throws overhand, demonstrating three of the five critical elements of a mature pattern, in nondynamic environments (closed skills), for distance and/or force.
    • PED-03.S1.16: Catches a gently tossed hand-sized ball from a partner, demonstrating four of the five critical elements of a mature pattern.
    • PED-03.S1.17: Dribbles and travels in general space at slow to moderate jogging speed with control of ball and body.
    • PED-03.S1.18: Dribbles with the feet in general space at slow to moderate jogging speed with control of ball and body. (
    • PED-03.S1.19: Passes and receives a ball with the inside of the foot to a stationary partner, givin on reception before returning the pass
    • PED-03.S1.21a: Uses a continuous running approach and intentionally performs a kick along the ground and a kick in the air, demonstrating four of the five critical elements of a mature pattern for each.
    • PED-03.S1.21b: Uses a continuous running approach and kicks a stationary ball for accuracy.
    • PED-03.S1.22: Volleys an object with an underhand or sidearm striking pattern, sending it forward over a net, to the wall or over a line to a partner, while demonstrating four of the five critical elements of a mature pattern. (
    • PED-03.S1.24a: Strikes an object with a short-handled implement, sending it forward over a low net or to a wall.
    • PED-03.S1.24b: Strikes an object with a short-handled implement while demonstrating three of the five critical elements of a mature pattern.
    • PED-03.S1.25: Strikes a ball with a long-handled implement, sending it forward, while using proper grip for the implement (e.g., hockey stick, bat, golf club). Note: Use batting tee or ball tossed by teacher for batting.
    • PED-03.S1.27: Performs intermediate jump-rope skills (e.g., a variety of tricks, running in and out of long rope) for both long and short ropes.

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-03.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
    • PED-03.S2.01: Recognizes the concept of open spaces in a movement context
    • PED-03.S2.02: Recognizes locomotor skills specific to a wide variety of physical activities.
    • PED-03.S2.03: Combines movement concepts (direction, levels, force, time) with skills as directed by the teacher.
    • PED-03.S2.04a: Employs the concept of alignment in gymnastics and dance.
    • PED-03.S2.04b: Employs the concept of muscular tension with balance in gymnastics and dance.
    • PED-03.S2.05a: Applies simple strategies and tactics in chasing activities.
  • PED-03.S2.05b: Applies simple strategies in fleeing activities.

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-03.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
    • PED-03.S3.01a: Charts participation in physical activities outside physical education class (e.g., indoor and outdoor recess).
    • PED-03.S3.01b: Identifies physical activity benefits as a way to become healthier.
    • PED-03.S3.02: Engages in the activities of physical education class without teacher prompting.
    • PED-03.S3.03: Describes the concept of fitness and provides examples of physical activity to enhance fitness.
    • PED-03.S3.04: Recognizes the importance of warmup & cool-down relative to vigorous physical activity.
    • PED-03.S3.05: Demonstrates, with teacher direction, the health-related fitness components.
    • PED-03.S3.06: Identifies foods that are beneficial for before and after physical activity.

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-03.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
    • PED-03.S4.01: Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed activities.
    • PED-03.S4.02: Works independently for extended periods of time.
    • PED-03.S4.03: Accepts and implements specific corrective teacher feedback.
    • PED-03.S4.04a: Works cooperatively with others.
    • PED-03.S4.04b: Recognizes others for their success/effort in movement performance.
    • PED-03.S4.05: Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in physical activity with peers.
    • PED-03.S4.06: Works independently and safely in physical activity settings.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-03.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
    • PED-03.S5.01: Discusses the relationship between physical activity and good health.
    • PED-03.S5.02: Discusses the challenge that comes from learning a new physical activity.
    • PED-03.S5.03: Reflects on the reasons for enjoying selected physical activities.
    • PED-03.S5.04: Describes the positive social interactions that come when engaged with others in physical activity.

Grade 04


Young children arrive in 4th Grade with widely varying knowledge in ....

icon4th Grade Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-04.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-04.S1.01: Uses various locomotor skills in a variety of small-sided practice tasks, dance/rhythmic movements and educational gymnastics experiences.
    • PED-04.S1.02: Runs for distance using a mature pattern.
    • PED-04.S1.03: Uses spring-andstep take-offs and landings specific to gymnastics.
    • PED-04.S1.04: Uses spring-and-step take-offs and landings specific to gymnastics.
    • PED-04.S1.05: Combines locomotor movement patterns and dance steps to create and perform an original dance
    • PED-04.S1.06: Combines traveling with manipulative skills of dribbling, throwing, catching and striking in teacher and/or student-designed small-sided practice tasks.
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-04.S1.07: Balances on different bases of support on apparatus (e.g., balance beam, bench, BOSU ball), demonstrating levels and shapes.
    • PED-04.S1.08: Transfers weight from feet to hands varying speed and using large extensions (e.g., mule kick, handstand, cartwheel). (
    • PED-04.S1.09: Applies skill
    • PED-04.S1.10: Moves into and out of balances on apparatus with curling, twisting and stretching actions.
    • PED-04.S1.11: Combines locomotor skills and movement concepts (e.g., levels, shapes, extensions, pathways, force, time, flow) to create and perform a dance/rhythmic movement with a partner.
    • PED-04.S1.12: Combines traveling with balance and weight transfers to create a gymnastics sequence with and without equipment or apparatus.
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-04.S1.13: Applies skill.
    • PED-04.S1.14a: Throws overhand using a mature pattern in a nondynamic environments (closed skills).
    • PED-04.S1.14b: Throws overhand to a partner or at a target with accuracy at a reasonable distance.
    • PED-04.S1.15: Throws to a moving partner with reasonable accuracy in a nondynamic environments (closed skills).
    • PED-04.S1.16: Catches a thrown ball above the head, at chest or waist level, and below the waist using a mature pattern in a nondynamic environment (closed skills).
    • PED-04.S1.17a: Dribbles in self-space with both the preferred and nonpreferred hands using a mature pattern.
    • PED-04.S1.17b: Dribbles in general space in control of ball and body while increasing and decreasing speed.
    • PED-04.S1.18: Dribbles with the feet in general space with control of ball and body while increasing and decreasing speed.
    • PED-04.S1.19a: Passes and receives a ball with the insides of the feet to a moving partner in a nondynamic environments (closed skills).
    • PED-04.S1.19b: Receives and passes a ball with the outsides and insides of the feet to a stationary partner, giving on reception before returning the pass.
    • PED-04.S1.20: Dribbles with hands or feet in combination with other skills (e.g., passing, receiving, shooting).
    • PED-04.S1.21: Kicks along the ground and in the air, and punts using mature patterns.
    • PED-04.S1.22: Volleys underhand using a mature pattern, in a dynamic environment (e.g., 2 square, 4 square, handball).
    • PED-04.S1.23: Strikes/volleys with a two-hand over-head pattern, sending a ball upward while demonstrating four of the five critical elements of a mature pattern. (
    • PED-04.S1.24a: Strikes an object with a short-handled implement while demonstrating a mature pattern.
    • PED-04.S1.24b: Strikes an object with a short-handled implement, alternating hits with a partner over a low net or against a wall.
    • PED-04.S1.25: Strikes an object with a long-handled implement (e.g., hockey stick, golf club, bat, tennis or badminton racket), while demonstrating three of the five critical elements of a mature pattern for the implement (e.g., grip, stance, body orientation, swing plane and followthrough).
    • PED-04.S1.26: Combines traveling with the manipulative skills of dribbling, throwing, catching and striking in teacher-and/or student-designed, small-sided, practicetask environments.
    • PED-04.S1.27: Creates a jump-rope routine with either a short or long rope.

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-04.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
    • PED-04.S2.01a: Applies the concept of open spaces to combination skills involving traveling, (e.g., dribbling and traveling).
    • PED-04.S2.01b: Applies the concept of closing spaces in small-sided practice tasks.
    • PED-04.S2.01c: Dribbles in general space with changes in direction and speed.
    • PED-04.S2.02: Combines movement concepts with skills in smallsided practice tasks, gymnastics and dance/rhythmic movement environments.
    • PED-04.S2.03a: Applies the movement concepts of speed, endurance and pacing for running.
    • PED-04.S2.03b: Applies the concepts of direction and force when striking an object with a short-handled implement, sending it towards a designated target.
    • PED-04.S2.04: Applies skill.
    • PED-04.S2.05a: Applies simple offensive strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
    • PED-04.S2.05b: Applies simple defensive strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
    • PED-04.S2.05c: Recognizes the type of kicks needed for different games and sports situations.

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-04.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
    • PED-04.S3.01: Analyzes opportunities for participating in physical activity outside physical education class (e.g., indoor and outdoor recess).
    • PED-04.S3.02: Actively engages in the activities of physical education class, both teacherdirected and independent.(
    • PED-04.S3.03: Identifies the components of health-related fitness.
    • PED-04.S3.04: Demonstrates warmup & cool-down relative to the cardiorespiratory fitness assessment.
    • PED-04.S3.05a: Completes fitness assessments (pre- & post-) (e.g., Presidential Youth Fitness Program/FITNESSGRAM)
    • PED-04.S3.05b: Identifies areas of needed remediation from personal test and, with teacher assistance, identifies strategies for progress in those areas.
    • PED-04.S3.06: Discusses the importance of hydration and hydration choices relative to physical activities.

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-04.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
    • PED-04.S4.01: Exhibits responsible behavior in independent group situations.
    • PED-04.S4.02: Reflects on personal social behavior in physical activity.
    • PED-04.S4.03: Listens respectfully to corrective feedback from others. (e.g., peers, adults).
    • PED-04.S4.04a: Recognizes the movement performance of others both more and less skilled.
    • PED-04.S4.04b: Accepts players of all skill levels into the physical activity.
    • PED-04.S4.05: Exhibits etiquette and adherence to rules in a variety of physical activities.
    • PED-04.S4.06: Works safely with peers and equipment in physical activity settings.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-04.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
    • PED-04.S5.01: Examines the health benefits of participating in physical activity.
    • PED-04.S5.02: Rates the enjoyment of participating in challenging and mastered physical activities.
    • PED-04.S5.03: Ranks the enjoyment of participating in different physical activities. (
    • PED-04.S5.04: Describes and compares the positive social interactions when engaged in partner, small-group and large-group physical activities.

Grade 05


Young children arrive in 5th Grade with widely varying knowledge in ....

icon5th Grade Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-05.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-05.S1.01a: Demonstrates mature patterns of locomotor skills in dynamic small-sided practice tasks, gymnastics and dance/rhythmic movements.
    • PED-05.S1.01b: Combines locomotor and manipulative skills in a variety of smallsided practice tasks in game environments.
    • PED-05.S1.01c: Combines traveling with manipulative skills for execution to a target (e.g., scoring in soccer, hockey and basketball).
    • PED-05.S1.02: Uses appropriate pacing for a variety of running distances.
    • PED-05.S1.03: Combines jumping and landing patterns with locomotor and manipulative skills in dance/rhythmic movements, gymnastics and smallsided practice tasks in game environments.
    • PED-05.S1.04: Combines jumping and landing patterns with locomotor and manipulative skills in dance/rhythmic movement, gymnastics and smallsided practice tasks in game environments.
    • PED-05.S1.05: Combines locomotor skills in cultural as well as creative rhythmic activities/dances (self and group) with correct rhythm and pattern.
    • PED-05.S1.06: Applied skills.
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-05.S1.07: Combines balance and transferring weight in a gymnastics sequence or rhythmic activities/dance with a partner.
    • PED-05.S1.08: Transfers weight in gymnastics or rhythmic activities/dance environments.
    • PED-05.S1.09: Applies skill.
    • PED-05.S1.10: Performs curling, twisting and stretching actions with correct application in rhythmic activities/dance, gymnastics and smallsided practice tasks in game environments.
    • PED-05.S1.11: Combines locomotor skills and movement concepts (e.g., levels, shapes, extensions, pathways, force, time, flow) to create and perform a rhythmic activities/dance with a group
    • PED-05.S1.12: Combines actions, balance and weight transfers to create a gymnastics sequence with a partner on equipment or apparatus
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-05.S1.13a: Throws underhand using a mature pattern in nondynamic environments (closed skills), with different sizes and types of objects.
    • PED-05.S1.13b: Throws underhand to a large target with accuracy
    • PED-05.S1.14a: Throws overhand using a mature pattern in nondynamic environments (closed skills), with different sizes and types of objects.
    • PED-05.S1.14b: Throws overhand to large target with accuracy.
    • PED-05.S1.15a: Throws with accuracy, both partners moving.
    • PED-05.S1.15b: Throws with reasonable accuracy in dynamic, smallsided practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S1.16a: Catches a batted ball above the head, at chest or waist level and along the ground using a mature pattern in a nondynamic environment (closed skills).
    • PED-05.S1.16b: Catches with accuracy, both partners moving.
    • PED-05.S1.16c: Catches with reasonable accuracy in dynamic, smallsided practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S1.17: Combines hand dribbling with other skills during one-onone practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S1.18: Combines foot dribbling with other skills in one-on-one practice tasks
    • PED-05.S1.19a: Passes with the feet, using a mature pattern, as both partners travel.
    • PED-05.S1.19b: Receives a pass with the feet, using a mature pattern, as both partners travel.
    • PED-05.S1.20: Dribbles with hands or feet with mature patterns in a variety of small-sided game forms.
    • PED-05.S1.21: Demonstrates mature patterns of kicking and punting in small-sided practice task environments.
    • PED-05.S1.22: Applies skill.
    • PED-05.S1.23: Volleys a ball using a two-hand overhead pattern, sending it upward to a target.
    • PED-05.S1.24: Strikes an object consecutively, with a partner, using a shorthandled implement, over a net or against a wall, in either a competitive or cooperative game environment.
    • PED-05.S1.25a: Strikes a pitched ball with a bat using a mature pattern.
    • PED-05.S1.25b: Combines striking with a long implement with receiving and traveling skills in a small-sided game
    • PED-05.S1.26: Combines manipulative skills and traveling for execution to a target (e.g., scoring in soccer, hockey and basketball).
    • PED-05.S1.27: Creates a jump-rope routine with a partner, using either a short or long rope.

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-05.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
    • PED-05.S2.01: Combines spatial concepts with locomotor and nonlocomotor movements for small groups in gymnastics, rhythmic activities dance/rhythmic activities or game environments.
    • PED-05.S2.02: Combines movement concepts with skills in small-sided practice tasks in game environments, gymnastics and rhythmic activities/dance with selfdirection.
    • PED-05.S2.03a: Applies movement concepts to strategy in game situations.
    • PED-05.S2.03b: Applies the concepts of direction and force to strike an object with a long-handled implement.
    • PED-05.S2.03c: Analyzes movement situations and applies movement concepts (e.g., force, direction, speed, pathways, extensions) in smallsided practice task in game environments, rhythmic activities/dance and gymnastics.
    • PED-05.S2.04: Applies skill.
    • PED-05.S2.05a: Applies basic offensive and defensive strategies and tactics in invasion small-sided practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S2.05b: Applies basic offensive and defensive strategies and tactics in net/wall small-sided practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S2.05c: Recognizes the type of throw, volley or striking action needed for different games and sports situations.

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-05.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
    • PED-05.S3.01: Charts and analyzes physical activity outside physical education class for fitness benefits of activities.
    • PED-05.S3.02: Actively engages in all the activities of physical education.
    • PED-05.S3.03: Differentiates between skill-related and health-related fitness. (
    • PED-05.S3.04: Identifies the need for warm-up and cooldown relative to various physical activities.
    • PED-05.S3.05a: Analyzes results of fitness assessment (pre- and post-), comparing results with fitness components for good health.
    • PED-05.S3.05b: Designs a fitness plan to address ways to use physical activity to enhance fitness.
    • PED-05.S3.06: Analyzes the impact of food choices relative to physical activity, youth sports and personal health.

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-05.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
    • PED-05.S4.01: Engages in physical activity with responsible interpersonal behavior (e.g., peer to peer, student to teacher, student to referee).
    • PED-05.S4.02a: Participates with responsible personal behavior in a variety of physical activity contexts, environments and facilities.
    • PED-05.S4.02b: Exhibits respect for self with appropriate behavior while engaging in physical activity
    • PED-05.S4.03: Gives corrective feedback respectfully to peers.
    • PED-05.S4.04: Accepts, recognizes and actively involves others with both higher and lower skill abilities into physical activities and group projects.
    • PED-05.S4.05: Critiques the etiquette involved in rules of various game activities.
    • PED-05.S4.06: Applies safety principles with ageappropriate physical activities.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-05.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
    • PED-05.S5.01: Compares the health benefits of participating in selected physical activities.
    • PED-05.S5.02: Expresses (e.g., written essay, visual art, creative rhythmic activities/dance) the enjoyment and/or challenge of participating in a favorite physical activity. (
    • PED-05.S5.03: Analyzes different physical activities for enjoyment and challenge, identifying reasons for a positive or negative response.
    • PED-05.S5.04: Describes the social benefits gained from participating in physical activity (e.g., recess, youth sport).

Grade 06


Young children arrive in 6th Grade with widely varying knowledge in ....

icon6th Grade Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-06.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • (DR) Cluster Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-06.S1.DR.01: Demonstrates correct rhythm and pattern for one of the following dance/rhythmic forms: folk, social, creative line or world dance.
  • (IG) Cluster Invasion Games
    • PED-06.S1.IG.01: Throws with a mature pattern for distance or power appropriate to the Throwing practice task (e.g., distance = outfield to home plate; power = 2nd base to 1st base).
    • PED-06.S1.IG.02: Catches with a mature pattern from a variety of trajectories using different catching objects in varying practice tasks (e.g., self-toss and catch, partner toss and catch, small group toss and catch).
    • PED-06.S1.IG.03: Passes and receives with hands in combination with loco-motor patterns of Passing and receiving running and change of direction and speed with competency in invasion games (e.g., basketball, flag football, speedball or team handball).
    • PED-06.S1.IG.04: Throws, while stationary, a leading pass to a moving receiver.
    • PED-06.S1.IG.05: Performs pivot, fakes and jab steps designed to create open space during Offensive skills Practice tasks.
    • PED-06.S1.IG.06: Performs the following offensive skills without defensive pressure: pivot, give and go fakes.
    • PED-06.S1.IG.07: Dribbles with dominant hand using a change of speed and direction in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-06.S1.IG.08: Foot dribbles or dribbles with an implement with control, changing speed and direction in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-06.S1.IG.09: Shoots on goal with power in a dynamic environment as appropriate to the activity (e.g., slap shot in hockey, penalty kick in soccer).
    • PED-06.S1.IG.10: Maintains defensive ready position, with weight on balls of feet, arms, extended and eyes on midsection of the offensive player.
  • (NW) Cluster Net and wall games
    • PED-06.S1.NW.01: Performs an underhand serve with mature form and control for net/wall games such as badminton, volleyball or pickleball.
    • PED-06.S1.NW.02: Strikes, with a mature overarm pattern, in a non-dynamic environment for net/wall games (e.g., volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis).
    • PED-06.S1.NW.03: Demonstrates the mature form of the forehand and backhand strokes with a short-handled implement in net games such as paddle ball, pickleball or short-handled racket tennis.
    • PED-06.S1.NW.04: Transfers weight with correct timing for the striking pattern (e.g., volleyball attack approach, racquet forehand/backhand footwork).
    • PED-06.S1.NW.05: Forehand volley with a mature form and control using a short-handled implement.
    • PED-06.S1.NW.06: Two-hand volleys with control in a variety of practice tasks (e.g., against a wall, with a partner).
  • (TG)Cluster Target games
    • PED-06.S1.TG.01: Executes consistently a mature underhand pattern for target games (e.g., bowling, bocci or horseshoes).
    • PED-06.S1.TG.02: Strikes, with an implement, a stationary object for accuracy in activities (e.g., croquet, shuffleboard or golf).
    • PED-06.S1.TG.03: Strikes a pitched ball with an implement with force in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-06.S1.TG.04: Catches with mature form, from different trajectories, using a variety of objects in varying practice tasks.
  • (OP) Cluster Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-06.S1.OP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for basic skills in one self-selected outdoor activity.
  • (AQ) Cluster Aquatics
    • PED-06.S1.AQ.01: Preferably taught at elementary or secondary levels. However, availability of facilities might dictate when swimming and water safety are offered in the curriculum.
  • (IP) Cluster Individual-performance activities
    • PED-06.S1.IP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for basic skills in one self-selected individual-performance activity.

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-06.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
  • (IG) Cluster Invasion Games
    • PED-06.S2.IG.01: Creates open space by using locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, jumping and landing) in combination with movement (e.g., varying pathways; changes of speed, direction or pace).
    • PED-06.S2.IG.02: Executes at least one of the following offensive tactics to create open space: moves to open space without the ball; uses a variety of passes; uses pivot, fake or give and go.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.03: Creates open space by using the width and length of the field/court on offense.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.04: Reduces open space on defense by making the body larger and reducing passing angles.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.05: Reduces open space by not allowing the catch (denial) or by allowing the catch but not the return pass.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.06: In short-handled implement net/wall games, creates open space by varying speed and direction.
  • (NW) Cluster Net and wall games
    • PED-06.S2.NW.01: Creates open space in net/wall games with a short-handled implement by varying force and direction.
    • PED-06.S2.NW.02: Reduces offensive options for opponents by returning to mid-court position.
    • PED-06.S2.NW.03: Selects appropriate shot/club based on location of the object in relation to the target.
    • PED-06.S2.NW.04: Identifies open spaces and attempts to strike object into that space.
  • (DR) Cluster Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-06.S2.DR.01: Varies application of weight transfer and balance during dance or gymnastic activities.
  • (OP)Cluster Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-06.S2.OP.01: Makes appropriate decisions based on the weather, level of difficulty due to conditions or ability to ensure safety of self and others.

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-06.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
  • (AK) Cluster Physical activity knowledge
    • PED-06.S3.AK.01: Describes how being physically active leads to a healthy body.
  • (AE) Cluster Engages in physical activity
    • PED-06.S3.AE.01: Participates in self-selected physical activity outside of physical education class.
    • PED-06.S3.AE.02: Participates in a variety of aerobic fitness activities (e.g., cardio kick, step aerobics and/or aerobic dance).
    • PED-06.S3.AE.03: Participates in a variety of aerobic fitness activities using technology (e.g., Dance, Dance Revolution Æ or Wii FitÆ).
    • PED-06.S3.AE.04: Identifies and participates in a variety of lifetime recreational team sportsoutdoor pursuits or dance activities (e.g., sports, parks and recreation leagues, health clubs, walking and biking paths).
  • (FK) Cluster Fitness knowledge
    • PED-06.S3.FK.01: Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity that includes intermittent or continuous aerobic physical activity of both moderate and vigorous intensity for at least 60 minutes per day.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.02: Identifies the components of skill-related fitness.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.03: Sets and monitors a self-selected physical activity goal for aerobic and/or muscle- and bone-strengthening activity based on current fitness level.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.04: Employs correct techniques and methods of stretching.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.05: Differentiates between aerobic and anaerobic capacity, and muscle strength and endurance.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.06: Identifies each of the components of the overload principle (FITT formula) for different types of physical activity (aerobic, muscle fitness and flexibility).
    • PED-06.S3.FK.07: Describes the role of warm-ups and cool-downs before and after physical activity.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.08: Defines resting heart rate (RHR) and describes its relationship to aerobic fitness and the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.09: Identies major muscles used in selected physical activities.
  • (PP) Cluster Program Planning
    • PED-06.S3.PP.01: Designs and implements a program of remediation for any areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment (e.g., Presidential Youth Fitness Program/Fitness program).
    • PED-06.S3.PP.02: Maintains a physical activity log for at least two weeks and reflects on activity levels as documented in the log.
  • (N) Cluster Nutrition
    • PED-06.S3.N.01: Identifies foods within each of the basic food groups and selects appropriate servings and portions for his/her age and physical activity levels.
  • (SM) Cluster Stress management
    • PED-06.S3.SM.01: Identifies positive and negative results of stress and appropriate ways for dealing with each.

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-06.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
  • (PR) Cluster Personal responsibility
    • PED-06.S4.PR.01: Exhibits personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette, demonstrating respect for facilities and exhibiting safe behaviors.
    • PED-06.S4.PR.02: Identifies and uses appropriate strategies to self-reinforce positive fitness behaviors, such as positive self-talk.
  • (AF) Cluster Accepting Feedback
    • PED-06.S4.AF.01: Demonstrates self-responsibility by implementing specific corrective feedback to improve performance.
  • (WO) Cluster Working with others
    • PED-06.S4.WO.01: Accepts differences among class-mates in physical development, maturation and varying skill levels by providing encouragement and positive feedback.
    • PED-06.S4.WO.02: Cooperates with a small group of classmates during adventure activities, game play or team-building activities.
  • (RE) Cluster Rules and etiquette
    • PED-06.S4.RE.01: Identifies the rules and etiquette for physical activities/games and dance/rhythmic activities.
  • (S) Cluster Safety
    • PED-06.S4.S.01: Uses physical activity and fitness equipment appropriately and safely, with the teacher's guidance.
    • PED-06.S4.S.02: Demonstrates competency in performing basic hands only CPR and associated skills.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-06.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
  • (H) Cluster Health
    • PED-06.S5.H.01: Describes how being physically active leads to a healthy body.
    • PED-06.S5.H.02: Identifies components of physical activity that provide opportunities for reducing stress and other Social interaction.
  • (CH) Cluster Challenge
    • PED-06.S5.CH.01: Recognizes individual challenges and copes in a positive way, such as extending effort, asking for help/feedback and/or modifying the tasks.
  • (SE) Cluster Self expression and enjoyment
    • PED-06.S5.SE.01: Describes how moving competently in a physical activity setting creates enjoyment.
    • PED-06.S5.SE.02: Identifies how self-expression and physical activity are related.
  • (SI) Cluster Social Interaction
    • PED-06.S5.SI.01: Demonstrates respect for self and others in activities and games by following the rules, encouraging others and playing within the spirit of the game or activity.

Grade 07


Young children arrive in 7th Grade with widely varying knowledge in ....

icon7th Grade Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-07.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • (DR) Cluster: Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-07.S1.DR.01: Demonstrates correct rhythm and pattern for a different dance/rhythmic form than performed in 6th grade from folk, social, creative, line and world dance.
  • (IG) Cluster: Invasion Games
    • PED-07.S1.IG.01: Throws with a mature pattern for distance or power appropriate to the activity in a dynamic environment.
    • PED-07.S1.IG.02: Catches with a mature pattern from a variety of trajectories using different objects in small-sided game play
    • PED-07.S1.IG.03: Passes and receives with feet in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction and speed with competency in invasion games (e.g. soccer, socci or speed-ball).
    • PED-07.S1.IG.04: Throws, while moving, a leading pass to a moving receiver
    • PED-07.S1.IG.05: Executes at least one of the following designed to create open space during small-sided game play: pivot, fake, jab step.
    • PED-07.S1.IG.06: Performs the following offensive skills with defensive pressure: pivot, give and go fakes.
    • PED-07.S1.IG.07: Dribbles with dominant and non-dominant hand using a change of speed direction in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-07.S1.IG.08: Foot-dribbles or dribbles with an implement combined with passing in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-07.S1.IG.09: Shoots on goal with power and accuracy in small-sided game play
    • PED-07.S1.IG.10: Slides in all directions while on defense without crossing feet.
  • (NW) Cluster: Net and wall games
    • PED-07.S1.NW.01: Executes consistently (at least 70% of the time) an underhand serve to a predetermined target for net/wall games such as badminton, volleyball or pickleball.
    • PED-07.S1.NW.02: Strikes, with a mature overarm pattern, in a dynamic environment for net/wall games (e.g., volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis).
    • PED-07.S1.NW.03: Demonstrates the mature form of forehand and backhand strokes with a longóhandled implement in net games (e.g., badminton or tennis).
    • PED-07.S1.NW.04: Transfers weight with correct timing using low to high striking pattern with a short-handled implement on the forehand/backhand side.
    • PED-07.S1.NW.05: Forehand - and backhand - volleys with a mature form and control using a short-handled implement.
    • PED-07.S1.NW.06: Two-hand-volleys with control in a dynamic environment.
  • (TG) Cluster: Target games
    • PED-07.S1.TG.01: Executes consistently (70% of the time) a mature underhand pattern for target games (e.g., bowling, bocci or horseshoes).
    • PED-07.S1.TG.02: Strikes, with an implement, a stationary object for accuracy and distance in activities (e.g., croquet, shuf?eboard or golf).
  • (FS) Cluster: Field and striking games
    • PED-07.S1.FS.01: Strikes a pitched ball with an implement to open space in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-07.S1.FS.02: Catches, with a mature pattern, from different trajectories using a variety of objects in small-sided game play.
  • PED-07.S1.OP (OP) Cluster: Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-07.S1.OP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for a variety of skills in one self-selected outdoor activity.
  • (AQ) Cluster: Aquatics
    • PED-07.S1.AQ.01: Preferably taught at elementary or secondary levels. However, availability of facilities might dictate when swimming and water safety are offered in the curriculum.
  • (IP) Cluster: Individual-performance activities
    • PED-07.S1.IP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for a variety of skills in one self-selected individual-performance activity.

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-07.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
  • (IG) Cluster: Invasion Games
    • PED-07.S2.IG.01: Reduces open space by using loco-motor movements (e.g. walking, running, jumping and landing, changing size and shape of the body) in combination with movement concepts (e.g. reducing the angle in the space, reducing distance between player and goal).
    • PED-07.S2.IG.02: Executes at least two of the following offensive tactics to create open space: give and go; a variety of passes; fakes, pivot.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.03: Creates open space by staying spread on offense, and cutting and passing quickly.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.04: Reduces open space on defense by staying close to the opponent as he/she nears the goal.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.05: Reduces open space by not allowing the catch (denial) or anticipating the speed of the object or person for the purpose of interception or deflection.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.06: Transitions from offense to defense or defense to offense by recovering quickly and communicating with teammates.
  • (NW) Cluster: Net and wall games
    • PED-07.S2.NW.01: Creates open space in net/wall games with a long-handled implement by varying force, direction and moving opponent from side to side.
    • PED-07.S2.NW.02: Selects offensive shot based on opponent's location (hit where opponent is not).
    • PED-07.S2.NW.03: Varies the speed and/or trajectory of the shot based on location of the object in relation to the target.
    • PED-07.S2.NW.04: Uses a variety of shots (e.g., slap and run, bunt, line drive, high arc) to hit to open space.
    • PED-07.S2.NW.05: Selects the correct defensive play based on the situation (e.g., number of outs).
  • (DR) Cluster: Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-07.S2.DR.01: Identifies and applies Newton's Laws of Motion to various dance or movement activities.
  • (OP) Cluster: Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-07.S2.OP.01: Analyzes the situation and makes adjustments to ensure the safety of self and others.

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-07.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
  • (AK) Cluster: Physical activity knowledge
    • PED-07.S3.AK.01: Identifies barriers related to maintaining a physically active lifestyle and seeks solutions for eliminating those barriers.
  • (AE) Cluster: Engages in physical activity
    • PED-07.S3.AE.01: Participates in physical activity twice a week outside of physical education class.
    • PED-07.S3.AE.02: Participates in a variety of strength and endurance fitness activities (e.g., Pilates, resistance training, body-weight training and/or light free-weight training).
    • PED-07.S3.AE.03: Identifies and participates in a variety of strenght and endurance fitness activities such as weight or resistance training.
    • PED-07.S3.AE.04: Identifies and participates in a variety of lifetime dual and individual sports, martial arts or aquatic activities (e.g., sports, parks and recreation leagues, health clubs, walking and biking paths).
  • (FK) Cluster: Fitness knowledge
    • PED-07.S3.FK.01: Identifies and participates in moderate to vigorous muscle- and bone- strengthening phusical activity at least three times a week.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.02: Distinguishes between health-related and skill-related fitness.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.03: Adjusts physical activity based on quantity of exercise needed for a minimal health standard and/or optimal functioning based on current fitness level.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.04: Describes and demonstrates the difference between dynamic and static stretches
    • PED-07.S3.FK.05: Describes the role of exercise and nutrition in weight management.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.06: Describes FITT formula (overload principle) for different types of physical activity, the training principles on which the formula is based and how the formula and principles affect fitness
    • PED-07.S3.FK.07: Designs a warm-up/cool-down regimen for a self-selected physical activity.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.08: Defines how the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale can be used to determine perception of work effort of the intensity of exercise.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.09: Describes how muscles pull on bones to create movement in pairs by relaxing and contracting.
  • (PP) Cluster: Program Planning
    • PED-07.S3.PP.01: Designs and implements a program of remediation for two areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment (e.g., Presidential Youth Fitness Program/Fitness program).
    • PED-07.S3.PP.02: Maintains a physical activity and nutrition log for at least two weeks and reflects on activity levels and nutrition as documented in the log.
  • (N) Cluster: Nutrition
    • PED-07.S3.N.01: Develops strategies to balance healthy food, snacks and water intake, along with daily physical activity.
  • (SM) Cluster: Stress management
    • PED-07.S3.SM.01: Practices strategies for dealing with stress, (e.g., deep breathing, guided visualization and aerobic exercise).

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-07.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
  • (PR) Cluster: Personal responsibility
    • PED-07.S4.PR.01: Exhibits responsible social behaviors by cooperating with classmates, demonstrating inclusive behaviors and supporting classmates
    • PED-07.S4.PR.02: Demonstrates both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation by selecting opportunities to participate in physical activity outside of class
  • (AF) Cluster: Accepting Feedback
    • PED-07.S4.AF.01: Provides corrective feedback to a peer, using teacher-generated guidelines, and incorporating appropriate tone and other communication skills.
  • (WO) Cluster: Working with others
    • PED-07.S4.WO.01: Demonstrates cooperation skills by establishing rules and guidelines for resolving conflicts.
    • PED-07.S4.WO.02: Problem-solves with a small group of classmates during adventure activities, small group initiatives or game play.
  • (RE) Cluster: Rules and etiquette
    • PED-07.S4.RE.01: Demonstrates knowledge of rules and etiquette by self-officiating modified physical activities/games or following parameters to create or modify dances/rhythmic activities.
  • (S) Cluster: Safety
    • PED-07.S4.S.01: Independently uses physical activity and exercise equipment appropriately and safely.
    • PED-07.S4.S.02: Demonstrates competency in performing basic hands only CPR and associated skills.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-07.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
  • (H) Cluster: Health
    • PED-07.S5.H.01: Identifies different types of physical activities and describes how each exerts a positive impact on health.
    • PED-07.S5.H.02: Identifies positive mental and emotional aspects of participating in a variety of physical activities.
  • (CH) Cluster: Challenge
    • PED-07.S5.CH.01: Generates positive strategies such as offering suggestions/assistance, leading/following others and/or providing possible solutions when faced with a group challenge.
  • (SE) Cluster: Self expression and enjoyment
    • PED-07.S5.SE.01: Identifies why self-selected physical activities create enjoyment.
    • PED-07.S5.SE.02: Explains the relationship between self-expression and lifelong enjoyment through physical activity.
  • (SI) Cluster: Social Interaction
    • PED-07.S5.SI.01: Demonstrates the importance of Social interaction by helping and encouraging others, avoiding trash talk and providing support to classmates.

Grade 08


Young children arrive in 8th Grade with widely varying knowledge in ....

icon8th Grade Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-08.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • (DR) Cluster: Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-08.S1.DR.01: Exhibits command of rhythm and timing by creating a movement sequence to music as an individual or in a group.
  • (IG) Cluster: Invasion Games
    • PED-08.S1.IG.01: Throws with a mature pattern for distance or power appropriate to the activity during small-sided game play.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.02: Catches using an implement in a dynamic environment or modified game
    • PED-08.S1.IG.03: Passes and receives with an implement in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction, speed and/or level with competency in invasion games (e.g., lacrosse or hockey [?oor, field, ice]).
    • PED-08.S1.IG.04: Throws a lead pass to a moving partner off a dribble or pass.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.05: Executes at least two of the following to create open space during modified game play: pivot, fake, jab step, screen.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.06: Executes the following offensive skills during small-sided game play: pivot, give and go fakes.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.07: Dribbles with dominant and nonódominant hand using a change of speed and direction in small-sided game play.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.08: Foot-dribbles or dribbles with an implement with control, changing speed and direction during small-sided game play.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.09: Shoots on goal with a |ongóhandled implement for power and accuracy in modified invasion games (e.g., hockey [?oor, field, ice] or lacrosse).
    • PED-08.S1.IG.10: Drop-steps in the direction of the pass during playeróto-player defense.
  • (NW) Cluster: Net and wall games
    • PED-08.S1.NW.01: Executes consistently (at least 70% of the time) a legal underhand serve for serving distance and accuracy for net/wall games such as badminton, volleyball or pickleball.
    • PED-08.S1.NW.02: Strikes, with a mature overarm pattern, in a modified game for net/wall games (e.g., volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis).
    • PED-08.S1.NW.03: Demonstrates the mature form of forehand and backhand strokes with a shortó or |ongóhandled implement with power and accuracy in net games (e.g., pickleball, tennis, badminton or paddle ball).
    • PED-08.S1.NW.04: Transfers weight with correct timing using low to high striking pattern with a Weight transfer long-handled implement on the forehand/backhand side
    • PED-08.S1.NW.05: Forehand - and backhand - vol|ey with a mature form and control using a short-handled implement during modified game play.
    • PED-08.S1.NW.06: Two-hand - volleys with control in a small-sided game
  • (TG) Cluster: Target games
    • PED-08.S1.TG.01: Performs consistently (70% of the time) a mature underhand pattern with accuracy and control for one target game (e.g., bowling or bocci).
    • PED-08.S1.TG.02: Strikes, with an implement, a stationary object for accuracy and power in striking activities (e.g., croquet, shuf?eboard or golf).
  • (FS) Cluster: Field and striking games
    • PED-08.S1.FS.01: Strikes a pitched ball with an implement for power to open space in a variety of small-sided games
    • PED-08.S1.FS.02: Catches, using an implement, from different trajectories and speeds in a catching dynamic environment or modified game play.
  • (OP) Cluster: Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-08.S1.OP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for basic skills in at least two self-selected Activities might include, but are not limited to recreational boating outdoor activities. (e.g., kayaking, canoeing, sailing, rowing), hiking, backpacking, fishing, orienteering/geocaching, ice skating, skateboarding, snow or water skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, bouIdering/traversing/climbing, mountain biking, adventure activities and ropes courses
  • (AQ) Cluster: Aquatics
    • PED-08.S1.AQ.01: Preferably taught at elementary or secondary levels. However, availability of Recommended that all water-based swimming instruction be facilities might dictate when swimming and water safety are offered in the performed by a WSI Certified Instructor. Curriculum.
  • (IP) Cluster: Individual-performance activities
    • PED-08.S1.IP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for basic skills in at least two self-selected individual - performance activities.

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-08.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
  • (IG) Cluster: Invasion Games
    • PED-08.S2.IG.01: Opens and closes space during small-sided game play by combining creating space with locomotor movements with movement concepts.
    • PED-08.S2.IG.02: Executes at least three of the following offensive tactics to create open spaces - moves to create open space on and off the ball - uses a variety of passes, fakes, and pathways - give and go.
    • PED-08.S2.IG.03: Creates open space by staying spread on offense, cutting and passing quickly, and using fakes off the ball.
    • PED-08.S2.IG.04: Reduces open space on defense by staying on the goal side of the offensive player and reducing the distance to him/her (third-party perspective)
    • PED-08.S2.IG.06: Transitions from offense to defense or defense to offense by recovering Transitions quickly, communicating with teammates and capitalizing on an advantage.
  • (NW) Cluster: Net and wall games
    • PED-08.S2.NW.01: Creates open space in net/wall games with either a long- or short-handled implement by varying force or direction, or by moving opponent from side to side and/or forward and back.
    • PED-08.S2.NW.02: Varies placement, force and timing of return to prevent anticipation by opponent
  • (TG) Cluster: Target games
    • PED-08.S2.TG.01: Varies the speed, force and trajectory of the shot based on location of the object in relation to the target.
  • (FS) Cluster: Field and striking games
    • PED-08.S2.FS.01: Identifies sacrifice situations and attempt to advance a teammate.
    • PED-08.S2.FS.02: Reduces open spaces in the field by working with teammates to maximize coverage.
  • (IP) Cluster: Individual-performance activities
    • PED-08.S2.IP.01: Describes and applies mechanical advantages for a variety of movement patterns.
  • (OP) Cluster: Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-08.S2.OP.01: Implements safe protocols in self-selected outdoor activities.

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-08.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
  • (AK) Cluster: Physical activity knowledge
    • PED-08.S3.AK.01: Identifies the five components of health-related fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition) and explains the connections between fitness and overall physical and mental health.
  • (AE) Cluster: Engages in physical activity
    • PED-08.S3.AE.01: Participates in physical activity three times a week outside of physical education class.
    • PED-08.S3.AE.02: Participates in a variety of self-selected aerobic fitness activities outside of school (e.g., walking, jogging, biking, skating, dancing andlor swimming).
    • PED-08.S3.AE.03: Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength endurance and flexibility training.
    • PED-08.S3.AE.04: Identifies and participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (e.g., sports, parks and recreation leagues, health clubs, walking and biking paths).
  • (FK) Cluster: Fitness knowledge
    • PED-08.S3.FK.01: Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic and/or muscle- and bone- strengthening physical activity for at least 60 minutes per day at least five times a week.
    • PED-08.S3.FK.02: Compares and contrasts hea|th-re|ated fitness components.
    • PED-08.S3.FK.03: Uses available technology to self-monitor quantity of exercise needed for a minimal health standard and/or optimal functioning based on current fitness level.
    • PED-08.S3.FK.04: Employs a variety of appropriate static and dynamic stretching techniques for all major muscle groups.
    • PED-08.S3.FK.05: Describes the role of flexibility in injury prevention.
    • PED-08.S3.FK.06: Uses the FITT formula (overload principle) in preparing a personal workout.
    • PED-08.S3.FK.07: Designs and implements a warm-up/cool-down regimen for a self-selected physical activity.
    • PED-08.S3.FK.08: Defines how the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale can be used to adjust workout intensity during physical activity.
    • PED-08.S3.FK.09: Explains how body systems interact with one another (e.g., blood transports nutrients from the digestive system, oxygen from the respiratory system) during physical activity.
    • PED-08.S3.FK.10: Identify appropriate exercises to target each major muscle group and demonstrates appropriate technique when using identified resistant training machine and/or free weights.
  • (PP) Cluster: Program Planning
    • PED-08.S3.PP.01: Designs and implements a program of remediation for three areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment. (e.g., Presidential Youth Fitness Program/Fitness program).
    • PED-08.S3.PP.02: Designs and implements a program to improve levels of health-related fitness and nutrition.
  • (N) Cluster: Nutrition
    • PED-08.S3.N.01: Describes the relationship between poor nutrition and health risk factors.
  • (SM) Cluster: Stress management
    • PED-08.S3.SM.01: Demonstrates basic movements used in other stress-reducing activities (e.g., yoga and Tai Chi)

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-08.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
  • (PR) Cluster: Personal responsibility
    • PED-08.S4.PR.01: Accepts responsibility for improving one's own levels of physical activity and fitness.
    • PED-08.S4.PR.02: Uses effective self-monitoring skills to incorporate opportunities for physical activity in and outside of school.
  • (AF) Cluster: Accepting feedback
    • PED-08.S4.AF.01: Provides encouragement and feedback to peers without prompting from the teacher.
  • (WO) Cluster: Working with others
    • PED-08.S4.WO.01: Responds appropriately to participantsí ethical and unethical behavior during physical activity by using rules and guidelines for resolving conflicts.
    • PED-08.S4.WO.02: Cooperates with multiple classmates on problem-solving initiatives including adventure activities, large-group initiatives and game play.
  • (RE) Cluster: Rules and etiquette
    • PED-08.S4.RE.01: Applies rules and etiquette by acting as an official for modi?ed physical activities games and creating dance routines within a given set of parameters.
  • (S) Cluster: Safety
    • PED-08.S4.S.01: Independently uses physical activity and fitness equipment appropriately, and identifies, specific safety concerns, precautions, and consequences associated with the activity.
    • PED-08.S4.S.02: Demonstrates competency in performing basic hands only CPR and associated skills.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-08.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
  • (H) Cluster: Health
    • PED-08.S5.H.01: Identifies and explains the connection between the five components of health-related fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, ?exibility, cardiovascular endurance and body composition) and overall physical and mental health.
    • PED-08.S5.H.02: Analyzes the empowering benefits of being physical active.
  • (CH) Cluster: Challenge
    • PED-08.S5.CH.01: Develops a plan of action and makes appropriate decisions based on that plan when faced with an individual challenge.
  • (SE) Cluster: Self-expression and enjoyment
    • PED-08.S5.SE.01: Discusses how enjoyment could be increased in self-selected physical activities.
    • PED-08.S5.SE.02: Identi?es and participates in an enjoyable activity that prompts individual self-expression.
  • (SI) Cluster: Social Interaction
    • PED-08.S5.SI.01: Demonstrates respect for sell by asking for help and helping others in various physical activities.

High School


Students arrive in High School with widely varying knowledge in ....

iconHS Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-HS.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • (LA) Cluster: Lifetime Activities
    • PED-HS.S1.LA.01: Demonstrates competencyand/or refines activity-specific movement skills in two or more lifetime activities
  • (DR) Cluster: Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-HS.S1.DR.02: Demonstrates competency in dance forms (e.g., ballet, modern, hip hop, tap) used in cultural(e.g.,Scandinavian, Native American) and social occasions (e.g., weddings, celebrations).
  • (FA) Cluster: Fitness Activities
    • PED-HS.S1.FA.03: Demonstrates competency in one or more specialized skills in fitness activities

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-HS.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
  • (MC) Cluster: Movement Concepts, Principles & Knowledge
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.01: Applies the terminology associated exercise and participation in selected lifetime activities, dance and rhythm, and fitness activities
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.02: Applies movement concepts (e.g.,describes the speed/accuracy trade-off in throwing and striking skills)and principles (e.g., force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance of self and/or others in a self-selected skill in lifetime activities, dance and rhythm, and fitness activities
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.03: Applies a practice plan to improve performance for a self-selected skill.
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.04: Identifies examples of social and dance forms.(e.g., ballet, modern, hip hop, tap).

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-HS.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
  • (AK) Cluster: Physical activity knowledge
    • PED-HS.S3.AK.01: Explain the benefits of physically active lifestyle as it relates to a healthy active lifestyle(e.g., weight management, proper nutritional practices, blood pressure regulation, healthy self-image, improved confidence, stress reduction)
    • PED-HS.S3.AK.02: Evaluates the validity of claims made by commercial products and programs pertaining to fitness and a healthy, active lifestyle
    • PED-HS.S3.AK.03: Identifies issues associated with exercising in heat, humidity,and cold.
    • PED-HS.S3.AK.04: Evaluates activities that can be pursued in the local environment according to the benefits, social support network and participation requirements (e.g.,cost of activity, available facilities, required equipment, required time, physical limitations).
    • PED-HS.S3.AK.05: Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical activity preferences throughout the life cycle(e.g., life expectancy, healthcare costs, disease prevention).
  • (AE) Cluster: Engages in physical activity
    • PED-HS.S3.AE.06: Participates more than 3 times a week in a self-selected lifetime activity, rhythmic activities/dance or fitness activity outside of the school day, (e.g., intramural and interscholastic sports, parks and recreation leagues, health clubs, walking and biking).
  • (FK) Cluster: Fitness knowledge
    • PED-HS.S3.FK.07: Demonstrates appropriate technique in resistance-training machines and free weights.
    • PED-HS.S3.FK.08: Relates physiological responses to individual levels of fitness and nutritional balance.
    • PED-HS.S3.FK.09: Identifies types of strength exercises (isometric, concentric, eccentric) and stretching exercises (static, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), dynamic) for personal fitness development (e.g., strength, endurance, range of motion).
    • PED-HS.S3.FK.10: Calculates target heart rate and applies thatinformation to personal fitness plan.
  • (PP) Cluster: Program Planning
    • PED-HS.S3.PP.11: Creates and implements a behavior-modification plan that enhances a healthy, active lifestyle. (e.g., body composition-diabetes and heart disease, muscle strength-low back pain, proper nutritional practices, drug awareness).
    • PED-HS.S3.PP.12: Designs a fitness program based on fitness assessment data including all components of health-related fitness (e.g., Presidential Youth Fitness Program, and other fitness programs) that enhances a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • (N) Cluster: Nutrition
    • PED-HS.S3.N.13: Designs and implements a nutrition plan to maintain an appropriate energy balance for a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • (SM) Cluster: Stress management
    • PED-HS.S3.SM.14: Identifies stress-management strategies (e.g., mental imagery, relaxation techniques,deep breathing, aerobic exercise, meditation) to reduce stress.

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-HS.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
  • (PR) Cluster: Personal responsibility
    • PED-HS.S4.PR.01: Employs effective self-management skills to analyze barriers and modify physical activity patterns appropriately, as needed.
  • (RE) Cluster: Rules and etiquette
    • PED-HS.S4.RE.02: Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity and/or social dance (e.g., respect for self and others, knowledge of rules, avoidance of inappropriate language, anger management, etiquette, fair play).
  • (WO) Cluster: Working with others
    • PED-HS.S4.WO.03: Uses communication skills and strategies that promote teamor group dynamics.
    • PED-HS.S4.WO.04: Solves problems and thinks critically in physical activity or dance settings,both as an individual and in groups.
  • (S) Cluster: Safety
    • PED-HS.S4.S.05: Applies best practices for participating safely in physical activity, exercise and rhythmic activities/dance (e.g., injury prevention, proper alignment, hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection).
    • PED-HS.S4.S.06: Demonstrates competency in performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and associated skills(i.e.,automated external defibrillatorand first aid)gained through psychomotor skills practice based on current national guidelines.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-HS.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
  • (H) Cluster: Health
    • PED-HS.S5.H.01: Analyzes the health benefits of a self-selected physical activity and proper nutrition.
  • (CH) Cluster: Challenge
    • PED-HS.S5.CH.02: Chooses an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical activity.
  • (SE) Cluster: Self-expression and enjoyment
    • PED-HS.S5.SE.03: Selects and participates in physical activities or rhythmic activities/dance that meet the need for self-expression and enjoyment.
  • (SI) Cluster: Social Interactions
    • PED-HS.S5.SI.04: Identifies the opportunity for social support in a self-selected physical activity or rhythmic activities/dance.


Physical Education standards logoStandards

The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.

To pursue a lifetime of healthful physical activity, a physically literate individual:

        • Has learned the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities.
        • Knows the implications and the benefits of involvement in various types of physical activities.
        • Participates regularly in physical activity.
        • Is physically fit. Values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle
Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

Movement Patterns


Standard 1:

Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.


  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-00.S1.01: Performs locomotor skills (walking, hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping) while maintaining balance.
    • PED-00.S1.03: Performs jumping and landing actions with balance.
    • PED-00.S1.04: Performs jumping & landing actions with balance.
    • PED-00.S1.05: Performs locomotor skills in response to teacher-led creative rhythms.
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-00.S1.07a: Maintains momentary stillness on different bases of support (e.g., one body part, combinations of body parts, wide base, narrow base).
    • PED-00.S1.07b: Forms wide, narrow, curled and twisted body shapes.
    • PED-00.S1.09: Rolls sideways in a narrow body shape.
    • PED-00.S1.10: Contrasts the actions of curling and stretching.
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-00.S1.13: Throws underhand with opposite foot forward.
    • PED-00.S1.16a: Drops a ball and catches it before it bounces twice.
    • PED-00.S1.16b: Catches a large ball tossed by a skilled thrower.
    • PED-00.S1.17: Dribbles a ball with one hand, attempting the second contact.
    • PED-00.S1.18: Taps a ball using the inside of the foot, sending it forward.
    • PED-00.S1.21: Kicks a stationary ball from a stationary position, demonstrating two of the five elements of a mature kicking pattern
    • PED-00.S1.22: Volleys a lightweight object (balloon), sending it upward.
    • PED-00.S1.24: Strikes a lightweight object with a paddle or short-handled racket.
    • PED-00.S1.27a: Executes a single jump with self-turned rope.
    • PED-00.S1.27b: Jumps a long rope with teacher-assisted turning.

First Grade

  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-01.S1.01: Hops, gallops, jogs and slides using a mature pattern.
    • PED-01.S1.03: Demonstrates two of the five critical elements for jumping and landing in a horizontal plane using two-foot takeoffs and landings.
    • PED-01.S1.04: Demonstrates two of the five critical elements for jumping and landing in a vertical plane.
    • PED-01.S1.05: Combines locomotor and nonlocomotor skills in a teacher-led rhythmic pattern
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-01.S1.07: Maintains stillness on different bases of support with different body shapes
    • PED-01.S1.08: Transfers weight from one body part to another in self-space in rhythmic movement and gymnastics environments
    • PED-01.S1.09: Rolls with either a narrow or curled body shape.
    • PED-01.S1.10: Demonstrates twisting, curling, bending and stretching actions.
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-01.S1.13: Throws underhand, demonstrating two of the five critical elements of a mature pattern. (
    • PED-01.S1.16a: Catches a soft object from a self-toss before it bounces.
    • PED-01.S1.16b: Catches various sizes of balls selftossed or tossed by a skilled thrower.
    • PED-01.S1.17: Dribbles continuously in self-space using the dominant hand.
    • PED-01.S1.18: Taps or dribbles a ball using the inside of the foot while walking in general space.
    • PED-01.S1.21: Approaches a stationary ball and kicks it forward, demonstrating two of the five critical elements of a mature pattern.
    • PED-01.S1.22: Volleys an object with an open palm, sending it upward.
    • PED-01.S1.24: Strikes a ball with a short-handled implement, sending it upward.
    • PED-01.S1.27a: Jumps forward or backward consecutively using a self-turned rope.
    • PED-01.S1.27b: Jumps a long rope up to five times consecutively with teacher-assisted

Second Grade

  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-02.S1.01: Skips using a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.02a: Runs with a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.02b: Travels showing differentiation between jogging and sprinting
    • PED-02.S1.03: Demonstrates four of the five critical elements for jumping and landing in a horizontal plane using a variety of one- and two-foot take-offs and landings
    • PED-02.S1.04: Demonstrates four of the five critical elements for jumping and landing in a vertical plane
    • PED-02.S1.05: Performs a teacher and/or studentdesigned rhythmic activity with correct response to simple rhythms
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-02.S1.07a: Balances on different bases of support, combining levels and shapes
    • PED-02.S1.07b: Balances in an inverted position with stillness and supportive base.
    • PED-02.S1.08: Transfers weight from feet to different body parts/bases of support for balances and/or travel.
    • PED-02.S1.09: Rolls in different directions with either a narrow or curled body shape.
    • PED-02.S1.10: Differentiates among twisting, curling, bending and stretching actions.
    • PED-02.S1.11: Combines balances and transfers into a three-part sequence (i.e., rhythmic movement, gymnastics).
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-02.S1.13: Throws underhand using a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.14: Throws overhand demonstrating two of the five critical elements of a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.16: Catches a self-tossed or well thrown large ball with hands, not trapping or cradling against the body.
    • PED-02.S1.17a: Dribbles in self-space with dominant hand demonstrating a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.17b: Dribbles using the dominant hand while walking in general space.
    • PED-02.S1.18: Dribbles with the feet in general space with control of ball and body.
    • PED-02.S1.21: Uses a continuous running approach and kicks a moving ball, demonstrating three of the five critical elements of mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.22: Volleys an object upward with consecutive hits.
    • PED-02.S1.24: Strikes an object upward with a shorthandled implement, using consecutive hits
    • PED-02.S1.25: Strikes a ball off a tee or cone with a bat, using correct grip and side-orientation/proper body orientation.
    • PED-02.S1.27a: Jumps a self-turned rope consecutively forward and backward, with a mature pattern.
    • PED-02.S1.27b: Jumps a long rope five times consecutively with skilled turners.

Third Grade

  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-03.S1.01: Leaps using a mature pattern.
    • PED-03.S1.02: Travels showing differentiation between sprinting and running.
    • PED-03.S1.03: Jumps and lands in the horizontal plane using a mature pattern.
    • PED-03.S1.04: Jumps and lands in the vertical plane using a mature pattern.
    • PED-03.S1.05: Performs teacherselected and developmentally appropriate rhythmic activities/dance steps and movement patterns.
    • PED-03.S1.06: Performs a sequence of locomotor skills, transitioning from one skill to another smoothly and without hesitation (e.g., hop, skip, jump forward/backward).
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-03.S1.07: Transfers weight from feet to hands for momentary weight support.
    • PED-03.S1.08: Applies skill.
    • PED-03.S1.09: Applies skill.
    • PED-03.S1.10: Moves into and out of gymnastics balances with curling, twisting and stretching actions.
    • PED-03.S1.11: Combines locomotor skills and movement concepts (e.g., levels, shapes, extensions, pathways, force, time, flow) to create and perform dance/rhythmic movement.
    • PED-03.S1.12: Combines balance and weight transfers with movement concepts to create and perform dance/rhythmic movement.
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-03.S1.13: Throws underhand to a partner or target with reasonable accuracy
    • PED-03.S1.14: Throws overhand, demonstrating three of the five critical elements of a mature pattern, in nondynamic environments (closed skills), for distance and/or force.
    • PED-03.S1.16: Catches a gently tossed hand-sized ball from a partner, demonstrating four of the five critical elements of a mature pattern.
    • PED-03.S1.17: Dribbles and travels in general space at slow to moderate jogging speed with control of ball and body.
    • PED-03.S1.18: Dribbles with the feet in general space at slow to moderate jogging speed with control of ball and body. (
    • PED-03.S1.19: Passes and receives a ball with the inside of the foot to a stationary partner, givin on reception before returning the pass
    • PED-03.S1.21a: Uses a continuous running approach and intentionally performs a kick along the ground and a kick in the air, demonstrating four of the five critical elements of a mature pattern for each.
    • PED-03.S1.21b: Uses a continuous running approach and kicks a stationary ball for accuracy.
    • PED-03.S1.22: Volleys an object with an underhand or sidearm striking pattern, sending it forward over a net, to the wall or over a line to a partner, while demonstrating four of the five critical elements of a mature pattern. (
    • PED-03.S1.24a: Strikes an object with a short-handled implement, sending it forward over a low net or to a wall.
    • PED-03.S1.24b: Strikes an object with a short-handled implement while demonstrating three of the five critical elements of a mature pattern.
    • PED-03.S1.25: Strikes a ball with a long-handled implement, sending it forward, while using proper grip for the implement (e.g., hockey stick, bat, golf club). Note: Use batting tee or ball tossed by teacher for batting.
    • PED-03.S1.27: Performs intermediate jump-rope skills (e.g., a variety of tricks, running in and out of long rope) for both long and short ropes.

Fourth Grade

  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-04.S1.01: Uses various locomotor skills in a variety of small-sided practice tasks, dance/rhythmic movements and educational gymnastics experiences.
    • PED-04.S1.02: Runs for distance using a mature pattern.
    • PED-04.S1.03: Uses spring-andstep take-offs and landings specific to gymnastics.
    • PED-04.S1.04: Uses spring-and-step take-offs and landings specific to gymnastics.
    • PED-04.S1.05: Combines locomotor movement patterns and dance steps to create and perform an original dance
    • PED-04.S1.06: Combines traveling with manipulative skills of dribbling, throwing, catching and striking in teacher and/or student-designed small-sided practice tasks.
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-04.S1.07: Balances on different bases of support on apparatus (e.g., balance beam, bench, BOSU ball), demonstrating levels and shapes.
    • PED-04.S1.08: Transfers weight from feet to hands varying speed and using large extensions (e.g., mule kick, handstand, cartwheel). (
    • PED-04.S1.09: Applies skill
    • PED-04.S1.10: Moves into and out of balances on apparatus with curling, twisting and stretching actions.
    • PED-04.S1.11: Combines locomotor skills and movement concepts (e.g., levels, shapes, extensions, pathways, force, time, flow) to create and perform a dance/rhythmic movement with a partner.
    • PED-04.S1.12: Combines traveling with balance and weight transfers to create a gymnastics sequence with and without equipment or apparatus.
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-04.S1.13: Applies skill.
    • PED-04.S1.14a: Throws overhand using a mature pattern in a nondynamic environments (closed skills).
    • PED-04.S1.14b: Throws overhand to a partner or at a target with accuracy at a reasonable distance.
    • PED-04.S1.15: Throws to a moving partner with reasonable accuracy in a nondynamic environments (closed skills).
    • PED-04.S1.16: Catches a thrown ball above the head, at chest or waist level, and below the waist using a mature pattern in a nondynamic environment (closed skills).
    • PED-04.S1.17a: Dribbles in self-space with both the preferred and nonpreferred hands using a mature pattern.
    • PED-04.S1.17b: Dribbles in general space in control of ball and body while increasing and decreasing speed.
    • PED-04.S1.18: Dribbles with the feet in general space with control of ball and body while increasing and decreasing speed.
    • PED-04.S1.19a: Passes and receives a ball with the insides of the feet to a moving partner in a nondynamic environments (closed skills).
    • PED-04.S1.19b: Receives and passes a ball with the outsides and insides of the feet to a stationary partner, giving on reception before returning the pass.
    • PED-04.S1.20: Dribbles with hands or feet in combination with other skills (e.g., passing, receiving, shooting).
    • PED-04.S1.21: Kicks along the ground and in the air, and punts using mature patterns.
    • PED-04.S1.22: Volleys underhand using a mature pattern, in a dynamic environment (e.g., 2 square, 4 square, handball).
    • PED-04.S1.23: Strikes/volleys with a two-hand over-head pattern, sending a ball upward while demonstrating four of the five critical elements of a mature pattern. (
    • PED-04.S1.24a: Strikes an object with a short-handled implement while demonstrating a mature pattern.
    • PED-04.S1.24b: Strikes an object with a short-handled implement, alternating hits with a partner over a low net or against a wall.
    • PED-04.S1.25: Strikes an object with a long-handled implement (e.g., hockey stick, golf club, bat, tennis or badminton racket), while demonstrating three of the five critical elements of a mature pattern for the implement (e.g., grip, stance, body orientation, swing plane and followthrough).
    • PED-04.S1.26: Combines traveling with the manipulative skills of dribbling, throwing, catching and striking in teacher-and/or student-designed, small-sided, practicetask environments.
    • PED-04.S1.27: Creates a jump-rope routine with either a short or long rope.

Fifth Grade

  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-05.S1.01a: Demonstrates mature patterns of locomotor skills in dynamic small-sided practice tasks, gymnastics and dance/rhythmic movements.
    • PED-05.S1.01b: Combines locomotor and manipulative skills in a variety of smallsided practice tasks in game environments.
    • PED-05.S1.01c: Combines traveling with manipulative skills for execution to a target (e.g., scoring in soccer, hockey and basketball).
    • PED-05.S1.02: Uses appropriate pacing for a variety of running distances.
    • PED-05.S1.03: Combines jumping and landing patterns with locomotor and manipulative skills in dance/rhythmic movements, gymnastics and smallsided practice tasks in game environments.
    • PED-05.S1.04: Combines jumping and landing patterns with locomotor and manipulative skills in dance/rhythmic movement, gymnastics and smallsided practice tasks in game environments.
    • PED-05.S1.05: Combines locomotor skills in cultural as well as creative rhythmic activities/dances (self and group) with correct rhythm and pattern.
    • PED-05.S1.06: Applied skills.
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-05.S1.07: Combines balance and transferring weight in a gymnastics sequence or rhythmic activities/dance with a partner.
    • PED-05.S1.08: Transfers weight in gymnastics or rhythmic activities/dance environments.
    • PED-05.S1.09: Applies skill.
    • PED-05.S1.10: Performs curling, twisting and stretching actions with correct application in rhythmic activities/dance, gymnastics and smallsided practice tasks in game environments.
    • PED-05.S1.11: Combines locomotor skills and movement concepts (e.g., levels, shapes, extensions, pathways, force, time, flow) to create and perform a rhythmic activities/dance with a group
    • PED-05.S1.12: Combines actions, balance and weight transfers to create a gymnastics sequence with a partner on equipment or apparatus
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-05.S1.13a: Throws underhand using a mature pattern in nondynamic environments (closed skills), with different sizes and types of objects.
    • PED-05.S1.13b: Throws underhand to a large target with accuracy
    • PED-05.S1.14a: Throws overhand using a mature pattern in nondynamic environments (closed skills), with different sizes and types of objects.
    • PED-05.S1.14b: Throws overhand to large target with accuracy.
    • PED-05.S1.15a: Throws with accuracy, both partners moving.
    • PED-05.S1.15b: Throws with reasonable accuracy in dynamic, smallsided practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S1.16a: Catches a batted ball above the head, at chest or waist level and along the ground using a mature pattern in a nondynamic environment (closed skills).
    • PED-05.S1.16b: Catches with accuracy, both partners moving.
    • PED-05.S1.16c: Catches with reasonable accuracy in dynamic, smallsided practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S1.17: Combines hand dribbling with other skills during one-onone practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S1.18: Combines foot dribbling with other skills in one-on-one practice tasks
    • PED-05.S1.19a: Passes with the feet, using a mature pattern, as both partners travel.
    • PED-05.S1.19b: Receives a pass with the feet, using a mature pattern, as both partners travel.
    • PED-05.S1.20: Dribbles with hands or feet with mature patterns in a variety of small-sided game forms.
    • PED-05.S1.21: Demonstrates mature patterns of kicking and punting in small-sided practice task environments.
    • PED-05.S1.22: Applies skill.
    • PED-05.S1.23: Volleys a ball using a two-hand overhead pattern, sending it upward to a target.
    • PED-05.S1.24: Strikes an object consecutively, with a partner, using a shorthandled implement, over a net or against a wall, in either a competitive or cooperative game environment.
    • PED-05.S1.25a: Strikes a pitched ball with a bat using a mature pattern.
    • PED-05.S1.25b: Combines striking with a long implement with receiving and traveling skills in a small-sided game
    • PED-05.S1.26: Combines manipulative skills and traveling for execution to a target (e.g., scoring in soccer, hockey and basketball).
    • PED-05.S1.27: Creates a jump-rope routine with a partner, using either a short or long rope.

Sixth Grade

  • (DR) Cluster Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-06.S1.DR.01: Demonstrates correct rhythm and pattern for one of the following dance/rhythmic forms: folk, social, creative line or world dance.
  • (IG) Cluster Invasion Games
    • PED-06.S1.IG.01: Throws with a mature pattern for distance or power appropriate to the Throwing practice task (e.g., distance = outfield to home plate; power = 2nd base to 1st base).
    • PED-06.S1.IG.02: Catches with a mature pattern from a variety of trajectories using different catching objects in varying practice tasks (e.g., self-toss and catch, partner toss and catch, small group toss and catch).
    • PED-06.S1.IG.03: Passes and receives with hands in combination with loco-motor patterns of Passing and receiving running and change of direction and speed with competency in invasion games (e.g., basketball, flag football, speedball or team handball).
    • PED-06.S1.IG.04: Throws, while stationary, a leading pass to a moving receiver.
    • PED-06.S1.IG.05: Performs pivot, fakes and jab steps designed to create open space during Offensive skills Practice tasks.
    • PED-06.S1.IG.06: Performs the following offensive skills without defensive pressure: pivot, give and go fakes.
    • PED-06.S1.IG.07: Dribbles with dominant hand using a change of speed and direction in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-06.S1.IG.08: Foot dribbles or dribbles with an implement with control, changing speed and direction in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-06.S1.IG.09: Shoots on goal with power in a dynamic environment as appropriate to the activity (e.g., slap shot in hockey, penalty kick in soccer).
    • PED-06.S1.IG.10: Maintains defensive ready position, with weight on balls of feet, arms, extended and eyes on midsection of the offensive player.
  • (NW) Cluster Net and wall games
    • PED-06.S1.NW.01: Performs an underhand serve with mature form and control for net/wall games such as badminton, volleyball or pickleball.
    • PED-06.S1.NW.02: Strikes, with a mature overarm pattern, in a non-dynamic environment for net/wall games (e.g., volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis).
    • PED-06.S1.NW.03: Demonstrates the mature form of the forehand and backhand strokes with a short-handled implement in net games such as paddle ball, pickleball or short-handled racket tennis.
    • PED-06.S1.NW.04: Transfers weight with correct timing for the striking pattern (e.g., volleyball attack approach, racquet forehand/backhand footwork).
    • PED-06.S1.NW.05: Forehand volley with a mature form and control using a short-handled implement.
    • PED-06.S1.NW.06: Two-hand volleys with control in a variety of practice tasks (e.g., against a wall, with a partner).
  • (TG)Cluster Target games
    • PED-06.S1.TG.01: Executes consistently a mature underhand pattern for target games (e.g., bowling, bocci or horseshoes).
    • PED-06.S1.TG.02: Strikes, with an implement, a stationary object for accuracy in activities (e.g., croquet, shuffleboard or golf).
    • PED-06.S1.TG.03: Strikes a pitched ball with an implement with force in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-06.S1.TG.04: Catches with mature form, from different trajectories, using a variety of objects in varying practice tasks.
  • (OP) Cluster Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-06.S1.OP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for basic skills in one self-selected outdoor activity.
  • (AQ) Cluster Aquatics
    • PED-06.S1.AQ.01: Preferably taught at elementary or secondary levels. However, availability of facilities might dictate when swimming and water safety are offered in the curriculum.
  • (IP) Cluster Individual-performance activities
    • PED-06.S1.IP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for basic skills in one self-selected individual-performance activity.

Seventh Grade

  • (DR) Cluster: Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-07.S1.DR.01: Demonstrates correct rhythm and pattern for a different dance/rhythmic form than performed in 6th grade from folk, social, creative, line and world dance.
  • (IG) Cluster: Invasion Games
    • PED-07.S1.IG.01: Throws with a mature pattern for distance or power appropriate to the activity in a dynamic environment.
    • PED-07.S1.IG.02: Catches with a mature pattern from a variety of trajectories using different objects in small-sided game play
    • PED-07.S1.IG.03: Passes and receives with feet in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction and speed with competency in invasion games (e.g. soccer, socci or speed-ball).
    • PED-07.S1.IG.04: Throws, while moving, a leading pass to a moving receiver
    • PED-07.S1.IG.05: Executes at least one of the following designed to create open space during small-sided game play: pivot, fake, jab step.
    • PED-07.S1.IG.06: Performs the following offensive skills with defensive pressure: pivot, give and go fakes.
    • PED-07.S1.IG.07: Dribbles with dominant and non-dominant hand using a change of speed direction in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-07.S1.IG.08: Foot-dribbles or dribbles with an implement combined with passing in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-07.S1.IG.09: Shoots on goal with power and accuracy in small-sided game play
    • PED-07.S1.IG.10: Slides in all directions while on defense without crossing feet.
  • (NW) Cluster: Net and wall games
    • PED-07.S1.NW.01: Executes consistently (at least 70% of the time) an underhand serve to a predetermined target for net/wall games such as badminton, volleyball or pickleball.
    • PED-07.S1.NW.02: Strikes, with a mature overarm pattern, in a dynamic environment for net/wall games (e.g., volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis).
    • PED-07.S1.NW.03: Demonstrates the mature form of forehand and backhand strokes with a longóhandled implement in net games (e.g., badminton or tennis).
    • PED-07.S1.NW.04: Transfers weight with correct timing using low to high striking pattern with a short-handled implement on the forehand/backhand side.
    • PED-07.S1.NW.05: Forehand - and backhand - volleys with a mature form and control using a short-handled implement.
    • PED-07.S1.NW.06: Two-hand-volleys with control in a dynamic environment.
  • (TG) Cluster: Target games
    • PED-07.S1.TG.01: Executes consistently (70% of the time) a mature underhand pattern for target games (e.g., bowling, bocci or horseshoes).
    • PED-07.S1.TG.02: Strikes, with an implement, a stationary object for accuracy and distance in activities (e.g., croquet, shuf?eboard or golf).
  • (FS) Cluster: Field and striking games
    • PED-07.S1.FS.01: Strikes a pitched ball with an implement to open space in a variety of practice tasks.
    • PED-07.S1.FS.02: Catches, with a mature pattern, from different trajectories using a variety of objects in small-sided game play.
  • PED-07.S1.OP (OP) Cluster: Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-07.S1.OP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for a variety of skills in one self-selected outdoor activity.
  • (AQ) Cluster: Aquatics
    • PED-07.S1.AQ.01: Preferably taught at elementary or secondary levels. However, availability of facilities might dictate when swimming and water safety are offered in the curriculum.
  • (IP) Cluster: Individual-performance activities
    • PED-07.S1.IP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for a variety of skills in one self-selected individual-performance activity.

Eighth Grade

  • (DR) Cluster: Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-08.S1.DR.01: Exhibits command of rhythm and timing by creating a movement sequence to music as an individual or in a group.
  • (IG) Cluster: Invasion Games
    • PED-08.S1.IG.01: Throws with a mature pattern for distance or power appropriate to the activity during small-sided game play.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.02: Catches using an implement in a dynamic environment or modified game
    • PED-08.S1.IG.03: Passes and receives with an implement in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction, speed and/or level with competency in invasion games (e.g., lacrosse or hockey [?oor, field, ice]).
    • PED-08.S1.IG.04: Throws a lead pass to a moving partner off a dribble or pass.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.05: Executes at least two of the following to create open space during modified game play: pivot, fake, jab step, screen.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.06: Executes the following offensive skills during small-sided game play: pivot, give and go fakes.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.07: Dribbles with dominant and nonódominant hand using a change of speed and direction in small-sided game play.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.08: Foot-dribbles or dribbles with an implement with control, changing speed and direction during small-sided game play.
    • PED-08.S1.IG.09: Shoots on goal with a |ongóhandled implement for power and accuracy in modified invasion games (e.g., hockey [?oor, field, ice] or lacrosse).
    • PED-08.S1.IG.10: Drop-steps in the direction of the pass during playeróto-player defense.
  • (NW) Cluster: Net and wall games
    • PED-08.S1.NW.01: Executes consistently (at least 70% of the time) a legal underhand serve for serving distance and accuracy for net/wall games such as badminton, volleyball or pickleball.
    • PED-08.S1.NW.02: Strikes, with a mature overarm pattern, in a modified game for net/wall games (e.g., volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis).
    • PED-08.S1.NW.03: Demonstrates the mature form of forehand and backhand strokes with a shortó or |ongóhandled implement with power and accuracy in net games (e.g., pickleball, tennis, badminton or paddle ball).
    • PED-08.S1.NW.04: Transfers weight with correct timing using low to high striking pattern with a Weight transfer long-handled implement on the forehand/backhand side
    • PED-08.S1.NW.05: Forehand - and backhand - vol|ey with a mature form and control using a short-handled implement during modified game play.
    • PED-08.S1.NW.06: Two-hand - volleys with control in a small-sided game
  • (TG) Cluster: Target games
    • PED-08.S1.TG.01: Performs consistently (70% of the time) a mature underhand pattern with accuracy and control for one target game (e.g., bowling or bocci).
    • PED-08.S1.TG.02: Strikes, with an implement, a stationary object for accuracy and power in striking activities (e.g., croquet, shuf?eboard or golf).
  • (FS) Cluster: Field and striking games
    • PED-08.S1.FS.01: Strikes a pitched ball with an implement for power to open space in a variety of small-sided games
    • PED-08.S1.FS.02: Catches, using an implement, from different trajectories and speeds in a catching dynamic environment or modified game play.
  • (OP) Cluster: Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-08.S1.OP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for basic skills in at least two self-selected Activities might include, but are not limited to recreational boating outdoor activities. (e.g., kayaking, canoeing, sailing, rowing), hiking, backpacking, fishing, orienteering/geocaching, ice skating, skateboarding, snow or water skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, bouIdering/traversing/climbing, mountain biking, adventure activities and ropes courses
  • (AQ) Cluster: Aquatics
    • PED-08.S1.AQ.01: Preferably taught at elementary or secondary levels. However, availability of Recommended that all water-based swimming instruction be facilities might dictate when swimming and water safety are offered in the performed by a WSI Certified Instructor. Curriculum.
  • (IP) Cluster: Individual-performance activities
    • PED-08.S1.IP.01: Demonstrates correct technique for basic skills in at least two self-selected individual - performance activities.

High School

  • (LA) Cluster: Lifetime Activities
    • PED-HS.S1.LA.01: Demonstrates competencyand/or refines activity-specific movement skills in two or more lifetime activities
  • (DR) Cluster: Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-HS.S1.DR.02: Demonstrates competency in dance forms (e.g., ballet, modern, hip hop, tap) used in cultural(e.g.,Scandinavian, Native American) and social occasions (e.g., weddings, celebrations).
  • (FA) Cluster: Fitness Activities
    • PED-HS.S1.FA.03: Demonstrates competency in one or more specialized skills in fitness activities

Movement Concepts


Standard 2:

Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.


    • PED-00.S2.01a: Moves in personal space to a rhythm.
    • PED-00.S2.01bis Physical Education Kindergarten Standards Moves in personal space to a rhythm.
    • PED-00.S2.02: Travels in three different pathways (e.g., zig-zag, curved, straight)
    • PED-00.S2.03: Travels in general space with different speeds.
    • PED-00.S2.04: Identify body parts (e.g., head, shoulders, knees, chest elbows, hands and feet).

First Grade

    • PED-01.S2.01: Moves in self-space and general space in response to designated beats/rhythms
    • PED-01.S2.02a: Travels demonstrating low, middle and high levels
    • PED-01.S2.02b: Travels demonstrating a variety of relationships with objects (e.g., over, under, around, through).
    • PED-01.S2.03a: Differentiates between fast and slow speeds.
    • PED-01.S2.03b: Differentiates between strong and light force.
    • PED-01.S2.04: Identify basic body planes (e.g., front, back side).

Second Grade

    • PED-02.S2.01: Combines locomotor skills in general space to a rhythm.
    • PED-02.S2.02: Combines shapes, levels and pathways into simple travel, rhythmic movement and gymnastics sequences.
    • PED-02.S2.03: Varies time and force with gradual increases and decreases (e.g., teacher control of increase/decrease through use of drum, shaker, tambourine).

Third Grade

    • PED-03.S2.01: Recognizes the concept of open spaces in a movement context
    • PED-03.S2.02: Recognizes locomotor skills specific to a wide variety of physical activities.
    • PED-03.S2.03: Combines movement concepts (direction, levels, force, time) with skills as directed by the teacher.
    • PED-03.S2.04a: Employs the concept of alignment in gymnastics and dance.
    • PED-03.S2.04b: Employs the concept of muscular tension with balance in gymnastics and dance.
    • PED-03.S2.05a: Applies simple strategies and tactics in chasing activities.
  • PED-03.S2.05b: Applies simple strategies in fleeing activities.

Fourth Grade

    • PED-04.S2.01a: Applies the concept of open spaces to combination skills involving traveling, (e.g., dribbling and traveling).
    • PED-04.S2.01b: Applies the concept of closing spaces in small-sided practice tasks.
    • PED-04.S2.01c: Dribbles in general space with changes in direction and speed.
    • PED-04.S2.02: Combines movement concepts with skills in smallsided practice tasks, gymnastics and dance/rhythmic movement environments.
    • PED-04.S2.03a: Applies the movement concepts of speed, endurance and pacing for running.
    • PED-04.S2.03b: Applies the concepts of direction and force when striking an object with a short-handled implement, sending it towards a designated target.
    • PED-04.S2.04: Applies skill.
    • PED-04.S2.05a: Applies simple offensive strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
    • PED-04.S2.05b: Applies simple defensive strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
    • PED-04.S2.05c: Recognizes the type of kicks needed for different games and sports situations.

Fifth Grade

    • PED-05.S2.01: Combines spatial concepts with locomotor and nonlocomotor movements for small groups in gymnastics, rhythmic activities dance/rhythmic activities or game environments.
    • PED-05.S2.02: Combines movement concepts with skills in small-sided practice tasks in game environments, gymnastics and rhythmic activities/dance with selfdirection.
    • PED-05.S2.03a: Applies movement concepts to strategy in game situations.
    • PED-05.S2.03b: Applies the concepts of direction and force to strike an object with a long-handled implement.
    • PED-05.S2.03c: Analyzes movement situations and applies movement concepts (e.g., force, direction, speed, pathways, extensions) in smallsided practice task in game environments, rhythmic activities/dance and gymnastics.
    • PED-05.S2.04: Applies skill.
    • PED-05.S2.05a: Applies basic offensive and defensive strategies and tactics in invasion small-sided practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S2.05b: Applies basic offensive and defensive strategies and tactics in net/wall small-sided practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S2.05c: Recognizes the type of throw, volley or striking action needed for different games and sports situations.

Sixth Grade

  • (IG) Cluster Invasion Games
    • PED-06.S2.IG.01: Creates open space by using locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, jumping and landing) in combination with movement (e.g., varying pathways; changes of speed, direction or pace).
    • PED-06.S2.IG.02: Executes at least one of the following offensive tactics to create open space: moves to open space without the ball; uses a variety of passes; uses pivot, fake or give and go.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.03: Creates open space by using the width and length of the field/court on offense.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.04: Reduces open space on defense by making the body larger and reducing passing angles.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.05: Reduces open space by not allowing the catch (denial) or by allowing the catch but not the return pass.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.06: In short-handled implement net/wall games, creates open space by varying speed and direction.
  • (NW) Cluster Net and wall games
    • PED-06.S2.NW.01: Creates open space in net/wall games with a short-handled implement by varying force and direction.
    • PED-06.S2.NW.02: Reduces offensive options for opponents by returning to mid-court position.
    • PED-06.S2.NW.03: Selects appropriate shot/club based on location of the object in relation to the target.
    • PED-06.S2.NW.04: Identifies open spaces and attempts to strike object into that space.
  • (DR) Cluster Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-06.S2.DR.01: Varies application of weight transfer and balance during dance or gymnastic activities.
  • (OP)Cluster Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-06.S2.OP.01: Makes appropriate decisions based on the weather, level of difficulty due to conditions or ability to ensure safety of self and others.

Seventh Grade

  • (IG) Cluster: Invasion Games
    • PED-07.S2.IG.01: Reduces open space by using loco-motor movements (e.g. walking, running, jumping and landing, changing size and shape of the body) in combination with movement concepts (e.g. reducing the angle in the space, reducing distance between player and goal).
    • PED-07.S2.IG.02: Executes at least two of the following offensive tactics to create open space: give and go; a variety of passes; fakes, pivot.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.03: Creates open space by staying spread on offense, and cutting and passing quickly.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.04: Reduces open space on defense by staying close to the opponent as he/she nears the goal.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.05: Reduces open space by not allowing the catch (denial) or anticipating the speed of the object or person for the purpose of interception or deflection.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.06: Transitions from offense to defense or defense to offense by recovering quickly and communicating with teammates.
  • (NW) Cluster: Net and wall games
    • PED-07.S2.NW.01: Creates open space in net/wall games with a long-handled implement by varying force, direction and moving opponent from side to side.
    • PED-07.S2.NW.02: Selects offensive shot based on opponent's location (hit where opponent is not).
    • PED-07.S2.NW.03: Varies the speed and/or trajectory of the shot based on location of the object in relation to the target.
    • PED-07.S2.NW.04: Uses a variety of shots (e.g., slap and run, bunt, line drive, high arc) to hit to open space.
    • PED-07.S2.NW.05: Selects the correct defensive play based on the situation (e.g., number of outs).
  • (DR) Cluster: Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-07.S2.DR.01: Identifies and applies Newton's Laws of Motion to various dance or movement activities.
  • (OP) Cluster: Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-07.S2.OP.01: Analyzes the situation and makes adjustments to ensure the safety of self and others.

Eighth Grade

  • (IG) Cluster: Invasion Games
    • PED-08.S2.IG.01: Opens and closes space during small-sided game play by combining creating space with locomotor movements with movement concepts.
    • PED-08.S2.IG.02: Executes at least three of the following offensive tactics to create open spaces - moves to create open space on and off the ball - uses a variety of passes, fakes, and pathways - give and go.
    • PED-08.S2.IG.03: Creates open space by staying spread on offense, cutting and passing quickly, and using fakes off the ball.
    • PED-08.S2.IG.04: Reduces open space on defense by staying on the goal side of the offensive player and reducing the distance to him/her (third-party perspective)
    • PED-08.S2.IG.06: Transitions from offense to defense or defense to offense by recovering Transitions quickly, communicating with teammates and capitalizing on an advantage.
  • (NW) Cluster: Net and wall games
    • PED-08.S2.NW.01: Creates open space in net/wall games with either a long- or short-handled implement by varying force or direction, or by moving opponent from side to side and/or forward and back.
    • PED-08.S2.NW.02: Varies placement, force and timing of return to prevent anticipation by opponent
  • (TG) Cluster: Target games
    • PED-08.S2.TG.01: Varies the speed, force and trajectory of the shot based on location of the object in relation to the target.
  • (FS) Cluster: Field and striking games
    • PED-08.S2.FS.01: Identifies sacrifice situations and attempt to advance a teammate.
    • PED-08.S2.FS.02: Reduces open spaces in the field by working with teammates to maximize coverage.
  • (IP) Cluster: Individual-performance activities
    • PED-08.S2.IP.01: Describes and applies mechanical advantages for a variety of movement patterns.
  • (OP) Cluster: Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-08.S2.OP.01: Implements safe protocols in self-selected outdoor activities.

High School

  • (MC) Cluster: Movement Concepts, Principles & Knowledge
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.01: Applies the terminology associated exercise and participation in selected lifetime activities, dance and rhythm, and fitness activities
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.02: Applies movement concepts (e.g.,describes the speed/accuracy trade-off in throwing and striking skills)and principles (e.g., force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance of self and/or others in a self-selected skill in lifetime activities, dance and rhythm, and fitness activities
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.03: Applies a practice plan to improve performance for a self-selected skill.
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.04: Identifies examples of social and dance forms.(e.g., ballet, modern, hip hop, tap).

Physical Activity


Standard 3:

Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.


    • PED-00.S3.01: Identifies active play opportunities outside physical education class (to include indoor and outdoor recess).
    • PED-00.S3.02: Actively participates in physical education class
    • PED-00.S3.03: Recognizes that when you move fast, your heart beats faster and you breathe faster.
    • PED-00.S3.06: Recognizes that food provides energy for physical activity.

First Grade

    • PED-01.S3.01: Discusses the benefits of being active and exercising and/or playing.
    • PED-01.S3.02: Actively engages in physical education class.
    • PED-01.S3.03: Identifies the heart as a muscle that grows stronger with exercise, play and physical activity.
    • PED-01.S3.06: Differentiates between healthy and unhealthy foods.

Second Grade

    • PED-02.S3.01: Describes largemotor and/or manipulative physical activities for participation outside physical education class (e.g., recess, before and after school, at home, at the park, with friends, with the family).
    • PED-02.S3.02: Actively engages in physical education class in response to instruction and practice.
    • PED-02.S3.03a: Recognizes the use of the body as resistance (e.g., holds body in plank position, animal walks) for developing strength. (
    • PED-02.S3.03b: Identifies physical activities that contribute to fitness.
    • PED-02.S3.06: Recognizes the importance of balancing nutrition and physical activity.

Third Grade

    • PED-03.S3.01a: Charts participation in physical activities outside physical education class (e.g., indoor and outdoor recess).
    • PED-03.S3.01b: Identifies physical activity benefits as a way to become healthier.
    • PED-03.S3.02: Engages in the activities of physical education class without teacher prompting.
    • PED-03.S3.03: Describes the concept of fitness and provides examples of physical activity to enhance fitness.
    • PED-03.S3.04: Recognizes the importance of warmup & cool-down relative to vigorous physical activity.
    • PED-03.S3.05: Demonstrates, with teacher direction, the health-related fitness components.
    • PED-03.S3.06: Identifies foods that are beneficial for before and after physical activity.

Fourth Grade

    • PED-04.S3.01: Analyzes opportunities for participating in physical activity outside physical education class (e.g., indoor and outdoor recess).
    • PED-04.S3.02: Actively engages in the activities of physical education class, both teacherdirected and independent.(
    • PED-04.S3.03: Identifies the components of health-related fitness.
    • PED-04.S3.04: Demonstrates warmup & cool-down relative to the cardiorespiratory fitness assessment.
    • PED-04.S3.05a: Completes fitness assessments (pre- & post-) (e.g., Presidential Youth Fitness Program/FITNESSGRAM)
    • PED-04.S3.05b: Identifies areas of needed remediation from personal test and, with teacher assistance, identifies strategies for progress in those areas.
    • PED-04.S3.06: Discusses the importance of hydration and hydration choices relative to physical activities.

Fifth Grade

    • PED-05.S3.01: Charts and analyzes physical activity outside physical education class for fitness benefits of activities.
    • PED-05.S3.02: Actively engages in all the activities of physical education.
    • PED-05.S3.03: Differentiates between skill-related and health-related fitness. (
    • PED-05.S3.04: Identifies the need for warm-up and cooldown relative to various physical activities.
    • PED-05.S3.05a: Analyzes results of fitness assessment (pre- and post-), comparing results with fitness components for good health.
    • PED-05.S3.05b: Designs a fitness plan to address ways to use physical activity to enhance fitness.
    • PED-05.S3.06: Analyzes the impact of food choices relative to physical activity, youth sports and personal health.

Sixth Grade

  • (AK) Cluster Physical activity knowledge
    • PED-06.S3.AK.01: Describes how being physically active leads to a healthy body.
  • (AE) Cluster Engages in physical activity
    • PED-06.S3.AE.01: Participates in self-selected physical activity outside of physical education class.
    • PED-06.S3.AE.02: Participates in a variety of aerobic fitness activities (e.g., cardio kick, step aerobics and/or aerobic dance).
    • PED-06.S3.AE.03: Participates in a variety of aerobic fitness activities using technology (e.g., Dance, Dance Revolution Æ or Wii FitÆ).
    • PED-06.S3.AE.04: Identifies and participates in a variety of lifetime recreational team sportsoutdoor pursuits or dance activities (e.g., sports, parks and recreation leagues, health clubs, walking and biking paths).
  • (FK) Cluster Fitness knowledge
    • PED-06.S3.FK.01: Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity that includes intermittent or continuous aerobic physical activity of both moderate and vigorous intensity for at least 60 minutes per day.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.02: Identifies the components of skill-related fitness.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.03: Sets and monitors a self-selected physical activity goal for aerobic and/or muscle- and bone-strengthening activity based on current fitness level.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.04: Employs correct techniques and methods of stretching.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.05: Differentiates between aerobic and anaerobic capacity, and muscle strength and endurance.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.06: Identifies each of the components of the overload principle (FITT formula) for different types of physical activity (aerobic, muscle fitness and flexibility).
    • PED-06.S3.FK.07: Describes the role of warm-ups and cool-downs before and after physical activity.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.08: Defines resting heart rate (RHR) and describes its relationship to aerobic fitness and the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale.
    • PED-06.S3.FK.09: Identies major muscles used in selected physical activities.
  • (PP) Cluster Program Planning
    • PED-06.S3.PP.01: Designs and implements a program of remediation for any areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment (e.g., Presidential Youth Fitness Program/Fitness program).
    • PED-06.S3.PP.02: Maintains a physical activity log for at least two weeks and reflects on activity levels as documented in the log.
  • (N) Cluster Nutrition
    • PED-06.S3.N.01: Identifies foods within each of the basic food groups and selects appropriate servings and portions for his/her age and physical activity levels.
  • (SM) Cluster Stress management
    • PED-06.S3.SM.01: Identifies positive and negative results of stress and appropriate ways for dealing with each.

Seventh Grade

  • (AK) Cluster: Physical activity knowledge
    • PED-07.S3.AK.01: Identifies barriers related to maintaining a physically active lifestyle and seeks solutions for eliminating those barriers.
  • (AE) Cluster: Engages in physical activity
    • PED-07.S3.AE.01: Participates in physical activity twice a week outside of physical education class.
    • PED-07.S3.AE.02: Participates in a variety of strength and endurance fitness activities (e.g., Pilates, resistance training, body-weight training and/or light free-weight training).
    • PED-07.S3.AE.03: Identifies and participates in a variety of strenght and endurance fitness activities such as weight or resistance training.
    • PED-07.S3.AE.04: Identifies and participates in a variety of lifetime dual and individual sports, martial arts or aquatic activities (e.g., sports, parks and recreation leagues, health clubs, walking and biking paths).
  • (FK) Cluster: Fitness knowledge
    • PED-07.S3.FK.01: Identifies and participates in moderate to vigorous muscle- and bone- strengthening phusical activity at least three times a week.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.02: Distinguishes between health-related and skill-related fitness.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.03: Adjusts physical activity based on quantity of exercise needed for a minimal health standard and/or optimal functioning based on current fitness level.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.04: Describes and demonstrates the difference between dynamic and static stretches
    • PED-07.S3.FK.05: Describes the role of exercise and nutrition in weight management.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.06: Describes FITT formula (overload principle) for different types of physical activity, the training principles on which the formula is based and how the formula and principles affect fitness
    • PED-07.S3.FK.07: Designs a warm-up/cool-down regimen for a self-selected physical activity.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.08: Defines how the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale can be used to determine perception of work effort of the intensity of exercise.
    • PED-07.S3.FK.09: Describes how muscles pull on bones to create movement in pairs by relaxing and contracting.
  • (PP) Cluster: Program Planning
    • PED-07.S3.PP.01: Designs and implements a program of remediation for two areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment (e.g., Presidential Youth Fitness Program/Fitness program).
    • PED-07.S3.PP.02: Maintains a physical activity and nutrition log for at least two weeks and reflects on activity levels and nutrition as documented in the log.
  • (N) Cluster: Nutrition
    • PED-07.S3.N.01: Develops strategies to balance healthy food, snacks and water intake, along with daily physical activity.
  • (SM) Cluster: Stress management
    • PED-07.S3.SM.01: Practices strategies for dealing with stress, (e.g., deep breathing, guided visualization and aerobic exercise).

  • Eighth Grade

    • (AK) Cluster: Physical activity knowledge
      • PED-08.S3.AK.01: Identifies the five components of health-related fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition) and explains the connections between fitness and overall physical and mental health.
    • (AE) Cluster: Engages in physical activity
      • PED-08.S3.AE.01: Participates in physical activity three times a week outside of physical education class.
      • PED-08.S3.AE.02: Participates in a variety of self-selected aerobic fitness activities outside of school (e.g., walking, jogging, biking, skating, dancing andlor swimming).
      • PED-08.S3.AE.03: Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength endurance and flexibility training.
      • PED-08.S3.AE.04: Identifies and participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (e.g., sports, parks and recreation leagues, health clubs, walking and biking paths).
    • (FK) Cluster: Fitness knowledge
      • PED-08.S3.FK.01: Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic and/or muscle- and bone- strengthening physical activity for at least 60 minutes per day at least five times a week.
      • PED-08.S3.FK.02: Compares and contrasts hea|th-re|ated fitness components.
      • PED-08.S3.FK.03: Uses available technology to self-monitor quantity of exercise needed for a minimal health standard and/or optimal functioning based on current fitness level.
      • PED-08.S3.FK.04: Employs a variety of appropriate static and dynamic stretching techniques for all major muscle groups.
      • PED-08.S3.FK.05: Describes the role of flexibility in injury prevention.
      • PED-08.S3.FK.06: Uses the FITT formula (overload principle) in preparing a personal workout.
      • PED-08.S3.FK.07: Designs and implements a warm-up/cool-down regimen for a self-selected physical activity.
      • PED-08.S3.FK.08: Defines how the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale can be used to adjust workout intensity during physical activity.
      • PED-08.S3.FK.09: Explains how body systems interact with one another (e.g., blood transports nutrients from the digestive system, oxygen from the respiratory system) during physical activity.
      • PED-08.S3.FK.10: Identify appropriate exercises to target each major muscle group and demonstrates appropriate technique when using identified resistant training machine and/or free weights.
    • (PP) Cluster: Program Planning
      • PED-08.S3.PP.01: Designs and implements a program of remediation for three areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment. (e.g., Presidential Youth Fitness Program/Fitness program).
      • PED-08.S3.PP.02: Designs and implements a program to improve levels of health-related fitness and nutrition.
    • (N) Cluster: Nutrition
      • PED-08.S3.N.01: Describes the relationship between poor nutrition and health risk factors.
    • (SM) Cluster: Stress management
      • PED-08.S3.SM.01: Demonstrates basic movements used in other stress-reducing activities (e.g., yoga and Tai Chi)

    High School

    • (AK) Cluster: Physical activity knowledge
      • PED-HS.S3.AK.01: Explain the benefits of physically active lifestyle as it relates to a healthy active lifestyle(e.g., weight management, proper nutritional practices, blood pressure regulation, healthy self-image, improved confidence, stress reduction)
      • PED-HS.S3.AK.02: Evaluates the validity of claims made by commercial products and programs pertaining to fitness and a healthy, active lifestyle
      • PED-HS.S3.AK.03: Identifies issues associated with exercising in heat, humidity,and cold.
      • PED-HS.S3.AK.04: Evaluates activities that can be pursued in the local environment according to the benefits, social support network and participation requirements (e.g.,cost of activity, available facilities, required equipment, required time, physical limitations).
      • PED-HS.S3.AK.05: Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical activity preferences throughout the life cycle(e.g., life expectancy, healthcare costs, disease prevention).
    • (AE) Cluster: Engages in physical activity
      • PED-HS.S3.AE.06: Participates more than 3 times a week in a self-selected lifetime activity, rhythmic activities/dance or fitness activity outside of the school day, (e.g., intramural and interscholastic sports, parks and recreation leagues, health clubs, walking and biking).
    • (FK) Cluster: Fitness knowledge
      • PED-HS.S3.FK.07: Demonstrates appropriate technique in resistance-training machines and free weights.
      • PED-HS.S3.FK.08: Relates physiological responses to individual levels of fitness and nutritional balance.
      • PED-HS.S3.FK.09: Identifies types of strength exercises (isometric, concentric, eccentric) and stretching exercises (static, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), dynamic) for personal fitness development (e.g., strength, endurance, range of motion).
      • PED-HS.S3.FK.10: Calculates target heart rate and applies thatinformation to personal fitness plan.
    • (PP) Cluster: Program Planning
      • PED-HS.S3.PP.11: Creates and implements a behavior-modification plan that enhances a healthy, active lifestyle. (e.g., body composition-diabetes and heart disease, muscle strength-low back pain, proper nutritional practices, drug awareness).
      • PED-HS.S3.PP.12: Designs a fitness program based on fitness assessment data including all components of health-related fitness (e.g., Presidential Youth Fitness Program, and other fitness programs) that enhances a healthy, active lifestyle.
    • (N) Cluster: Nutrition
      • PED-HS.S3.N.13: Designs and implements a nutrition plan to maintain an appropriate energy balance for a healthy, active lifestyle.
    • (SM) Cluster: Stress management
      • PED-HS.S3.SM.14: Identifies stress-management strategies (e.g., mental imagery, relaxation techniques,deep breathing, aerobic exercise, meditation) to reduce stress.

Behavior in PE


Standard 4:

Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.


    • PED-00.S4.01: Follows directions in group settings (e.g., safe behaviors, following rules, taking turns). (
    • PED-00.S4.02: Acknowledges responsibility for behavior when prompted (e.g., thumbs up, fist of five, reflective listening).
    • PED-00.S4.03: Follows instruction/ directions when prompted.
    • PED-00.S4.04: Shares equipment and space with others.
    • PED-00.S4.05: Recognizes the established protocol for class activities.
    • PED-00.S4.06: Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment with minimal reminders.

First Grade

    • PED-01.S4.01: Accepts personal responsibility by using equipment and space appropriately.
    • PED-01.S4.02: Follows the rules and parameters of the learning environment.
    • PED-01.S4.03: Responds appropriately to general feedback from the teacher.
    • PED-01.S4.04: Works independently with others in a variety of class environments (e.g., small & large groups).
    • PED-01.S4.05: Exhibits the established protocols for class activities.
    • PED-01.S4.06: Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment and space with minimal reminders.

Second Grade

    • PED-02.S4.01: Practices skills with minimal teacher prompting.
    • PED-02.S4.02: Accepts responsibility for class protocols with behavior and performance actions.
    • PED-02.S4.03: Accepts specific corrective feedback from the teacher.
    • PED-02.S4.04: Works independently with others in partner environments.
    • PED-02.S4.05: Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in teacher-designed physical activities.
    • PED-02.S4.06a: Works independently and safely in physical education.
    • PED-02.S4.06b: Works safely with physical education equipment.

Third Grade

    • PED-03.S4.01: Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed activities.
    • PED-03.S4.02: Works independently for extended periods of time.
    • PED-03.S4.03: Accepts and implements specific corrective teacher feedback.
    • PED-03.S4.04a: Works cooperatively with others.
    • PED-03.S4.04b: Recognizes others for their success/effort in movement performance.
    • PED-03.S4.05: Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in physical activity with peers.
    • PED-03.S4.06: Works independently and safely in physical activity settings.

Fourth Grade

    • PED-04.S4.01: Exhibits responsible behavior in independent group situations.
    • PED-04.S4.02: Reflects on personal social behavior in physical activity.
    • PED-04.S4.03: Listens respectfully to corrective feedback from others. (e.g., peers, adults).
    • PED-04.S4.04a: Recognizes the movement performance of others both more and less skilled.
    • PED-04.S4.04b: Accepts players of all skill levels into the physical activity.
    • PED-04.S4.05: Exhibits etiquette and adherence to rules in a variety of physical activities.
    • PED-04.S4.06: Works safely with peers and equipment in physical activity settings.

Fifth Grade

    • PED-05.S4.01: Engages in physical activity with responsible interpersonal behavior (e.g., peer to peer, student to teacher, student to referee).
    • PED-05.S4.02a: Participates with responsible personal behavior in a variety of physical activity contexts, environments and facilities.
    • PED-05.S4.02b: Exhibits respect for self with appropriate behavior while engaging in physical activity
    • PED-05.S4.03: Gives corrective feedback respectfully to peers.
    • PED-05.S4.04: Accepts, recognizes and actively involves others with both higher and lower skill abilities into physical activities and group projects.
    • PED-05.S4.05: Critiques the etiquette involved in rules of various game activities.
    • PED-05.S4.06: Applies safety principles with ageappropriate physical activities.

Sixth Grade

  • (PR) Cluster Personal responsibility
    • PED-06.S4.PR.01: Exhibits personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette, demonstrating respect for facilities and exhibiting safe behaviors.
    • PED-06.S4.PR.02: Identifies and uses appropriate strategies to self-reinforce positive fitness behaviors, such as positive self-talk.
  • (AF) Cluster Accepting Feedback
    • PED-06.S4.AF.01: Demonstrates self-responsibility by implementing specific corrective feedback to improve performance.
  • (WO) Cluster Working with others
    • PED-06.S4.WO.01: Accepts differences among class-mates in physical development, maturation and varying skill levels by providing encouragement and positive feedback.
    • PED-06.S4.WO.02: Cooperates with a small group of classmates during adventure activities, game play or team-building activities.
  • (RE) Cluster Rules and etiquette
    • PED-06.S4.RE.01: Identifies the rules and etiquette for physical activities/games and dance/rhythmic activities.
  • (S) Cluster Safety
    • PED-06.S4.S.01: Uses physical activity and fitness equipment appropriately and safely, with the teacher's guidance.
    • PED-06.S4.S.02: Demonstrates competency in performing basic hands only CPR and associated skills.

Seventh Grade

  • (PR) Cluster: Personal responsibility
    • PED-07.S4.PR.01: Exhibits responsible social behaviors by cooperating with classmates, demonstrating inclusive behaviors and supporting classmates
    • PED-07.S4.PR.02: Demonstrates both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation by selecting opportunities to participate in physical activity outside of class
  • (AF) Cluster: Accepting Feedback
    • PED-07.S4.AF.01: Provides corrective feedback to a peer, using teacher-generated guidelines, and incorporating appropriate tone and other communication skills.
  • (WO) Cluster: Working with others
    • PED-07.S4.WO.01: Demonstrates cooperation skills by establishing rules and guidelines for resolving conflicts.
    • PED-07.S4.WO.02: Problem-solves with a small group of classmates during adventure activities, small group initiatives or game play.
  • (RE) Cluster: Rules and etiquette
    • PED-07.S4.RE.01: Demonstrates knowledge of rules and etiquette by self-officiating modified physical activities/games or following parameters to create or modify dances/rhythmic activities.
  • (S) Cluster: Safety
    • PED-07.S4.S.01: Independently uses physical activity and exercise equipment appropriately and safely.
    • PED-07.S4.S.02: Demonstrates competency in performing basic hands only CPR and associated skills.

Eighth Grade

  • (PR) Cluster: Personal responsibility
    • PED-08.S4.PR.01: Accepts responsibility for improving one's own levels of physical activity and fitness.
    • PED-08.S4.PR.02: Uses effective self-monitoring skills to incorporate opportunities for physical activity in and outside of school.
  • (AF) Cluster: Accepting feedback
    • PED-08.S4.AF.01: Provides encouragement and feedback to peers without prompting from the teacher.
  • (WO) Cluster: Working with others
    • PED-08.S4.WO.01: Responds appropriately to participantsí ethical and unethical behavior during physical activity by using rules and guidelines for resolving conflicts.
    • PED-08.S4.WO.02: Cooperates with multiple classmates on problem-solving initiatives including adventure activities, large-group initiatives and game play.
  • (RE) Cluster: Rules and etiquette
    • PED-08.S4.RE.01: Applies rules and etiquette by acting as an official for modi?ed physical activities games and creating dance routines within a given set of parameters.
  • (S) Cluster: Safety
    • PED-08.S4.S.01: Independently uses physical activity and fitness equipment appropriately, and identifies, specific safety concerns, precautions, and consequences associated with the activity.
    • PED-08.S4.S.02: Demonstrates competency in performing basic hands only CPR and associated skills.

High School

  • (PR) Cluster: Personal responsibility
    • PED-HS.S4.PR.01: Employs effective self-management skills to analyze barriers and modify physical activity patterns appropriately, as needed.
  • (RE) Cluster: Rules and etiquette
    • PED-HS.S4.RE.02: Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity and/or social dance (e.g., respect for self and others, knowledge of rules, avoidance of inappropriate language, anger management, etiquette, fair play).
  • (WO) Cluster: Working with others
    • PED-HS.S4.WO.03: Uses communication skills and strategies that promote teamor group dynamics.
    • PED-HS.S4.WO.04: Solves problems and thinks critically in physical activity or dance settings,both as an individual and in groups.
  • (S) Cluster: Safety
    • PED-HS.S4.S.05: Applies best practices for participating safely in physical activity, exercise and rhythmic activities/dance (e.g., injury prevention, proper alignment, hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection).
    • PED-HS.S4.S.06: Demonstrates competency in performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and associated skills(i.e.,automated external defibrillatorand first aid)gained through psychomotor skills practice based on current national guidelines.

Fitness Concepts


Standard 5:

Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.


    • PED-00.S5.01: Recognizes that physical activity is important for good health.
    • PED-00.S5.02: Acknowledges that some physical activities are challenging/difficult.
    • PED-00.S5.03b: Discusses the enjoyment of playing with friends.
    • PED-00.S5.03a: Identifies physical activities that are enjoyable.

First Grade

    • PED-01.S5.01: Identifies physical activity as a component of good health.
    • PED-01.S5.02: Recognizes that challenge in physical activities can lead to improvement.
    • PED-01.S5.03a: Describes positive feelings that result from participating in physical activities.
    • PED-01.S5.03b: Discusses personal reasons for enjoying physical activities (the why).

Second Grade

    • PED-02.S5.01: Recognizes the relationship between physical activity and good health.
    • PED-02.S5.02: Compares physical activities that bring confidence and challenge
    • PED-02.S5.03: Identifies physical activities that provide self-expression (e.g., rhythmic activities/dance, gymnastics routines, practice tasks in game environments).

Third Grade

    • PED-03.S5.01: Discusses the relationship between physical activity and good health.
    • PED-03.S5.02: Discusses the challenge that comes from learning a new physical activity.
    • PED-03.S5.03: Reflects on the reasons for enjoying selected physical activities.
    • PED-03.S5.04: Describes the positive social interactions that come when engaged with others in physical activity.

Fourth Grade

    • PED-04.S5.01: Examines the health benefits of participating in physical activity.
    • PED-04.S5.02: Rates the enjoyment of participating in challenging and mastered physical activities.
    • PED-04.S5.03: Ranks the enjoyment of participating in different physical activities. (
    • PED-04.S5.04: Describes and compares the positive social interactions when engaged in partner, small-group and large-group physical activities.

Fifth Grade

    • PED-05.S5.01: Compares the health benefits of participating in selected physical activities.
    • PED-05.S5.02: Expresses (e.g., written essay, visual art, creative rhythmic activities/dance) the enjoyment and/or challenge of participating in a favorite physical activity. (
    • PED-05.S5.03: Analyzes different physical activities for enjoyment and challenge, identifying reasons for a positive or negative response.
    • PED-05.S5.04: Describes the social benefits gained from participating in physical activity (e.g., recess, youth sport).

Sixth Grade

  • (H) Cluster Health
    • PED-06.S5.H.01: Describes how being physically active leads to a healthy body.
    • PED-06.S5.H.02: Identifies components of physical activity that provide opportunities for reducing stress and other Social interaction.
  • (CH) Cluster Challenge
    • PED-06.S5.CH.01: Recognizes individual challenges and copes in a positive way, such as extending effort, asking for help/feedback and/or modifying the tasks.
  • (SE) Cluster Self expression and enjoyment
    • PED-06.S5.SE.01: Describes how moving competently in a physical activity setting creates enjoyment.
    • PED-06.S5.SE.02: Identifies how self-expression and physical activity are related.
  • (SI) Cluster Social Interaction
    • PED-06.S5.SI.01: Demonstrates respect for self and others in activities and games by following the rules, encouraging others and playing within the spirit of the game or activity.

Seventh Grade

  • (H) Cluster: Health
    • PED-07.S5.H.01: Identifies different types of physical activities and describes how each exerts a positive impact on health.
    • PED-07.S5.H.02: Identifies positive mental and emotional aspects of participating in a variety of physical activities.
  • (CH) Cluster: Challenge
    • PED-07.S5.CH.01: Generates positive strategies such as offering suggestions/assistance, leading/following others and/or providing possible solutions when faced with a group challenge.
  • (SE) Cluster: Self expression and enjoyment
    • PED-07.S5.SE.01: Identifies why self-selected physical activities create enjoyment.
    • PED-07.S5.SE.02: Explains the relationship between self-expression and lifelong enjoyment through physical activity.
  • (SI) Cluster: Social Interaction
    • PED-07.S5.SI.01: Demonstrates the importance of Social interaction by helping and encouraging others, avoiding trash talk and providing support to classmates.

Eighth Grade

  • (H) Cluster: Health
    • PED-08.S5.H.01: Identifies and explains the connection between the five components of health-related fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, ?exibility, cardiovascular endurance and body composition) and overall physical and mental health.
    • PED-08.S5.H.02: Analyzes the empowering benefits of being physical active.
  • (CH) Cluster: Challenge
    • PED-08.S5.CH.01: Develops a plan of action and makes appropriate decisions based on that plan when faced with an individual challenge.
  • (SE) Cluster: Self-expression and enjoyment
    • PED-08.S5.SE.01: Discusses how enjoyment could be increased in self-selected physical activities.
    • PED-08.S5.SE.02: Identi?es and participates in an enjoyable activity that prompts individual self-expression.
  • (SI) Cluster: Social Interaction
    • PED-08.S5.SI.01: Demonstrates respect for sell by asking for help and helping others in various physical activities.

High School

  • (H) Cluster: Health
    • PED-HS.S5.H.01: Analyzes the health benefits of a self-selected physical activity and proper nutrition.
  • (CH) Cluster: Challenge
    • PED-HS.S5.CH.02: Chooses an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical activity.
  • (SE) Cluster: Self-expression and enjoyment
    • PED-HS.S5.SE.03: Selects and participates in physical activities or rhythmic activities/dance that meet the need for self-expression and enjoyment.
  • (SI) Cluster: Social Interactions
    • PED-HS.S5.SI.04: Identifies the opportunity for social support in a self-selected physical activity or rhythmic activities/dance.

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